1 Day From My B-Day

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Tara: Well your birthday is tomorrow and your mom does have permission to cancel your party.

Me: I don't care, I don't even really want a party.

Tara: How do you not want a party, your turning 16, you're going to get a sweet 16.

Me: All of my birthday parties are like sweet 16's and plus I can always do it some other time.

Tara: Well, that's stupid, just apologize and you can get a party.

Me: I don't think it's worth it.

Tara: Well I do, if you don't have it I'm taking it from you :).

Me: No you're not.

Tara: Well then take it Carmen, all you have to do is apolagize.

Me: But I don't want to.

Tara: Well too bad Carmen.

Me: How are you going to tell me what to do?

Tara: Because I'm your best friend and I deserve to.

Me: Well I'm NOT going to.

Tara: Fine but you are going to have a party whether you like it or not.

Me: It's not going to be tomorrow.

Tara: Okay....

Me: Alright.

I wait for a response but it never came so I assumed that she was done texting me. I groan and walk over to the kitchen. I mark another X on the calendar.

"One more day." I whisper to myself.

I hear my moms footprints walk towards the fridge and open it. I hear ruffles from a plastic bag.

"Do you want to say anything to me?" She asks.

I turn around and look at her. I open my mouth to say something but close it and don't say anything just to get on her nerves.

"Well?" She asks.

I put the cap back on the marker setting it down on the counter, I walk past her, and go back into the living room.

"Carmen." My mom say walking behind me.

I sit down on the couch and throw my feet up on the coffee table, still ignoring her.

"Fine, I guess your not getting a party then." She walks back upstairs.

"Does it look like I care?" I whisper to myself.

I slam my phone down on the arm of the couch. I look around the dark living room. The moonlight shined through our half way opened window curtains onto the glass table. I was mesmerized by the sparkle it put into my glass of water. Twinkling. Shimmering. The dark room started to become brighter from the moonlight. The light was growing onto the walls and filled the room. I stare outside speechless, then I get up from the couch and slowly walk over to the window. I slowly open the grey curtains.

"What are you doing?" 

I snap out of it and quickly shut the curtains, turning around to see my mother. I hold the curtains together so that my mom wouldn't see all of the light that was shining through.

"What are you doing?" She repeats.

I ignore her and walk back to my place at the couch. My mom walks over to the curtains and looks outside. Nothing. It was gone. 

"What were you looking at?" My mom asks still searching outside.

She shuts the curtains and looks at me, "Well?"

She waits for an answer but I don't speak up.

"Carmen I'm talking to you!" She raises her voice.

"You know what mom," I stand up from the couch, "If I'm not talking to you don't you think that I don't want to be bothered right now. Don't you think that that means leave me alone so I don't get upset, I've been trying not to yell but that's what you seem to want right now right? Or do you want me to calm down!" I scream.

I see fiery build up inside of my mom, I've never seen her get so mad before. Her face turned bright red, her body was stiff, her fists were clenched, it looked like she was about to start a wrestling match with her worst enemy or something.

"Go to your room!" she yells. Her eyes were shut tight and you could see her veins pooping out of her neck.

"Fine!" I yell back. I get my phone and laptop and stomp my feet up the stairs as if my feet were to heavy for my legs to lift. I slam my bedroom door hard behind me and throw my laptop and phone on my bed.

I felt my face grow red and hot. The rest of my body was full of sweat from my frustration. Tears start uncontrollably streaming down my face and on to my hard wood floor. I felt that I was drowning in my own tears. I wanted to hit something. But everything was way too expensive to replace. I look around for something to hit. But instead I found pictures. Pictures of me and my mom. Playing, laughing, joking around. They were all on my walls and dresser. Just, mocking me. Every single memory of us together having fun. I run over to my wall and brush all of my pictures of us off. I stomp on the frames, and throw them at the wall. I pick the pictures off from my dresser and smash them into the door.

"I hate my life!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

I bang at my door and punch my wall. Everything that surrounds me starts to spin. I stop and I feel my heart beating out of my chest. I breathe heavily and start to sweat even more. My head starts to pond with a killer head ache and I back up into my bed. I sit down and put my head in the palm of my hands. I feel nauseous and my stomach starts to hurt. I lay back on my bed and stare at the ceiling. My eyes feel like there crossing. I put one hand on my stomach and the other on my head.

"Ow." I whine.

Well I guess carma has gotten back to me, after all it is my nickname.

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