a c t u a l k i s s

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getting a little bit more sleep, i wake up to billy shaking me

"how did you get in my house-" i tiredly say and rub my eyes

"i kicked down the door" he replied way too nonchalantly

"you wha-"

"i had a bad feeling and got worried im sorry" he seemed to genuinely feel bad as he scratched his neck

"awww billy your so sweet" i pull him into a hug as tenses up a bit, then relaxes and hugs back

i pull away but he doesnt

"uh- billy- did you drink the McDonalds sprite again? are you alright-" i feel him pick me up

"WOAH-" i cling onto him, scared he'll drop me

he puts my on my bed as he leans over me

"i was really worried" he says almost as a whisper

"im alright hotstuff" i say to him as put my hands on both sides of his face

he seems to be thinking and then leans closer to my face

                     (billys pov)
                   -2 hours ago-

"touch them again i fucking dare you." holding the knife and twisting it while its in his arm, he lets out a scream.

oh how i love those screams

especially when their the screams of people who hurt (y/n).

ive killed everyone who even looks at them wrong

their going to be safe

im going to protect them

i take out the knife and plunge it into his neck after i got tired of his begs for mercy

he collapses, complete dead weight, on the floor, with tears rolling down his face.


i should check on (y/n)

after last night.. i miss their touch. nobodys done that before

i miss them

im gonna see them

                  -present time-

i feel their soft hands on my face and cant help but feel calm.

'your too nice to me'

i look down at their face as their smiling sweetly at me, my eyes gong down to their soft lips..

'i really want to kiss them..and not like last night'

starting to go down to their face, i see their cheeks redden as they get more nervous

'so cute'

i feel their breath on my lips and i finally connect them

                    <y/n pov>

i feel his lips on mine.


'holy shit'

'what am i doing KISS BACK BITCH'

i start kissing back, wrapping my arms around his neck to bring him closer

  "DING DONG!" i hear someone yell out my house

me and billy both jump, me being more red while billy looking angry

"fucking stu." he angrily goes down the stairs and opens the door while i sit in silence on my bed

'that just happened'

'i feel like a highschool girl-'

i cover my face

"(Y/N) COME HERE HOT STUFF" i hear billy yell from downstairs

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