Noah sat on his bed, reading "Artemis Fowl." He smirked. Artemis reminded Noah a lot of himself. Artemis Fowl was a criminal mastermind, but of course, Noah was no criminal. Although Noah was sarcastic, witty, and intelligent, plus he hated physical activity. All of these things he did though, have in common with Artemis. Then there was Holly Short, the elf the Artemis kidnapped. If he had to choose somebody on the show to be her in a play, it would be... well, McAuthors, but Emma would be his second. Noah gasped as Butler was knocked over by the troll, and smirked at Butler's sister, Juliet, saved the day. He closed the book as the chapter ended.
Noah sighed sadly. He told Emma that he would burn it, and he had tried.
Noah took a match in the dead of night, and threw it into the bonfire, smiling sadly. The bonfire burst into a brilliant red and orange flame. Noah sat down on a log he had pulled close, but not too close, to the fire, and closed his eyes, debating on wether or not to keep the book. A few minutes later, he opened his eyes, and took a marshmallow and a stick, and roasted it over the fire. After a few minutes, he sighed. Fun time was over. He took a water bottle, and splashed it over the fire, and cooled it. Eventually, the fire creased, and Noah walked back inside the hotel, smiling.
He was gonna keep that book for luck.
Good Luck.
Owen bursted into their bedroom, screaming. Noah screamed too, until they both quietly stopped.
Owen frowned, and said, "Okay, so I was on my way back from Starbucks, and when I got close enough to the front door, Kitty and Emma pelted me with snow balls! After running inside, and peeking back out, there was a note saying "Snowball Fight at Noon? If you want, bring Noah! - K and E" Owen read out loud, and plopped on the his bed.
Noah raised an eyebrow. "She could've just texted you!" He said.
Owen replied, "Maybe she forgot!", Shrugging.
Noah rolled his eyes, and checked his clock.
Noah sighed, and said, "Lemme drink my latte. Go get ready, and we meet them at noon."
Owen nodded, and went inside the bathroom, locking the door.
Emma slammed the bedroom door shut, dropped her shopping bags, collapsing on the bed. Her and Kitty had just gotten back from the local mall, and were exhausted. She checked her phone to see:
N: Snowball Fight?
Emma laughed, and shut her phone off. She said to Kitty, "Get ready, they excepted."
Kitty sat up, and replied, "Really? Now I gotta get ready!"
Emma laughed, and replied, "I told you, you should've thought about the problems with inviting them!"
Kitty rolled her eyes, and walked over to their suitcase of shopping bags. She shuffled through it, and pulled out a pink coat, and some matching pants, and gloves. She showed them to Emma, and after getting her nod of approval, walked into the bathroom to change.
After a minute, Emma walked over to the bags, and pulled out a red outfit, and smiled. This would do fine. She pulled out the accessories, and after Kitty stepped out, She went in to change.
Thirty minutes later, Emma and Kitty walked out the door. Before Emma walked out the hotel, she checked her phone again, to see:
Emma laughed, pocketed her phone, and walked outside to be pelted with snowballs. When she was finally up, she looked to see Noah, smirking victoriously.
Oh, IT. WAS. ON.
( So yeah, this is the new Nemma fanfic! )
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