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Chapter 4: Volterra

I recognized that it was Carlisle's car. I went in without Jake and sitting in the chair was Alice.

"Hey Alice."

"That's all you have to say! Why did I see you dead and then disappear?!"

"I went cliff diving and when I couldn't find the surface,Jake helped me."

"Oh,a werewolf. I can't see them." Then Alice told me that she told Rose and she told Bella I was dead and now Bella was going to the Volturi to ask them to kill her. Me and Alice then quickly got in Carlisle's car and went to the airport.

When we landed in Volterra,Italy Alice stole a car and we went to St.Marcus. Alice told me Bella got denied a death wish and is now waiting till noon to go out in the sun and expose herself as a vampire. It was 11 and we were at the gate so Alice let me out and I ran to where she told me Bella was. Its now 11:55 and I'm almost where Bella is. I sprint and make it with one minute to spare.

"Edward! You're alive!"

"Yes Bella,Rose was wrong." Then a girl walked up to us and said to follow so we did and we got to a really nice place and there was Alice. We walked into a room with 3 men. Bella told me one time that these guys are Aro,Cauis and Marcus.

"Ah,Bella,how are you?"

"I'm fine Aro."

"You must be Edward." Aro stated looking at me.

"Yes I am."

"It's a shame we have to kill you or Bella could change you. You're not supposed to know we exist."

"It's alright Aro he will be a vampire."

"Show me Alice." And he grabbed Alice's hand and they stood there for awhile.

"I can't wait till he joins this life. And Alice and Bella,you're welcome to join me whenever you like,you too Edward when your a vampire. Alice says you'll be a mind reader." Then we followed the girl Jane out.

"Wait here till it's dark." Jane said. When it was dark we left and quickly got on a private jet.

"Don't leave me again Bella." I said.

"I won't. And I would like to meet your werewolf friend Jacob." I agreed and fell asleep. Bella must've carried me into a car because she woke me up saying we were home. Charlie came out and thanked her and Alice. Charlie and Bella carried me to my room and put on my bed. Bella left and came back in through my window.

"Hi Edward. Go to sleep and I'll be here." I quickly fell asleep.

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