"can we go on that one!" i point to the largest coaster there is.
billy shakes his head as takes my hand, taking me around the park
"we can later but right now lets get a drink" he smiles at me
'his smiles are so cute'
"yea can i get a large strawberry lemonade?" billy starts to take out his wallet before i slam money on the table
he looks at me
"i could've payed for it y'know?" he smiles at me
"i've got money to burn so i think this will be my treat to you" i say back with a proud look
"next ones mine hotstuff" he grabs the lemonade and takes a drink
"not if i get it first" yoinking the drink out of his hand, i take a sip
did they put cocaine in this shit?
as i'm busy thinking about what drug they put in the drink that made it taste like ground up unicorn wishes, billy is death-staring anyone who looks my direction
"hey hotstuff wanna go ride that one" he points to a teacup ride
"oh yea. your so dangerous billy, i didn't take you for a bad boy" i say, sarcasm dripping from my voice
"your sarcasm hurts me" he puts his hand on his chest
taking his hand, we go in the line for the teacup ride
"OH! dude this is one of those where if you spin the wheel it goes faster!" i exclaim, excited as fuck
"get ready to go sonic speed shorty" he playfully elbows me
"were gonna go so fast everyones going to be so jealous." saying this made billy laugh
'his laugh is like an angel'
billy makes the ride dude hold our drink as we chose a dark blue teacup
(third person pov)
"YEAAAA BOOYYYYYYY" a couple in a teacup is spinning at godspeed
"WORLDSTAR" how can it go faster-
<your pov>
the ride sadly ends and me and billy hop off, dizzily and stumbling a bit
"holy shit." i say out of breath
"that was the most intense ride i've ever been on" we laugh a bit at his reply
exiting that ride, a ride catches billy's eyes and they light up, he doesn't mention it yet as he takes us to the biggest ride there
(time skip im sorry fam😫)
"wanna see something cool" billy asks while fixing his hair, a sly smirk on his face
"never-" i reply but am cut off as billy takes my hand and almost runs to a prize game
a prize game with an adorable giant stuffed panda
i want it.
he sees my eyes light up at the panda and looks at it
setting the money down he gets 5 balls (haha balls) as the owner of the game slowly walks away, billy throws a ball and breaks a glass right near his face
he throws the rest and gets them all
"holy shit! babe your amazing" i say as he grabs the stuffed bear and hands it to me
"babe? thats a new one" he has a shit eating smirk on his face
feeling my face redden i hide it in the plushie
"you misheard me- i said billy. you need hearing aids" i tell him, hugging the bear close
"you are aids" he says to me, grabbing my hand
"you have aids" i return the energy
we look up as the beautiful carnival lights come on, we notice the sun is slowly setting
its so pretty
i look up at billy to see him looking a different direction
he looks back at me as we connect eye contact
such a beautiful moment
he squeezes my hand and starts walking, bringing me with him
"i-i've always wanted to do this type of thing with someone" he put his hand on the back of his neck
"what is it-" i ask, but he stops
i look up to see a beautifully lit up ferris wheel
"holy shit" me and billy get in line to go on it, me still holding the bear close to me
we get on it as the sun is at the perfect spot, illuminating the sky with yellows, pinks, and a little bit of blue
"it's beautiful" i say, almost a whisper
the ride starts up and starts taking us up
"i hope you don't mind me bringing you into this" he says, looking away
'aw shy billy-'
i scoot closer to him and pick up his arm, draping it around my shoulder
"i never knew you would be the romantic type" i say, teasing him
the ride suddenly stops, us at the very top
this is perfect
billy finally looks at me and holds me a little bit closer
our faces are close enough for us to kiss
"can i kiss you-" its my turn to cut him off as i interlock our lips, pressing them against each other
i put my hand on his cheek while my other hand squeezes his hand
the ride starts going down again and we separate
"wow-" i say
the little fucker cuts me off with another quick kiss
i quickly kiss him back as the opens
(soft billy hours)
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