Chapter 3: First Day at UA

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Killua's POV

I stood in front of the mirror, not happy. I was wearing the uniform for the school. Let's just say that it was NOT up to my fashion standards, but I had to wear it. I will say, the red of the tie does not go with the jacket whatsoever, so I just decided not to wear it and have the top button of the shirt not buttoned up. "Good enough," I say to myself before walking out of my room and starting my day.

I walked into school and made my way to class. 'Man, that is one big door,' I thought to myself before entering. I walk in and see one other person there. A boy with glasses and dark blue hair. He swiftly approached and said, "I am Tenya Iida, I am from Somei Private Academy. What's your name?"

"Killua." I say, not really caring.

"That way of speaking is so informal! Also your uniform! Where is your tie! And your shirt isn't fully buttoned up! That is disrespecting the very nature of this school!" he shouted at me.

"Couldn't care less." I say, walking away.

He started to follow me but then saw pomeranian boy enter and put his feet on the desk, so he ran off the scold him. I sigh and walk to my desk, which was in the very back corner of the room by the window. "If you're here to make friends, I suggest you pack up your things and leave now." I hear Aizawa say.

I look up and see him enter the classroom. He glances at me and says, "It took you eight seconds to get quiet, that's not going to work. Welcome to the hero course, put these PE uniforms on and meet me outside." 

Third Person POV

The boys all walk into the locker room and start getting into their PE uniforms. Killua takes off his shirt and all of the boys' eyes are glued to his back which is decorated with scar after scar. 

'Is this what he meant when he said that he's been training longer than I have?' Bakugou thinks to himself.

'I wasn't the only one who got abused as a child?' Todoroki ponders.

'Is it from child abuse?' wondered every single one of the boys in that room. 

Killua, annoyed from feeling all of them staring at his back, turned around and said, "You know, a picture will last longer."

All of the boys turned away, embarrassed for having been caught staring at his scars. He finished getting dressed and left the locker room. All of the boys shared a collective thought, 'Just who is this guy?'

Killua's POV

'Ugh, now all of them know about my scars. Damn it...' 

You see, over the years, I've gotten a lot more secretive. Back when I was twelve, I didn't see why I needed to hide the fact that I was a top assassin. But now, especially in this environment, I don't want anyone to know what my past life was like.

I walked out to the field and saw Aizawa waiting for the rest of the class. Since I was the first out, I walked up to him and ask, "Hey, what should I tell them my quirk is?" 

He thinks for a moment and says, "Well didn't you say that your special ability had something to do with electricity?"

I nod and say, "So I should just call it electricity?"

He nods and says, "Yeah, just don't call it electrification. We already have one in this class."

I nod and walk a few feet back. The rest of the class joins us and Aizawa starts talking about not needing to go to orientation and stuff, but I didn't really care. He then looks at me and asks, "Killua, what was your highest softball throw in junior high?"

"Umm I was homeschooled so I never did these tests." I say.

"Fine, Bakugou. What was your junior high record?" Aizawa says, annoyed.

"About 67 meters," replied the angry pomeranian. 'Ah, so his name is Bakugou.'

"Try throwing the ball now, but this time, use your quirk." Aizawa states.

Bakugou stepped up to the circle and threw the ball as hard as he could, even using an explosion from his palm to propel it forward. "705.2 meters." Aizawa reads.

'Dang, I bet I could get a kilometer though, even without my Nen.' I think to myself.

A girl with pink skin and hair then shouts out how this is going to be fun. Aizawa scolds her and then threatens to expel whoever gets in last. "But that's unfair!" a girl with short, brown hair shouts.

"Neither is life, so stop complaining and just make sure that you don't end up in last place so you don't get expelled. It really isn't all that hard." I say.

"Killua is right, life is not fair. So don't complain." Aizawa states.

"Wait, Mr. Aizawa! It is totally unprofessional to refer to one of your students by their first name!" Iida shouts.

Aizawa sighs and says, "Well, Killua here is a special case. He specifically requested to be called by his first name because of personal reasons that aren't your typical, 'Call me by my first name because I want to be friends' kind of thing. But for reasons that, if you want them, you're going to have to ask Killua for yourself and he is not obligated to answer."

We all started the tests and I was pitted to race against mister nosy play-by-the-rules-or-else guy. We lined up and I decided against using Godspeed, so I just ran. Although, to everyone else, it looked like I teleported. So much so, in fact, that a little grape boy ran up to me and shouted, "Hey no fair, you just teleported to the end, even though we were supposed to run!"

"Actually, Killua did run." Aizawa said, shocked.

"And how do you know that?" grape boy shouted at him.

"Because Killua's quirk isn't teleportation." he clarified.

The entire class gaped at me. I ignored it and went on to the next task. Grip strength. I decided against using Nen for this one too, so I just gripped it. "Oh, I broke it." I said to myself after breaking it.

The people near me stared in shock. "B-But that thing can withstand a grip strength past 1000 kilos!" grape boy shouted again, "Is that your quirk?"

I shake my head and said, "Actually, my quirk has to do with electricity."

I walked off, hearing all of the commotion behind me. 'Dang, am I really that strong or are these guys just weak?'

And now it was time for the ball throw. I grabbed the ball and actually charged up my Nen this time. Not because I wanted to win, but because I wanted to know how far I could throw it. I decided to activate Godspeed because speed gets momentum and momentum gets distance. The electricity consumed my body as I coiled my arm before releasing a powerful throw. The ball flies out of sight before I feel it come back from behind me and it finally hit the ground, a few meters away from me. Aizawa stares at his device and says, "40.075 million meters" very shocked.

"That's the circumference of the earth!" someone shouted.

"Wait, it made it all the way around the world?" the class shouted.

I walked away, proud of myself for what I had just accomplished. I could feel eyes glaring at me. Some in awe, others in resentment. 'Ahhh, someone's jealous,' I thought to myself.

The rest of the tests went in a similar caliber. I barely tried but got a ridiculous score and the rest of the class got super surprised. 

I ended up winning the little test thing and, it turns out, that no one got expelled. Apparently Aizawa was lying but I don't buy it. I think the kid who got last place, Midoriya, aka the kid I mistook as Gon, impressed Aizawa and proved that he did have potential, so he decided not to expel him, which I can respect. Skill doesn't matter in a place where you're trying to learn. What matters is potential, which I am glad that Aizawa recognizes that and is taking a chance on this guy. 

Anyway, the end of school came up so I went home. At least, that's how I would've liked for it to have gone. Unfortunately, just as I was on my way out, Iida, Midoriya, and some girl approached me. "Hey Killua." Midoriya said.

 "Oh, hey, um sorry about the other day." I said.

"Wait, did something happen?" the girl asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just saw him and mistook him for a friend of mine is all." I said while trying to walk away.

"Killua, I don't mean to be rude, but why do you insist on being called by your first name?" Iida asks.

"I just really don't like my family. I'd rather not be reminded that I'm apart of it whenever people talk to me, so I just go by my first name." I say.

"Why don't you like your family?" Midoriya asks.

"It's none of your business!" I shout before running off.

What I didn't realize was that I had left them all with an even larger desire to learn more about my family, especially the two boys who saw my scars.

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