iTs CoRoNa

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People in the group chat
Aang-bald boi
Zuko-sifu hotman
Bato- warrior
Ozai-go die in a hole
Pakku-sexist peice of shi-

Not in group chat

Sokka walks around the South Pole and suddenly realizes "I haven't annoyed my sister today!" And so he walks around the hut walking to kataras room when hakoda asked him"what are you doing walking around the hut? I thought you said you were going out?" Sokka answers "oh I was, then I realized I haven't annoyed Katara yet!" Hakoda had an eyebrow raised then shrugged and said "ok, don't get to close to her thought or you'll get killed" Sokka walks to kataras room and sees aang and Katara kissing and jumps in breaking them apart yelling and screaming at aang.

Group chat
🥵the gAng🥶

Boomerang: Katara! Why were you and aang kissing?!?!!🤬🤬

Kat: it's perfectly normal to kiss your BOYFRIEND, besides you and suki do much worse

🦶👄🦶: i still haven't forgiven you both for what you did before sizing comet.

Kyoshi: heard that

Boomerang: back to the point, WHY WOULD KISS HIM YOU GAVE ME OOOGIES🤮🤢

Kat: what even are oogies Sokka?

🦶👄🦶: here I'll show you! Give me your hand

Kat: I don't trust you....🤨

🦶👄🦶:truuuuust me suger queen

Kat: oookay...if you say so

Kat: toph!!! Eww🤮🤮

🦶👄🦶: that's an oogie sweetness
Kat: I'm going to bleach my hand.....or better yet cut if of. Suki can I use your fans?
Kyoshi : sure let's go cut of ur hand!
        Kat has left 🥵the gAang🥶 chat

  Kyoshi has left 🥵the gAang🥶 chat

Sorry for short chapter I'm mainly focusing on "save her"my new book

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