Chapter 11

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Notes: You are a Ice-Seawing hybrid, you are female, you are an animus.


(Y/N) pov

It was the day the dragons were set to leave to Jade Mountain, you had traveled back home to retrieve some of the few items you had. When you had arrived the home had been empty which was odd as your sisters and father usually stayed home still you didn't think much of it, you dug around your little corner where your polar bear skin was. It didn't take you long to find an earring your father had gifted you before his hatred of you, it's silver color contrasted beautifully with your (s/c) scales, also laying beside it was a stuffed animal big enough to barley fit in your talons. It had been of your favorite animal that your mother made you before her passing, you had talked to her about the animal for moons telling her facts about it, this continued until she had surprised you with the toy on your 2 hatching day. It practically never left your side until other dragons started laughing about how much of a silly dragonet you looked carrying the stuffed animal around.

You took both items and stuffed them into your pouch as you stepped out of your igloo, memories of your near death battle with Snowflake plagued your mind. You winced as you took off into the air, the cuts on your shoulders and wing hadn't completely heal yet. You flew towards the sea where the IceWings had been instructed to meet just before sunrise, 2 of the IceWings were waiting there, the 2 being Changbai and Alba. You muttered a good morning to both dragons as you sat and waited for the royal IceWings to arrive, you wondered what it would be like to be around so many dragons of different tribes especially NightWings you had only ever seen one in person. You had tired to remember the NightWings name as Queen Glacier descended from the sky along side Winter and Icicle, about 3 guards trailed behind the dragons. The 3 of you non-royal dragons fell into a bow before taking to the sky once again, your anxieties began to spill from your mind as you realized you would be the only hybrid dragon at the school, 'The only mistake.' The voice in your head had been right dragons of different tribes had not been meant to mix together and create offspring, especially not offspring that had magical powers that took your soul. You felt your body slightly shudder at the thought, you wondered what else you would- wait, does Winter have a scavenger? Huh, must be a perk of being Queen Glaciers nephew as he liked to say.

   When the sun had fully risen the dragons had arrived to Jade Mountain you saw that dragons had arrived already. As you looked around you spotted SkyWings, MudWings, and SandWings. The various shades or red, brown, and yellow had your (e/c) eyes widening, you had never seen so much color in your life. You felt a twinge of sadness as you saw a MudWing, she had colors similar to Fern but once her amber eyes fell onto you you felt your scales go uncomfortably hot of embarrassment. You quickly turned to where the other ice dragons had been and you saw Winter and Icicle saying goodbye to Queen Glacier before she took off, the 3 guards that had came along followed right behind her. You turned back to the school entrance looking to see the MudWing but she was gone, it wasn't much longer her before the rest of the tribes showed up the RainWings and NightWings arriving soon after Queen Glacier had left. 'NightWings don't deserve to walk freely,' the voice said causing you to flinch. You didn't particularly like NightWings but you didn't hate them ether. Maybe this was the reason you'd never be a real IceWing.

As you slowly walked into the school entrance you saw just how big the cave was, it was big enough for the crowd of dragons to walk without immediately bumping into someone although you would still have to watch not to step on any talons or tails. Right as you entered you were greeted by a purple NightWing she had 2 teardrop scales right next to her eyes, 'They took out magic,' the voice spoke, 'they took YOUR magic not mine.' You ignored the voice as it yelled back, you had been drawn away from your thoughts when the purple NightWing spoke, "Hi Im Fatespeaker!" The dragon exclaimed her purple eyes looking into your for a second before she continued, "You must be," she paused for a moment ,"(Y/n)!" She exclaimed although she seems unsure. Wait how did she know my name? Before you could question her she answered your question, "I saw it in your mind silly!" Your blood felt still as she said this, had she heard about your magic? "I'm just messing with you I learned the names of the students weeks before so I could be here to greet them!" You let out a breath of relief as you heard this. "Let's see here's your welcome scroll and the school map! Ooo looks like your in the Silver Winglet!" She handed you the two scrolls she pulled out the leather sack besides her, "The welcome map should show you to your sleeping cave with your new clawmates." She said enthusiastically, "Oh uh thank you." You said adding a small smile at the end which she quickly returned.

   As you walked away you began to feel a bit nervous as to what your 'clawmates' would be like, and also how they would react to the fact that you where a hybrid. 'Disgusting waste of IceWing blood.' The voice said coldly, but before you could reply back you felt something odd in your mind. Almost as if there was something creeping in your brain, you though you where being paranoid until you felt it again. A presence in your mind, one that was not welcome. You searched around the wide cave until your (e/c) eyes landed on a dragon, she looked healthier and more plump than the other NightWings at the school she had shiny blue and green scales mixed along her black and grey ones. But the most unusual thing about her where the two grey scales on the corner of both her eyes, three moons she was stunning. 'She's a NightWing!' The voice snarled in your mind causing the small dragon to flinch. 'WAIT WHAT?!' Your mind roared. She opened her eyes wildly at your realization of this. Had this dragon been reading your mind? But NightWing powers were said to be long gone,


Word count: 1137

I had to move something's around for the sake of the plot but otherwise hope you guys are enjoying the story of far and please let me know on what I can improve on!

- Worm

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