With Esme still standing at my door I walked down to the lounge room to see the room was completely empty. I grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter and turned to see Edward standing in front of me with a small smile on his face.
"Should you be taking your Porsche? Why don't you just take Carlisle's beamer like you have every other day" Edward questioned but he still kept a smile on his face
"Because it's my baby and I think it's starting to resent me for leaving it alone"
Edward chuckled warmly and he nodded
"Going to see Bella?" Edward asked looking down at the book in my hand
"You know I am Edward" I shrugged
"I'm simply being polite" He nodded slightly "Just so you know; she thinks the best of you Alice"
"Thanks Edward but I would rather hear that from her" I smiled softly
"I had to work hard for that" Edward furrowed his eyebrows "It's difficult to read her thoughts. It's never happened to me before but I tried today during lunch and it gets a little but hazy"
"Serves you right for trying to read her mind" I said jokingly as I walked past Edward to hit him on the shoulder gently
"Yes but you can still see her in your visions" Edward said turning around
"Edward must you worry so much?" I asked while walking into the garage
I turned the light on and grinned when I saw my canary yellow Porsche just waiting for me to take it for a spin. Carlisle advised me not to take it out too much because it could attract attention but I kind of didn't see the point in owning it if I couldn't show it off or at the very least drive it around once in a while.
I didn't want to admit just how well I had memorized the way to The Swan residence but after seeing it in vision after vision I kind of picked it up easily. It gave me mixed emotions pulling up to the house. I looked up at the front door and gripped my steering wheel tightly. I knew where every room in the house was situated, I knew Bella's room. It made me happy because I was finally there but it almost upset me because I knew that it would take a while before I could spend as much time in the house as I had in my visions.
I noticed another truck in the driveway straight away and by the smell it was someone that I wasn't going to like. Getting out of the car I took a quick glance at myself in the tinted windows and grabbed the book. My steps were quick but they were not hurried, I didn't want to rush anything what so ever. I heard conversations going on inside and I heard loud heartbeats. I heard 4 heart beats. More importantly I could hear Bella's heart beat. I could pick it out from anywhere and that scared me because I had only met her a day ago but when I thought about it I had known her for 10 years.
I knocked on the door only to hear the conversations pause and footsteps coming towards the door. They were light, clumsy footsteps that I would recognize anywhere. I smiled to myself as she paused for a moment as she opened the door, she looked so adorable. She had changed from the clothes she was wearing at school into a yellow long sleeved shirt, black converse and dark denim jeans.
"Alice" She said, still looking surprised but it was certainly a happy surprised
"Hi! I hope I'm not interrupting anything" I said leaning forward on my toes slightly as I attempted to look over her shoulder
"No, not at all" Bella said shaking her head and she sighed with a smile "Actually I was kind of glad to hear someone at the door, it broke up the testosterone fest inside"
I giggled quietly and nodded as Bella pulled the door closed behind her, stepping a little closer towards me to place her left hand in her back pocket
"So what's up?" Bella asked running a hand through her brown hair while furrowing her eyebrows "Did you drive that here?"
I looked back over my shoulder and giggled to myself
"Yes that's my Porsche" I grinned
What could I say; I was a proud mother to a fast, yellow bundle of joy
"Did you just get it or something?" Bella asked as she walked past me to go over to my car and ran her hand over the hood "This is so awesome"
"No I've had it for a while. My parents gave me it as a present for having such good grades last semester" I smirked as I watched Bella marvel at my car. My plan of showing my car off totally worked
"Why don't you drive it to school?" Bella asked as she walked back up towards me, resuming her previous position in front of the door but her eyes went straight back to my car
"Carlisle doesn't want me attracting attention to myself but it needs to stretch its legs sometimes"
"I bet it goes pretty fast huh?" Bella looked back to me and a small smile spread to her lips
"If it's okay with Charlie I'll take you for a drive in it one afternoon after school"
"Awesome. So not that I don't like it that you're here but what did bring you here anyway?"
"Well you left this in the Biology room" I said holding her book out to her "I wanted to give it to you earlier but I just didn't get the chance"
"Oh yeah, thank you" She smiled as she took her book from my hands. Her fingers brushed mine and she paused. Either she felt the jolt that I did or she just noticed how cold I was "Your hands are freezing"
"Circulation problems" I shrugged casually as I placed my arms behind my back quickly but not too quickly for her to be suspicious.
"I'm glad you came over actually, I wanted to thank you for being so cool about taking me to the nurse's" Bella said and she rubbed her neck embarrassingly "Actually I just wanted to talk to you again in general"
"Me too" I offered nodding with a grin
"How did you know where I lived though?" Bella asked
"You're the chief's daughter so I had an idea" I replied winking jokingly
"Well either way, I'm glad" Bella said with a shy smile "So I was thinking while I was in the nurse's office that we have to start that Biology assignment sometime soon"
"Yeah we probably should" I agreed "As long as it doesn't involve blood though right?"
"Right" Bella said with a chuckle
The door opened and a younger boy with long black hair popped his head out. I knew exactly who he was and I could tell he was from La Push just from the smell they had left. Jacob Black stood there with his boyish charm, big smile and his pearly white teeth. The blacks lived on the reservation, which we couldn't go on to thanks to the treaty.
"A Cullen" Jacob said raising his eyebrows in surprise
"You two know each other?" Bella asked looking from Jacob to me
I did my best to keep a small smile on my face but it was a struggle
"We know of each other" I replied simply "How are you Jacob?"
"Oh I'm great" Jacob grinned smugly
I smirked almost bitterly at his impoliteness of not even repeating the question, even if he didn't mean it. It was just something that I liked to call manners
"Bells you should come back inside. Our dads are telling some killer stories about when they were young" Jacob said
"I'll be in soon" Bella said nodding
Jacob flashed a grin towards Bella and he closed the door. I felt a slight pang of jealousy in my chest as I caught the look in his eye. He had a major crush on Bella and he was getting to spend time with her without complications or lies.
"So you know the Blacks?" I asked
"Charlie's great friends with Billy" Bella said "Jake and I used to play together when we were younger"
"Oh cool" I replied trying to sound at least half enthusiastic "I should get out of your hair so you can listen to those killer stories"
"Stay" Bella suggested in a firm voice as she took a small step towards me before she recoiled back "I mean I'm sure Charlie and Billy won't mind"
"Something tells me that Jacob might though" I replied looking over Bella's shoulder into the house again
"So?" Bella asked regaining my attention "I mean I want you here too. We're friends right?"
"Of course we are but I don't want to ruin your fun. Besides, my mother wants me home for dinner. She's trying a new recipe and she wants all the feedback she can get" I smiled
"Is your mum a good cook?" Bella asked
"She's pretty great" I replied as I chuckled lightly
"My mom not so much" Bella replied cheerfully "I do the cooking seeing as it's just Charlie and I here"
"I'm sure you do a great job then" I said as I took a small but surprisingly painful step backwards "I'll see you Bella"
"Cya tomorrow" Bella said
"Sure" I said nodding without admitting when next she would actually see me "Goodbye Bella"
Damn her and her smile
I took a quick step into her to wrap my arms around her neck very briefly for a hug but as soon as I was hugging her I let go, her neck smelt far too good for me to linger. It probably wasn't the best idea for a hungry vampire to hug their singer but I just couldn't help myself.
The next 3 days without Bella weren't as happy as the previous 2 had been with her.
I felt bad for lying to her about school but she didn't need to know where I was and I could explain to her when I got to school. I had a few visions of Bella sitting at lunch with her friends asking questions about where we were. I kept an eye out for her safety and just out of curiosity but she hadn't planned much for the weekend.
I didn't have to explain to Bella where we had been but I would. Monday morning couldn't have arrived soon enough and I decided I would drive myself to school so I could have some peace and quiet on the way before I spoke to Bella. I needed my own space to figure out just how I could carry on the lie that was my life at that moment.
I pulled into the car park; my family had already gone inside as per my request. I wanted a chance for just Bella and I to catch up before classes. I didn't really know how she felt about me at that stage but we were friends and that was what I wanted.
She stood casually by her truck listening to her ipod and reading her English book though she didn't look all that engrossed in it. Her friends were standing around her but she wasn't really paying all that much attention to them either.
Her mind was elsewhere as she glanced across the car park.
She spotted me quickly and I pretended to give her the satisfaction of greeting me first.
"Alice" She called
I looked over to her and paused with a smile
Learning my lesson I waved to her only to have her signal for me to walk over so I obliged just to be polite of course.
I felt eyes on me as I made my way to Bella, it was nothing unusual for people to be staring at me but they must have been wondering what I had been doing arriving by myself with my family leaving me behind. They also probably wondered why I was going to speak to Bella Swan.
"Hi" I said cheerfully as I stopped in front of her with a bounce
"Bella we'll see you inside" Jessica said while she glanced very quickly at me before they all turned away and began to head into school.
Angela however paused and gave me a small wave; I replied by flashing my teeth to her with a polite smile. Angela and I had never really talked but she seemed like a sweet person
"So that's how you drive off a crowd huh?" I asked while I watched her friends walk away
"Where have you been?" Bella asked sheepishly while completely ignoring my statement. She wasn't angry or upset but she was certainly curious
"Well apparently the weekend was too perfect to pass up on camping and hiking according to my parents" I said as I leaned against her rustic truck facing her "And the weekend start to the family bonding turned into Friday"
"I thought Jacob might have scared you off" Bella shot quickly with a smirk
"Oh please Jacob Black is nothing but a puppy" I replied shaking my head and her facial expression softened as mine did "Did you have a good weekend though?"
"It was okay, I mean I kind of wanted to hang with my friend but she was camping with her family but it's cool" Bella replied sarcastically in a tone that was trying to force guilt upon me
"Well I'll be here this weekend, we should hang out then" I proposed confidently. The guilt trip worked
"Do you promise to be here for it?" Bella asked raising an eyebrow
Placing a hand on my heart dramatically and nodding I opened my mouth to speak
"I promise you Bella that I, Alice will be here for this weekend so we can do something" I replied "What should we do?"
"We have all week to figure that out" Bella said "Oh but we do need to start our Biology so do you think we could get together one night and work that out?"
"Twice in one week?" I asked with a teasing grimace
Bella playfully yet gently pushed me and I couldn't help but let a laugh escape from my lips
"My house? I'm free tonight" Bella said
"Tonight will be perfect. I'll tell Esme that I won't be home for dinner" I said nodding, knowing that would be easy because I wouldn't have to do a thing or tell a soul to stop dinner being made as it was never being made in the first place
"Esme?" Bella asked raising her eyebrow
"You call your father Charlie" I shrugged "I think I have more right to call her Esme than you do calling your father Charlie because she isn't really even my mother"
"She isn't?" Bella asked
"You know that we're adopted right?" I asked with a small frown
"Oh! Wow I'm such a jerk" Bella slapped herself on the forehead causing me to giggle "I'm sorry, I'm forgetful Bella today. I mean it's probably not your favourite subject to talk about"
"Well it's not on my top ten but I don't hate talking about it" I replied with a half smile "Doesn't really seem like before school chit chat material though"
"No you're right. You can tell me about it whenever you like...if you ever do feel like it" Bella stumbled over her words and I smiled, she was being adorable again
"Its fine Bella, I don't mind" I replied "Honestly"
"If you say so" Bella said eyeing me with a hint of skepticism in her gaze "So no Porsche today?"
"I may have gotten in a little bit of trouble last night when I got home after bringing your book back" I chuckled "But she needed to be taken out"
"I can't believe you have a Porsche" Bella shook her head with a smirk
"Yeah I know it's awesome. I'll totally take you for a drive in it soon" I grinned clapping my hands together
"So I've never seen you come to school by yourself" She folded her arms and mimicked my position, leaning against the truck
"That's because you've been here about 3 days" I teased "And I woke up a little late today so I had to rush myself this morning"
"Well I never would have been able to tell" Bella replied happily
"How's your English?" I asked pointing to her book
"Macbeth" Bella said simply as she shrugged "I don't like it but I don't hate it"
"Lady Macbeth was completely insane" I said shaking my head "To think that Macbeth actually listened to her"
"But he was in love with her, of course he was going to listen to her" Bella retorted
"Yes but even if you're in love you can still have a brain. Half a brain even" I replied "We should probably start heading into class soon. I have a feeling that the bells going to ring and I heard it was going to rain"
"Good idea" Bella said looking up at the sky
"Completely different from what you're used to right?" I asked
"Definitely" Bella replied while her gaze fell to mine again "But I like it"
"Well that's important" I replied nodding
We walked into school together; our relationship was feeling less like a struggle to me and more like something that was just happening by itself. I knew though that she would eventually have questions about what I was and rightfully so but I wanted to enjoy the time when it was just a little less complicated.
The day went quickly, as quick as a Monday could possibly go. Days tended to turn into a blur when you are a Vampire but when you were living on Human time just to see a human then the days seemed to drag.
I followed Bella home; she pulled up to her house, getting out of the car. It was a normal sized 2 story house but it had some charm to it.
I quickly saw a conversation that Bella had decided that she wanted to bring up. She wanted to bring up my real parents and my life before Carlisle and Esme. I was snapped out of it when Bella tapped on my window lightly
"You coming in or am I bringing my books out here?" Bella asked with a smirk but I could tell she was half serious
"Sorry" I mumbled as Bella opened the door for me
I muttered a polite thank you as she closed the door behind me. She unlocked her door, dumping her bag on the floor and headed over to the kitchen to grab some water
"Need anything to drink?" Bella asked before pouring some water for herself
"No thank you" I nodded politely "Your house is nice. It's very warm"
"Thanks I guess" Bella said laughing
"I'm serious" I frowned "It's really homey"
"Well thank you" Bella's smile faded slightly but it was still evidently there. She was trying to be serious but she was failing
"Where's Charlie?" I asked walking to a picture on the wall of Bella with Jacob when they were younger
"He'll be home soon I think" Bella said "Which is why we should get started because I don't know what we're doing for dinner"
"So should I set up down here?" I asked putting a book down
"We'll go up to my room" Bella shook her head as she walked towards the stairs
Even on the way to the stairs her smell surrounded the place and needless to say it was so blissful yet so very dangerous. In fact it was so blissfully dangerous that I found myself eyeing her neck for a moment before I blinked and concentrated on something else. Her room was nice; with a purple bedspread and it was filled with personal items. Personal items that I would have loved to have but I didn't have that much stuff from my past to collect. She had paintings on the wall with photos on her clothes drawers.
Books littered her floor and papers spread all over her desk. It was just little things like that that made Bella so human. Truthfully Bella was the only real friend I had had in my lifetime besides my family. Everything just seemed so easy with her even if we had only known each other for a few days. Well I had known her for 10 years but she had only known me for 3 days.
"What are you looking at?" Bella asked with an amused smile while taking a seat on her bed
"I love your room. It's very you" I said nodding
"I would hope so" Bella joked "What's your room like?"
"Not like this" I shrugged I sat down at her chair by her desk "I just mean that it's really nice. It's really welcoming"
"You're just full of compliments for my house" Bella furrowed her eyebrows with a smirk
"Well it deserves to be complimented. It's nice"
We began working on our project and we were getting quite a bit of work done, it was quite a productive night. Silence had fallen over us for a little while until I heard Bella sigh very quietly
"Can I ask you something?" Bella looked up at me from her work "I don't want to make you uncomfortable so if it's too personal then you don't have to bother answering or just tell me to shut up"
"I'll be the judge of that one won't I?" I asked playfully
"You're family. When were you all adopted?" Bella asked furrowing her eyebrows "Do you remember any of your life
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