"You want me to change you" I replied furrowing my eyebrows
"I really should stop being surprised when you do that" Bella said with a smirk
"You really should" I nodded simply
"So? Will you?" Bella asked
She ran a hand through her hair a few times before she let her fingers linger entangled in her long, brown hair while placing her other hand on her hip
"You do know that I could lose control and not stop once I taste your blood right?" I asked "You know that's a risk?"
"I trust you" She said nodding confidently "Which is why I'm asking you to do this. I wouldn't ask if I didn't trust you"
"Okay Bella" I nodded and I closed my eyes for a moment before I looked her in the eyes again "Yes, I'll do it but I'm not ready to do it right now. I'll have to speak to Carlisle but I wouldn't want anyone else to change you. I trust them, but you're my life and I can't place this in anyone else's hands. I depend on you for survival so I guess you should depend on me this time"
I folded my arms closely o my chest and Bella stepped into me. She wrapped her arms around my waist; pulling me into her gently. Her grip tightened against my back while she clenched at the fabric of my shirt and I leaned my head on her shoulder, nuzzling into her neck
"I love you" Bella whispered quietly "So much"
I felt a smile ease onto my lips and I nodded against her neck
"I love you too" I replied before repeating something I had told her the first time we professed out love "I always have"
"Do you think we could maybe get some dinner? I haven't eaten this morning" Bella asked sheepishly
"Oh!" I pulled back from her grip to look her in the eyes "I'm so sorry. I forget about these human things, silly me. We'll go right now, what do you want?"
"Can we just go to the diner?" Bella asked "I just feel like something simple"
"Of course" I nodded and with that I reached out to take her hand and I tugged her back to the car
We drove to the diner quickly and wordlessly, it was pretty empty but it was just around dinner time so I knew it would start to fill up.
Bella ordered some dinner and I just ordered a salad for show.
I hadn't intended on eating but people noticed that a Cullen had walked into the diner which was a rare occasion so I thought it might look odd if I didn't order something.
"This place has really grown on me" Bella said looking around as more customers walked in
"Maybe because you come here every week" I said with a small smile as I watched her carefully
"It saves me cooking and Charlie likes coming here so I don't mind" Bella responded before she took a bite of her burger
"Bella, why do you call him Charlie?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows "I mean I know why you did before but you're living with him now so why don't you just call him Dad?"
"I don't know" Bella shrugged "It's just what I'm used to saying. I do call him dad sometimes but I only ever visited over the summer when I was younger so I hardly saw him. I didn't see him for a while over a few years so I just called him Charlie. I never really felt close enough to call him Dad I guess"
"But how do you feel about him now?" I asked curiously "I mean you have to be getting to know him more now so why not just call him Dad from now on?"
"It's gotten better, it would have too living with him and I love him, I really do but I just always call him Charlie" Bella shook her head "I guess it's just habit now"
I nodded in understanding while I messed around a little with the salad in front of me. I pushed some lettuce to the side and squished some tomato
"So you could eat this stuff right?" Bella asked with a small smile "It wouldn't kill you or anything?"
"What are you trying to get rid of me already?" I asked looking at her with a blank expression "Because I thought you loved me"
She let out a quiet laugh and I couldn't do anything but smile at the adorable sound that was her giggle
"I'm serious" Bella replied trying to give me her best serious face but she was failing terribly
"Okay, I'm sorry" I responded with a soft smile mirroring hers "I could eat the food yes but it wouldn't benefit me in anyway. It would be like...how do I put this...it would be like you eating dirt. It doesn't taste good to you at all nor does it offer any nutritional value and it could make you feel quite sick but you can eat it; it's not impossible"
"So technically speaking, you could eat some of my burger right now?" Bella raised an eyebrow
"Technically speaking, yes, do you want me to demonstrate?" I asked pulling a face. I didn't want to eat it but I would if that is what she wanted
"No I'm not going to put you through that" Bella chuckled "What kind of a girlfriend would I be then?"
"You'd still be a perfect one" I said with a cheesy grin
"I really like this" Bella said after letting out a content sigh before looking around the room for a moment until her eyes found mine once again
"What being chased by someone trying to kill you?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows "Because I have to say, it's not the most fun I have ever had in my life"
"No, being able to just feel like we're normal for just a moment while there is so much chaos going around us" Bella whispered before leaning over the table slightly "It's really special to me"
"Me too" I said reaching over to give her hand a gentle squeeze before I took a fry from her plate and took a bite from it. I scrunched up my face in a grimace as I began the unnatural process of chewing food. I paused before I swallowed the lump of potato, feeling it burn the back of my throat as my body fought to accept the solid rather than a liquid
"How can you eat that?" I gagged slightly before scrunching nose in disgust
"You chew funny" Bella stated childishly as she laughed
"That's because I don't chew...ever. I don't remember how to chew either seeing as I don't remember anything. I use these pearly whites for other things" I said clicking my teeth together twice for emphasis "I've only learnt by watching other people eat. I'm good at learning by observation"
"Oh so that's why you stare at me while I eat?" Bella teased raising her eyebrows playfully
"Actually, I stare at you when you eat because it's just cute" I responded happily as I placed the fry that I had taken a bite of back on her plate "You can have the rest"
"Oh thanks" Bella replied sarcastically "Why'd you eat that anyway?"
"You were curious" I shrugged "And you really shouldn't make fun of me because you'd be even worse drinking blood than I am chewing food"
"Is it hard to do?" Bella asked seriously after a moment's pause
"I guess I just spoiled the fun mood without the chaos huh?" I asked
"No it's okay. I mean we have to talk about it sometime, right?" Bella asked back
"It's not that its difficult to do, it's just that it takes a little time to get used too and it takes a few years to learn not to be sloppy" I murmured quietly to my girlfriend as I looked around the room quickly "Your natural predatory instincts take over straight away; which is why newborns are so unreliable and crazy. They don't know how to control themselves and you'll find it difficult too but it'll be okay because we'll be there with you. I'll be there to help you and guide you every step of the way with whatever you need and I'll make sure to keep you under control, calm you whenever you need it. You will just be really messy when you first start, blood everywhere so we'll have to bring changes of clothes for you"
"So basically you're going to have to treat me like I'm a child" Bella said with a frown
"No it's like this with everyone. We've all gone through it...well those of us who are vampires anyway" I said amusing myself with my comment "You seem to pick up things easily though so I think you'll be better than most. Hopefully your coordination will improve though"
"Oh ha ha" She muttered before she continued eating her food
"You have to understand Bella that I do want this for you, I just want this for you later" I pushed with a small nod
"I know and you gave me a choice so I'm going to be responsible with it" Bella replied looking me in the eyes to show that she was sincere and I believed her without a doubt "So the whole newborn thing, I guess that's when you just become a vampire?"
"Yes sweetheart" I cooed as an encouragement to her question "That's when you are first changed and you are a brand new vampire. You're stronger, faster and more perceptive than you will ever be again because you've still got human blood in your system. It passes with time and you become less erratic and unpredictable"
"Is that what you were like when you were a newborn?" Bella asked
"Everyone was like that" I shrugged and chuckled "I was a bit of a wild one at the start"
My eyes suddenly glazed over as I saw Bella's friends walk through the diner door but as quickly as I was pulled into the vision, I was pushed out
"What did you see?" Bella asked anxiously
"Your friends" I said looking to the door
Bella turned around to hear the bell above the door ring as Angela, Jessica, Mike and Eric walked into the diner.
Eric had his arm around Angela and Jessica was trailing very quickly behind Mike.
Bella turned back to me with a small smile on her face
"Bella!" Angela called happily as we were spotted and they approached our table
"Hey guys" Bella greeted with that small smile which quickly turned into a teeth bearing grin
"I hope we're not interrupting anything" Angela said looking to me with an apologetic smile "Hey Alice"
"Hi Angela" I greeted with a polite yet cheerful smile "It's okay, we're just having something to eat"
"Where'd you go today?" Jessica asked standing next to Angela "We didn't see you after History, we couldn't find you anywhere"
"That was my fault, I wasn't feeling too well this morning so Bella kindly offered to take me home" I explained "I think our family just had some bad food or something, and it was quite silly really"
"Feeling better though?" Angela asked with concern
"A little, yes thank you" I smiled
They paused for a moment as they stared at me smiling
"If you'd like you can join us" I suggested and I looked to Bella for approval
"Yeah, pull up a chair" Bella replied
They looked at each other for a moment before turning to grab some chairs behind them
"You're dazzling my friends" Bella whispered
"Sorry" I said sheepishly
If I was honest, I was pretty happy that her friends walked into the diner.
It was a good way for me to prove that Bella would miss her friends if she decided that she wanted to be turned anytime soon.
I didn't really think over what I had said to Bella before I had said it and I knew that a few members of my family would not have been happy with my proposition to Bella but at that point it was too late to go back on it.
I wanted her forever but I just didn't want her to be forced into something she wasn't ready to be like what happened to my entire family.
I didn't want her to be bitter towards me and hate me after she was turned when she realized all of the human's experiences she had missed.
Her friends grabbed some chairs and ordered some food quickly before striking up a conversation with Bella about something she had been speaking with Angela at school this morning before James appeared.
I just stayed mostly quiet and listened; I had sat with them at lunch a few times and they had done their best to include me, but sometimes I just liked to observe.
"So Bella are you going to prom?" Jessica asked
"Prom?" Bella asked furrowing her eyebrows "I haven't even thought about that yet"
"How could you not be thinking about that?" Jessica exclaimed "Alice?"
"I'm planning on going, yes" I nodded and I looked to Bella "I guess we never talked about it, we've been occupied with a few other things going on"
"You do know that everyone already knows that you two are together right?" Jessica asked raising an eyebrow "That you really shouldn't worry about that anymore because everyone already knows"
"Yeah, we know. It's just something else going on at the moment, nothing big though" I replied shrugging
"I'm surprised actually" Bella said "That you haven't talked to me about it yet"
"Had a few extra things on my mind" I said tapping my finger against my temple
"Well we're going prom dress shopping on Friday night if you two want to come" Angela said while looking between us "We're going to Port Angeles"
"Port Angeles? Sounds perfect" I said cheerfully and a little too quickly
"Alice, shouldn't we talk about this with your family?" Bella asked raising her eyebrows "I mean what if they have plans with us already?"
"They'll be fine with it" I nodded with a shrug
"Great. We'll go after school" Angela said with a grin as she crossed her arms, leaned them on the table "A girl's night"
"I think that's just what we need" I said happily, glancing to Bella
For the rest of the night I was included in the conversation but I kept quiet for a little bit while trying to focus on what was going on around us.
I didn't want to get distracted while being the only one guarding Bella.
Her friends had to leave pretty quickly so Bella and I decided to head back to my house.
She called Charlie to let him know that she would be home a little bit later and he was fine with that.
We walked into the house to find Edward sitting with Jazz on the couch.
Their heads were close and they were whispering furiously, seriously.
"Where have you been all night?" Edward asked as he looked away from Jazz
"Out with Bella" I shrugged simply "Not that you really need to know but we've been talking like Carlisle told us too"
"We did try calling" Edward replied
"I know but if there was something wrong I would have called you first" I responded calmly
"So you and Bella talked?" Jazz asked cautiously as she looked to me
"Yes" I said simply "And we've decided what's best for her"
"What did you decide?" Jazz asked
"Alice will you stop blocking me out?" Edward asked
"I just want some of my thoughts to be my own and you should have to wait just like everyone else" I mumbled "Speaking of everyone, maybe we should get them down here before we explain exactly what the decision was"
I didn't even have to say another word and everyone was seated in the lounge room.
Bella looked a little shocked of how quickly they were all there but she was getting used to it
"James didn't try anything while you were away?" Esme asked
"Nothing" I replied shaking my head "I didn't need him to deal with as well"
"So.... is Bella going to be like us?" Emmett asked with a smirk
"Yes" I replied seriously
"What?" Edward exclaimed standing up from the couch "You don't want James to kill her but you'll just do it yourself? Maybe we should protect her from you as well"
"Babe, calm down" Jazz said sternly, placing a hand on her husband's back as she stayed seated on the couch. I felt a wave of calm hit the room suddenly while Jazz looked towards me "So you're going to turn her? Just like that?"
"No. No you know I would never do that to her Jazz" I said honestly "I gave her a choice because we never had one"
"She shouldn't have to choose to die" Edward snarled "Bella you don't want this"
"But I want Alice" She replied firmly as she entwined her fingers in mine "I want her forever and I know you don't understand that, I don't expect you to understand that. I wish you would but it won't bother me too much if you don't because I need her Edward"
"What choice are you giving her exactly?" Esme asked cautiously
"I gave her a choice of when to be changed so she can decide when she wants this or if she even wants this anymore" I replied as I felt Bella squeeze my hand supportively "She can always change her mind beforehand"
"So basically you're giving up" Edward snapped "You're letting James win"
"No, James has nothing to do with this" Bella replied furrowing her eyebrows, a nervous twitch began in her leg as it began to bounce impatiently "This is what I want and Alice is kind enough to let me have it"
"I don't think kind is the right word" Edward said "Maybe selfish"
"Edward" I warned raising my eyebrows as I felt my lip curl back "Let her speak"
"Have you made a choice Bella?" Carlisle asked calmly
"Not yet. Alice wants me to have some time to think about this, and just so you know, if I want to change my mind I will" Bella nodded "I'm confident in my decision to do this"
"We know" Esme said with a slight smile
I knew my family wasn't all too happy about this, but they were accepting it for my sake.
"I thought that maybe Bella could have a talk with whoever is willing and tell her about your experiences" I suggested quietly "Just so she knows your stories and how you came to be what we are"
"I'm not having any part in this" Edward shook his head, and with that he was gone
"You're making the wrong decision. Bella if I was given this choice I would have said no. This isn't the life I would have chosen for myself and if I had an option then I would have said no" Rosalie replied as she left the room as well
"I didn't want to upset anyone" Bella mumbled as she looked to me
"No you didn't baby. You didn't do anything wrong. They just don't want this for themselves so they don't want this for you" I said turning to face her, placing my other hand on her waist "They just don't understand why you would want this when you're human"
"I get that, I do but why don't they understand that I just don't want to lose you?" Bella asked sadly, it broke my heart to her sound so sad about heir reactions
"They'll understand soon enough Bella" I replied quietly as I rested my forehead against hers
"Bella, they just doesn't want you to regret this decision" Jazz offered her husband's thoughts to us "Once you are this you can't go back, you can't wake up from what could turn out to be a nightmare. I know how they work by now, especially Edward and they just want you to do what is best for you"
"I'm not going to regret choosing Alice forever" Bella replied separating from me, but she kept her hand tightly in mine
"At least you gave Bella a choice" Jazz replied
"This means that we're going to have to come up with a plan to kill James" I said looking around at my remaining family members
"I think we have one" Carlisle said nodding
An image of Bella in the clearing with us flashed through my mind and I saw my family playing Baseball while I stood with Bella to protect her
"So we're going to beat him in baseball?" I asked raising an eyebrow "Will he really be that crushed losing a game of baseball that he will die?"
"You said a few days ago that it was going to storm on Saturday night" Carlisle said
"It is" I responded "I still don't understand"
"We're going to go out to the field and we're going to lure him out there by bringing Bella with us. We're going to catch him and we're going to kill him" Carlisle said "I don't like the thought of killing another creature but it has to be done"
"It's a
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