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Dabi POV

"Oh. Greetings, Kurogiri," Shigaraki said. 

"Hey thanks for checking in," Twice inputs.

"Uh... ok then," Kurogiri replied. "Toga, can you help with the groceries?"

Toga nods, and stands up. She and Kurogiri make their way to the kitchen, grabbing the plastic bags. There were only, like, three grocery bags, so they were done rather quickly. 

"I see your watching law and order?" Kurogiri brings up. Shigaraki was in a deep trance, staring at the TV. So I gave Kurogiri a nod and thumbs-up.

"Shiga?" I say, tapping his shoulder. He flinches. Weird. He then turns to face me, tearing his face away from the screen.


"Nothing," I reply. "Just want to make sure you're not dead. "

"Asshole," He says.

"Just kidding. I wanted to ask you if you wanted any more pizza before 'Giri puts it away."

Shigaraki shakes his head no, and turns his attention back to the TV. Kurogiri proceeds to take a slice for himself, and puts the remaining sliced in the fridge. While he was doing that, Toga walked back into the room. 

She reclined next to Twice, draping the upper half of her body on his legs. Twice lets out a happy gasp and starts playing with her hair, which was down at the moment.


I looked over at Shigaraki, and an idea popped into my head. Shigaraki was focused on the TV with such interest it scared me, so I doubt he would notice what was about to happen.

I draped an arm around Shigaraki's shoulders. His skin was cool and smooth (surprisingly) and his hoodie was soft and warm against my... raisin-like flesh. It felt... nice. Right. Now, remember what I said about not noticing? Well I was WRONG.

It was at this moment I knew. I fucked up.

"The fuck?" He said, startled. "What are you doing...?"

I shrug. "I wanted to see what it was like."

"How what felt?" Shigaraki questioned. I gestured towards Twice and Toga. "Oh. Well, now you know what it feels like... the more I say it, the more it sounds wrong. Anyway, get your prune arms off me."

I laugh, and retract my arm. Shigaraki goes back to watching the TV, and I stand up

"Where are you going?" Twice asks.

"The room where it happens."

"Le gasp!" Toga says. "Take me with you!"

"Nah, I'm going to take a shower."

"Ew," Toga says. "Don't take me with you."

I snicker, and grabbing a towel and a pair of pajamas on my way out. The pajamas consisted of sweatpants, socks, and underclothes. Before I take my shower, I set my glasses on the nightstand. Don't want those getting wet. 

-Time skip brought to you by Twice's underpaid car-

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!" I yelled.

"Shut up, your mother buys you megablocks instead of legos!" Twice shouted from the bar area.

"Ignoring Twice, what happened Dabi?" Toga asked. 

"The phoenix washed off!" I whined, as I entered the room. I had my glasses on again, too.

Shigaraki rolled his eyes. "Stop being a drama queen."

"B-but it was beautiful!" I argue.

"I got you, bro," Twice says pulling out his phone. He shows me pictures of the phoenix. 

"Bro-" I say. "Thank you! This means so much like-"

"...why?" Shigaraki pipes up.

"*Shakes freezable fruit shapes* Just because-"

Shigaraki facepalms, and leaves the room. Twice sends me the photo, and I thank him. I screenshot it, and make it my wallpaper.

"Alright! Go to your rooms while I clean my already clean glasses!" Kurogiri yells. 

We all groaned, but went to our rooms anyway. We said our goodnights, or as we like to call them: "Happy death practice".

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling and procrastinating. 

I replayed the days events in my head, allowing me to rethink my actions. And then I got to the part where I draped my arm around Shigaraki. 

Why did I do that? 

I thought about it again and again, trying to find a reason. And then I dawned on me. 

I just... wanted to.

I wanted to hold Shigaraki. I wanted to be there for him. I wanted to his smile, over and over. I wanted Shigaraki to be happy. 

I... I wanted Shigaraki

But why do I want him?

I've known him for only a week, so what makes him different?

What makes me want Shigaraki to be mine?

My head was pounding with this new information, trying to make sense of it.

Was it his quirk?
No... I don't think so.

Was it his personality?

Was it his looks? Those eyes?
No, I mean kinda. But there has to be something else.

His talents?

Or maybe it was just Shigaraki as a whole. The way all of his traits come together so perfectly, that I can't find a flaw. Wait- no, he has a few flaws. But I really, REALLY like his flaws. I like him way too much.

But is this love?

Or something else?

I sigh, running my hands through my black hair. This stuff is hard. However, I do happen to know someone who can help. Picking up my phone, I call a new number.

"420 Whatcha smokin?"

"Shoto?" I ask. "You there?"

"No, it's your great aunt Patty- OF COURSE IT'S SHOTO."

"Ok... anyway, I have a question for you."

"And I hopefully have an answer."

"But seriously. Can you answer it honestly?"

"Sure. Hit me with it," He replied. I took a deep breath.

"How did you know you were gay for Izuku?"

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