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Shigaraki finished the paint job 10 minutes later. Using a hair drier, it dried in the following 7 minutes. 

"Shigssss take a picture," I cooed. "Pleaseeee~"

"Why?" Shigaraki asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I can't see it!" I complained. "It's on the back of my neck."

"My neck. My back. My crippling anxiety attack," Shiga muttered.



After a lot of begging and tickling, I somehow managed to convince Shigaraki to take a picture. 

"Click boom," Shigaraki said, tapping his phone screen. He inspected the photo before tossing me the phone.

It was a golden koi fish swimming in clouds.

The clouds were a warm mix of whites, creams, yellows, light pinks, and baby blues. They looked so soft and puffy, almost dream-like. The inside of the clouds looked like they were glowing. These dream clouds were grouped in clusters of 1-3, and framed the koi perfectly.

Speaking of the koi, it was white. Or at least, the body was white. The body was a metallic-ish pearlescent white, with cream-colored fins. The scales were gold and black, with one or two white ones scattered as well. 

The golden scales would shine in the light, like a really shiny coin. Etched on one of the black scales was the 'infinity' symbol. The koi's eyes were pitch black, just like the scales. They had gold highlights as well, probably to match the scales. 

"Like always, your work never ceases to amaze me," I compliment. Shigaraki's cheeks have a small pink tint. "Aww~ are you blushing?"


"Why the fuck you lying? Why you always lying?"

"I- ok...?" He said, tilting his head. "Anyway, I hope you're satisfied with this."

"Oh, I am!" I said, beaming. I slung an arm over Shigaraki's shoulders. "Do you wanna watch a movie on my laptop?"

"That's a good question."

I playfully poke his shoulder. "Pleeeease?"

"Dear lord, you said 'please'. We must really be getting serious," Shiga said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But fine. What movie?"

"The bee mo-"


"Dang it. Then how about 'Us'?"

"Fine by me."

"YASSSSS!!!!!" I yelled.

"Shh! Keep your voice down!" Shigaraki scolded. "Kurogiri sent everyone to their rooms 15 minute ago. They're probably sleeping."

"Haha can't relate," I say, getting out my laptop. I went on Netflix, going to the search bar.

(A/N is 'Us' on Netflix...?)

Shigaraki pulled over pillows and blankets, throwing them on my bed. He then packed up all of his paint and went to his room, saying he was gonna change in his pajamas. Since I was already in my pajamas, I didn't need to change. 

"Wassup bitches!" Shigaraki said barging into my room.

"Why do you have my phone?"

"Fuck you, that's why!" He continued. He had on a pair of black gloves that covered his thumb and pointer finger. Shiga also had on an oversized yellow hoodie with a blue hand on it. To finish the outfit, he had a pair of grey sweatpants and socks.

"Shiga? Why do you wear that hand on your face?" I ask.

"I- uh..." Shigaraki stuttered. "I don't really like my face."

My eyes widened in surprise. Why would he hate his face? To me, it's one of the greatest things on earth. 

"Why would you hate something that's perfect?" I mumble.


"Chicken butt," I reply and wink. Shigaraki rolls his eyes.

"I regret being hallway mates," He said. I gasp.

"And they were hallway mates!"

Shigaraki smiles. "That gets a laugh and a half."

"Smile and wave, Shigs. Smile and wave."

Then Shigaraki gave a genuine laugh. It filled the room, bouncing off walls and making everything brighter.

Fuck I'm so gay.

"Ooh!" I exclaim, another idea coming to me. I pull out moisturizer, chapstick, and a hairtie from my desk. "Since you test paint on me, can I try moisturizer on you?"

"I'm gonna regret it, but yes."

I give him a happy gasp. I first put on chapstick, seeing that it was needed the most. Surprisingly, Shigaraki was a decent test subject. He stayed still, and wasn't buzzing with energy like Toga.

After chapstick, I pulled his bangs back and tied them back with the hair tie.

"So you DO have a forehead under those bangs?"

"Eh. It's not like I needed my forehead to be exposed."

"You sir, are an emo nightmare," I say. Shigaraki laughs.

"What are you laughing at, Hot Topic?"

"Aww, you think I'm hot."

I blushed, and continued with the moisturizer and cream thing. When I was done, I told him not to touch it. He nodded. We both buried ourselves in pillows and blankets, and I (finally)played the movie.

-Time skip brought to you by Aoyama's confidence-

We are now halfway through the movie. Shigaraki was shaking, so I grabbed his half-gloved hands. He seemed surprised... and then confused. But eventually, Shigs relaxed and intertwined his fingers.

If this was one of Toga's cheesy fanfics, it would say something like 'I'm glad it was dark so he couldn't see me blush'. But for me, that's not the case. 

I wanted Shigaraki to see my blush. I wanted him to know that I cared about him. I wanted Shigaraki to feel loved.

To know he's worth so much to me.

I began to stroke Shigaraki's gloved hand with my thumb, which seemed to calm him down. 

We turned our attention back to the movie. It was pretty normal, until the occasional plot-twist or jumpscare. When those happened, Shigaraki would tense up and gasp.

When the movie ended, Shigaraki was shook. 

"H-how did you watch that with a straight face?"

"Oh trust me, me and my face are anything but straight."

"Yeah," He agreed. "You're as straight as a rainbow slinky."

I smiled, and flicked his shoulder.

"Adam!" He muttered. "You threw away your shot."

"Eh. Charles Whee deserved it," I muttered. "Anyway, I told you my sexuality. What's yours?"

"Uh..." Shigaraki trailed off. "Queer..."

"Oh, noice!" I supported. We talked about random topics for the next half hour. Ranging from anime to Toga's addiction to this thing called 'Wattpad'.

"She's, like, always ranting!" I complained. "Something about 'oblivious gays' and 'angst'."

Shigaraki gave me a sympathetic smile. "That's rough, buddy."

"You did not just Prince Zuko me."

"Oh yes I did," Shigaraki replied, putting a hand on his hip.

"You better watch out, you better watch out, yOU BETTER WATCH OUT, YOU-"

"-Need to chill," Shigaraki said. "Be more chill."

Suddenly, we hear rapid footsteps and the clatter of pots, pans, or cookie trays.


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