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   "jesus christ" you can hear him lowly chuckle

"yo that was kinda hot you still up for phone sex" i say jokingly

sorta jokingly


i wasnt joking

   "alright listen up. im going to come it ther-"

"come in me?"

"come in THERE and stab you okay?"

"listen bro im not that kinky" i silently nod my head

i am that kinky

hes getting bamboozled

i hear a window break downstairs

"oh shit- mystery man is that you-" i say to my phone

"it is, your very smart"

"how did you know i like praising" i say with a smirk

he sighs and hangs up

i slowly make my way downstairs, my phone in hand

"maybe i should call billy" i say as i see the broken glass

"voicemail? f u c k" i whisper to myself

"yo uH- hot dude! im afraid my parents say i cant get stabbed tonight! but maybe if your nice to them theyll say yea!" i say loud enough for him to hear me

i hear him chuckle

i feel a hand sneak around my waist and a knife to my throat

"ill tell your parents your at my house" i can h e a r his smirk as he puts more force into the knife

"uh- this boy i met said i cant get murdered. sorry, bro" i nervously chuckle

"mhm well, is he here hotstuff" he asks as his grip tightens on me

'all these years of karate better pay off!' i put my foot around his ankle and put my hands to his cloak? and flip him over my shoulder


i run up the stairs as fast as i can, running to my bed and pulling out my phone again

i see him at my door way as we engage eye contact

"sorry to burst your bubble dude but my boyfriends gonna be here in a second" i say confidently and click the button to call billy again

it goes to voicemail again

"GODDAMMIT BILLY" i throw my phone at the masked man

"DISTACTION" he blocks it and i shut and lock my door as fast as i could.

"you sly little shit"

        "i try my best"

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