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(Muffin/Marcy POV)

After a day or so at the Boonchuy household I got used to only being able to talk to Domino. I would rant to her that the sounds and smells were so different. She was the only one who knew it was me, Marcy. I always trusted Domino when I was human, she had only scratched me a few time back then. Also cat food was weird at first but I got used to that too.

" What are you thinking about, Muffin- I mean Marcy? " I was laying on Anne's bed, her scent was strong. With cat sense I could smell it very well.

" Well, I- " I cut off there, I was thinking about Anne and how she could be able to know who I was, and how to get my actual body back. But how was I supposed to explain that to a cat?? Yeah sure I was also a cat, But a human soul on the inside.

" Hello?? You wanna speak or not? " Asked Domino

" Wh- huh? Oh yeah. I was thinking, how am I gonna get Anne to know who the heck I am and how will I get to my real
Human body. And uhm.. Other things " those ' other things ' were all about Anne and my tiny crush on her. But that was not important right now. " I understood most of that but, y'know that hair clip you always wore? " Domino said. I answered immediately with confusion " What? Yeah, of course. What about it? "

" Anne has yellow ones, you could steal 'em and put it in front of her. " Domino suggested.

" How's that gonna work? She's just gonna yell at me for stealing her hair clip! " I said with a snort

" We could at least try, it sounds like a good Plan to me. " Said the dark cat.

" Maybe later but not now. " I said. " Ok. Fine. " she said jumping off the bed, me following behind. Giving me a light sniff she asks " Did you smack face on the dresser again? Seriously that's like the third time. "
" Yeah, I'm fine though. You don't have to worry. "

" Alright, I believe you. " Domino walked out of the room, tail high, probably about to scratch up something.

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