9-The Next Day...

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Kayla blinked her eyes open, trying to figure out the new sensations she was feeling. She could hear steady breathing close to her, and could feel an arm maybe, draped over her shoulder. She found another arm she had snuggled as a pillow and quickly sat up, the events of last night coming to the forefront of her mind. As she sat up her towel fell and she quickly grabbed it and held it to her naked body. Rex was woken by her sitting up and he sat up himself, rubbing a hand down his tired face. "Good morning, meshla," he said in a gravely voice. Kayla's eyes widened as the finality of having a man in her bed settled in her brain. "Um, Rex? What are you doing in my bed? And where are my clothes?" she asked him cautiously.

"You don't remember last night?" he asked her, a small smirk on his face. She carefully turned to face him, keeping her body covered with her towel and blanket.

With a less than amused tone she said, "I wouldn't be asking if I remembered."

Rex sighed and took one of her hands in his, rubbing a calloused thumb over her soft knuckles. "It was late and I woke up to your screams. I didn't know what was happening and when I came in here, you were having a terrible nightmare. You almost didn't wake up, but then you did, but you were still out of it." He paused a moment as she listened. "You wanted me to stay and you went to take a shower, but... I guess you were too overcome with grief. I found you crying on the floor of the shower..."

"Ok, I remember now," she said in a whisper.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Rex asked her.

Kayla laid back down and pulled the blanket up to her chin. She kept her eyes trained on the ceiling as she spoke. "I was dreaming about being eaten by a sarlaac and you were there, Anikan was there, and my whole family. We were all being eaten and of course I couldn't stop any of it. My mother and father were clinging to each other and then my brothers began to say it was all my fault. That if I hadn't left for Coruscant we would all still be alive. And then it just changed again and you were there... but you were doing something you didn't want to do. But you couldn't stop yourself." She crinkled her brow and then shook her head to clear away the memories. "But it was just a dream..."

Rex just sat and listened and then asked, "Why were you saying you were sorry? You kept repeating it until you fell asleep."

Kayla looked at him, just with her eyes, keeping herself cocooned in the blanket. "I think because my heart was hurting. It's my fault my family is dead and you were tortured by Count Dooku. If I had been with my family I could have bargained with Dooku for my family's life. He could have taken me instead of them."

Rex just let out a sigh of sadness and frustration. "If there is one thing I have learned in my short life, it's that we can't change the past. And we dishonor the dead when we think we could have changed their fate. If you hadn't gone on that mission with me to Scipio, then someone else would have. The result would have been the same. And it doesn't matter if you were with your family or not. Dooku doesn't negotiate." He looked down at her and smoothed her hair away from her forehead. "Besides, I'm glad you're here with me. You've given me a chance at loving someone... something clones aren't taught." Rex's cheeks were tinted pink at his realization that he actually loved her. Carefully, Kayla sat up and put a hand on Rex's cheek, turning his face towards her. "You always know what to say to make me feel better. I'm so glad I met you," she whispered before she claimed his lips with her own. He kissed her back gently before breaking away and running a hand down the side of her face. "We should get moving. The work day will start soon." 

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