The Joy in a Marshmallow

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"What if... um... WAIT! No..." Kitty thought out loud. The two (Her and Owen) were trying to think of something to do, but were having the hardest time trying to figure out what to do.

Owen jumped up, and yelled, "MARSHMALLOWS!!!"

Kitty squeaked, and jumped up too, saying, "That's it! Yes! Let's do it!"

Owen rushed into the kitchen, and pulled the bag of marshmallows, and popped one in his mouth, and threw one into Kitty's mouth. She swallowed it, giggling, and yelled, "ROUND TWO!"

Owen back up to the kitchen entrance, and threw one again, and Kitty jumped to catch it. She grinned, and swallowed it, yelling, "ROUND 3! ADD A MARSHMALLOW!!!" She jumped up and down excitedly, and caught one, but tripped on a tile, and fell to the ground with a thud.

Owen gasped, and jogged over to her. "Are you okay?" He said, and picked her up bridal style.

Kitty let out a sharp gasp, and blushed. "C-Could you put me down?" She asked.

Owen laughed and gently put her down, and popped a marshmallow, closing his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he saw Kitty divert her eyes of him. He raised his eyebrows, and asked, "You are okay, right?"

Kitty examined herself, before replying, "I might have bruised my ankles, but I think I'm good beside that!, smiling.

Owen nodded, and said, "Well, do you want me to pour you a bowl of marshmallows?" Kitty nodded, and sat back down on the couch, and flipped the channels, trying to find a show. She eventually found Cartoon Network, and selected it. About that time, Owen handed her a bowl. She smiled, and dug into the marshmallows, smiling as the Steven Universe Theme Song played.

(*cries because of how short the chapter is* Anyway, that's it for this week, and I'll be back next Friday! Adios!)

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