a revisit to the Cafe

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Jessica was awake ripe and early a couple days later of the events that happened between Aristio and Jessica, Jessica was making herself a fruit energy drink for the go and she thinks on how this solo mission will go because one Jessica is always the one who handles the base and 2 she doesn't really trust Aristio in the kitchen but Aristio was sleeping in his room at the moment so he didn't know Jessica was awake, Aristio slowly sat up in bed groaning before getting up and rubbing his eyes, he yawned before getting up out of bed and walking to the kitchen, he then poked his head out and looked around before seeing Jessica in the kitchen making an energy drink, he silently walked in and leaned on the counter, Jessica perks up and looks behind her and saw Aristio all groggy and messy haird like he just woke up, "oh you're awake this early?" Jessica said in her usual soft tone as she turns of the blender and walking over to Aristio and giving him his breakfast which was cereal, Aristio took the bowl “Thank you”, He said in a sleepy tone of voice as he took a spoonful of cereal and put it into his mouth while leaning on the counter more, his hair all messy and ruffled. Jessica chuckled slightly at this, and leaned on the counter next to him "You know you have messy hair right?", She said with a soft smile on her face, Aristio quickly looked up at her as he swallowed his cereal and pouted a bit, he huffed and ruffled his own hair making it even messier in hopes of annoying Jessica, Jessica looked at him for a second before snickering at his messier hair, she chuckled slightly and said in a teasing tone "Even messier now". Aristio stuck his tongue out at her and pouted even more, he then took a spoonful of cereal and popped it into his mouth, he then said with a mouth full of cereal while looking at Jessica “Stop laughing at me, you meanie”. Jessica smiles and pats Aristio on the back as she said "I'm going on my own solo mission today pal, so you'll have the place to yourself" in a gentle tone watching Aristio take in that bit of information and his face of realization, Aristio froze and quickly swallowed his cereal before whipping his head to look at her, he looked surprised and his eyes widened as he looked at her, he had a look of shock and worry on his face as he said in a surprised tone “You’re going a solo mission today? All alone?”, Jessica chuckled slightly at his reaction finding it funny and she said "yep I'm going alone, we both knew this was coming since you already went on a solo mission before so I think its my turn to have a proper solo mission" with a cheeky smile and as she pats Aristio on the head, Aristio pouted even more and pouted at her patting his head, his hair was all fluffy and messy, Aristio then looked down and said grumpily “But I don't want you to go on a solo mission, what if something bad happens and you need help?”, Jessica said blankly "you have Captain Noah on speed dial" as she got her travel bag ready to go and all the things she needs like water, snacks and her fighting boots she uses for combat. Once Jessica was ready she reassures Aristio she'll be fine and she went to the portal room that was already ready for her. Aristio silently followed her to the portal room, he still looked and seemed upset at hearing that Jessica was going on her own, once they were in the portal room Aristio said in a pouty and upset tone “Promise me you'll be safe and careful, and if anything happens, call me and Captain Noah right away right?”, Jessica looked at him for a minute before she smiled and said “I promise that I’ll be safe and careful, and I’ll call you and Captain Noah if anything happens alright? I’ll make it out okay”, Aristio still looked a bit worried and pouty but he nodded slowly and still seemed somewhat concerned as he watched her go to the portal “Okay then, but you better be careful and safe out there, I don’t want you to get hurt or hurt yourself”, He said with a slight frown, "I'll be fine" Jessica said in a calm tone as the portal powers on and she said "if anything I'll call you" in a gentle tone as the portal was ready, Jessica went through the portal leaving Aristio alone in their base with Hexel. Meanwhile with Jessica she appears in a familiar area, she looks up and saw the cafe Ollin and Allison worked at but it was less busy when Jessica last been there with Aristio, Jessica walks to the front door of the cafe and went inside, Ollin and Allison were working, it was a quite shift today at the cafe, they were both talking with each other and doing their usual tasks, then they suddenly heard the entrance bell ring and they both looked and saw Jessica standing there inside the cafe, Jessica stretched a bit and she walks to the front counter to greet Ollin and Allison, Allison gave a dull wave while Ollin looked excited to see a familiar face, Ollin smiled brightly as they saw Jessica and said in a cheerful tone "Jessica!", they then turned to Allison and said "Hey Alli, look who's here!", Allison looked between Ollin and Jessica for a moment, she then said in a dull tone with a slight smile "Hello Jessica, so good to see you again, Jessica smiles and waves hi as she said "like wise Allison" in a cheerful tone, Ollin's tail was wagging a bit as they were with Jessica and Allison took noticed and said "Ollin... your tail is going to knock a bottle over" in a somewhat tired voice making Ollin realize their tail was going bonkers, Ollin stopped wagging their tail and quickly said in a bit of panicked tone and said "Oops! Sorry Alli!", Allisons face looked a bit annoyed when saying "You gotta stop doing that, we could drop and break some bottles or containers, and I ain't cleaning the mess up if it does",
Ollin chuckled sheepishly and said in a sheepish tone "Oopsie!", Jessica chuckled and said in an amused tone as she watched the two "You two seem like your doing well", Allison nodded her head in response and then asked in a dull tone "So what brings you here today?", Jessica smiles and said "oh I'm in a solo mission at the moment so Aristio isn't with me for today, took a while because the lad was worried for my safety" in a kind yet nervous tone and Allison leans on the counter and looked at Jessica and the travel bag Jessica had over her back, Ollin was smiling the whole time. Both Ollin and Allison looked at Jessica's travel bag and they both had a small quizzical look on their face, Allison asked in a curious tone but in her usual dull voice "So what do you have in the bag?", Ollin also looked curious about this as they glanced at the bag as well, Jessica glances over at her bag for a moment and said in a calm tone "Supplies such as food, water, a first aid kit in case of anything and etc", Jessica said listing a couple of the items she had in the bag, Allison looked at her with a nod and said in a dull tone while still leaning on the counter "That makes sense", Ollin was still curious and smiled and asked in their usually cheerful tone "But what's the mission?", Allision glanced at Ollin for a moment before looking back at Jessica with a raised eyebrow in curiosity, Jessica took a second before saying in a calm but nervous tone "I'm going after a criminal", Allison nodded her head while Ollin looked surprised but excited at hearing this, Ollin perked up upon hearing the word criminal and asked in an excited tone "A criminal?!", Allison looked at Ollin and said in a dull tone "Calm down Ol', your gonna break a bottle if you don't", Ollin didn't even realize they were wagging their tail again, they looked down at their tail and said slowly in an sheepish tone "Oops", Allison rolled her eyes and then asked Jessica in a dull tone "How dangerous are they?", Jessica thought for a moment, trying to think of the right words, then she said in a calm tone and in a serious tone "Very dangerous, from what I've heard they have done several crimes, and they're pretty dangerous, even with my skills to fight, it could be challenging", Ollin listened intently as Jessica spoke, they couldn’t help but shiver slightly at how dangerous the criminal was, Allison was interested in the details but still seemed slightly dull and uninterested at the same time, Jessica took out the paper that had the description of the guy she was after and as she looks through it she can sence Ollin being excited and she said "Ollin if your tail is going to act up you might as well stand next to me so you don't knock anything over" in a calm tone as she, reads the description carefully, Ollin perked up at hearing Jessica notice them being excited and the thought of standing next to her, they quickly calmed themself down and stepped out from behind the counter and stood next to Jessica and their tail started to wag again, Allison rolled her eyes slightly and said in a dull tone "Ollin, control yourself, once Jessica finished reading the description carefully and the other things that are important she puts the paper away and puts the paper in her pocket and said "oh give em a break Allison, they're obviously excited to see me" in a teasing tone as she straightened her posture and patting Ollin on the head making Ollin make happy noises and their tail made a heart shaped but it wasn't noticeable, Allison rolled her eyes at Jessica’s teasing tone and she said in a dull but somewhat annoyed tone "Yeah I can see that, their like an excitable puppy, they get excited so easily"
Ollin was enjoying the head pats from Jessica, their tail was wagging behind them and like a puppy they had a happy expression on their face, Jessica chuckled slightly at hearing Allison comparing Ollin to a puppy and said in a playful tone "Yep they are" Jessica said as she continue to pat their head, her eyes then glanced at Ollin's tail when she saw the heart shape and she stifled a small chuckle at that, Allison saw Jessica glance at Ollin’s tail for a moment but she thought that it was a coincidence and just looked at Ollin who was still enjoying getting their head patted, they looked like they had an absolute goofy smile on their face and Ollin’s tail was wagging and their tail made a heart shape again, it was a bit noticeable this time, Jessica looked at Ollin’s tail again when seeing the heart shape and this time she didn’t stifle a small chuckle and she said in an amused tone "You know, Ollin’s tail is making a heart shape right now", Allison turned and look at Ollin’s tail and they noticed that it was slightly visible compared to last time making Allison slightly curious a bit, Ollin’s head perked up when they heard Jessica, and upon hearing that their tail was making a heart shape they quickly looked behind them and saw that their tail was making a heart shape, they blushed furiously and then said in a embarrassed and nervous tone “A-ah! O-oh no…”,
Allison looked at Ollin and their blushing face and said in a slight curious yet dull tone:“Why are you blushing all of a sudden?”, Ollin quickly tried to cover up their blush by trying to think of an excuse, then they said in a nervous but somewhat sheepish tone “N-no reason! I’m not blushing!”
Allison didn’t look convinced at all and she said in a dull yet “don’t buy it” tone “Really? Your blushing for no reason? And it’s not because you’re flustered by anything or anyone?”, Ollin got more flustered and nervous when Allison asked them that, they then quickly spoke a bit frantically trying to cover up their flustered state “N-no! I’m not flustered by anyone or anything!” Allison raised an eyebrow and said in a doubtful tone “Really?, you don’t seem to be telling the truth, are you sure your not flustered by anyone at all?” she said, looking at Jessica for a brief moment, Ollin started to get even more nervous and flustered as Allison asked them that again and with her looking at Jessica for a moment, Ollin then said with their face turning a bit more redder “Y-yeah! I’d-I’m not flustered by anyone! I-I swear!”. Allison rolled her eyes in disbelief and raised an eyebrow at them as she said in a dull tone “Seriously? Even though you were obviously blushing and you were getting excited when Jessica patted your head?”, Ollin blushed even more when Allison brought up the fact that they were blushing and that they were getting excited when Jessica pat their head, and they then said in a even more nervous but sheepish tone “O-okay f-fine! I was blushing and I was getting excited when Jessica patted my head…, b-but I’m telling the truth, I’m not flustered by her!”. Jessica had stopped patting Ollin's on the head at this point, and now she was watching the whole thing unfold little by little, she then got ready to leave for her task so she could go back to the base and rest for the weekend, she then took out two protein bars for Allison and Ollin and walks to the exit door, Allison and Ollin glanced at Jessica as she took out two protein bars for them and was walking to the exit door, they both stared for a few seconds before Ollin said in a surprised tone “W-wait, you’re leaving already?”, Allison glanced at Ollin for a moment before turning to Jessica and asked in a dull “So you’re going already?”, Jessica was about to leave the cafe until she heard Ollin, upon hearing their surprised tone she stopped and turned back to them and said in a calm tone “Yes, I’m going” Ollin’s ears pinned back a bit knowing that Jessica was going to leave, they then hesitantly asked in a a sad yet worried and anxious tone “B-but when will you come back?”, Jessica gave a small smile as she heard the sad, worried and anxious tone in Ollin’s voice and she thought to herself that they were just like a puppy when they were like that, she then responded to Ollin in a kind and reassuring tone “I’ll be back within the next couple hours, there’s no need to worry, I’ll be alright out there”, Ollin looked a bit hopeful at hearing that Jessica would come back in a few hours, they nodded slowly and said in a slight nervous tone “O-okay, but you’ll be careful and safe out there right?..” Allison looked at Ollin with a dull yet slight eye roll at their anxiety and said in a dull tone “Don’t worry, she’ll be fine”, Jessica chuckled slightly when she heard Allison reassure that she will be fine, but then she looked at Ollin and said in a kind and reassuring tone “I’ll be careful and I’ll be safe, I promise, I’ve got to go now”

Jessica said that as she started walking for the door again, Ollin started to get slightly worried again and they muttered the words “please be safe” quietly, Jessica heard Ollin muttering “please be safe” and she stopped and turned back to them with a small smile and said in a reassuring and gentle tone “Don’t worry, I’ll be safe while out there and I promise I’ll come back alive and in one piece”, Ollin looked relieved and they nodded slowly and said in a nervous tone “Okay, just please come back alive and in one piece, I don’t want you to get badly injured or die out there”
Allison rolled her eyes slightly at Ollin’s constant worry and said in a dull tone “Stop worrying, she’ll come back alive and unharmed, she’s a skilled fighter”, Jessica chuckled at Ollin’s continuous worry and said in a reassuring and kind tone “Don’t fret, I swear that I’ll come back alive and unharmed okay?”, Allison rolled her eyes again at Ollin’s anxiety, and she said in a dull tone “See? She said that she’d come back alive and unharmed, your worried for no reason”, Ollin nodded slowly again and said in a slight nervous tone “Okay, I trust you”. Allison let out a heavy sigh and said in a somewhat “fed up” tone “See, not all that worry in the world was needed”, Jessica gave a small smile at Ollin’s trust in her and she nodded in response, she then glanced at Allison and thought to herself for a moment before saying in a slightly teasing tone “You know, for someone with a dull tone, you sure get fed up quickly at times”, Allison glanced at Jessica upon hearing that and said in a dull but somewhat annoyed tone “Yeah…shut up” she said in a bit of a sassy yet dull tone
Ollin chuckled slightly at the interaction between the two of them, Jessica grinned slightly when she heard Alison’s response and she said in a teasing tone “Ooh, someone’s getting sassy now” Allison rolled her eyes and said in a still dull tone but with a bit of sass “Am not!”, Jessica couldn’t help but chuckle a bit again and she said in a teasing and entertained tone “Really? Then why are you being so sassy then?”
Allison huffed slightly in annoyance when Jessica teased her and she said in a slightly sassy yet dull tone “Oh hush it”, Jessica started laughing a bit at Alison’s sassiness and she said in a laughing yet teasing tone “Oh boy, you really are getting sassy aren’t you!”. Ollin watched the two of them, they chuckled and thought to themself how funny this interaction was, Allison huffed again and muttered something under her breath and then said in a dull yet sassy tone “Oh shut up, you’re so annoying sometimes, both of you”
Jessica laughed a bit, she then looked at Ollin and noticed their slight amusement and she smiled and said in a teasing tone “Can you believe the sass we’re getting from her?”, Ollin laughed a bit and they shook their head no before saying in an amused tone while watching Allison who was still giving off a bit of sass “No, I didn’t think she could get that sassy that quickly, but this is quite entertaining actually”, Jessica nodded in agreement while still smiling and said in an amused tone “I agree, I didn’t expect her to get that sassy that fast either, it is kinda funny tho, she’s actually starting to sound like an annoyed teenager”
Allison gave the both of them a look with an eyebrow raised, Jessica and Ollin both chuckled at Allison’s look and Jessica said in an amused tone “See? She’s acting like an annoyed teenager, I wasn’t kidding about her sounding like one”, Allison rolled her eyes and huffed again and said in a even more annoyed and sassy tone “Stop it, I’m not acting like a teenager”. Meanwhile with Aristio and Hexle in the base, Aristio was in his bedroom and on his computer while Hexle was on his bed laying down, Aristio's dual blades were on the display case that was on the wall next to his bed, the ceiling light was dimly lit as Aristio browses through some files on his computer, it was fairly boring without Jessica around but then Aristio remembered that Jessica wasn't home so he can go through her room without getting caught this gave Aristio ideas for stuff he can do for the time being, Aristio continued to think of ideas in his head for a bit before a big impish grin appeared on his face, he got up from his chair walked out of the his room, he glanced at Hexle for a moment and said in a somewhat mischievous tone “Stay here, I’ll be back in a few minutes”, Hexle looked up from the bed that they were laying on and looked at Aristio, they were curious to know where he’s going and why but they just nodded slowly to him and laid their head back down on the bed, Aristio smiled as he saw Hexle lay back down and he then walked out of the bedroom and down the hallway to Jessica’s room while whistling a tune in a cheerful and smug manner, Aristio arrived at Jessica’s room after a few minutes of walking, he then went over the the door and opened it, upon entering her room he looked around at her room and chuckled to himself at his idea that he was thinking of doing, Aristio stepped into her room and closed the door behind him, he then started to look around her room for a bit and he thought to himself that Jessica wasn’t here, so he can mess around a bit without her knowing, Aristio’s smirk grew a bit as a thought popped up in his head and he then went over to Jessica’s bed and he sat on her bed, he then looked around again and was thinking about what he could do now that he was in her room with no one around, his smirk got bigger as other ideas popped up in his head, Aristio sat on Jessica’s bed for

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