Chapter 1: What the Hell is a Quirk?

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Killua was walking around, missing his sister. 'I know I told Alluka that I'd be fine if she left to be a Hunter, but this is depressing.' he thought to himself. Killua was now 15, and Alluka went to train with Bisky before taking the Hunter's Exam. Now, he was all alone. He walked around aimlessly until he took a step, and there was no ground beneath him. He fell and fell, scared out of his mind. 'NO! This can't be how I die!' he thought to himself before landing on some street and hearing some yelling before passing out.

Time skip

Killua's POV

I woke up to the sound of people shouting all around me. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw a man with messy black hair who looked like he hadn't slept in a month standing over me. "He's awake!" he shouted before turning to me and speaking softer, "Hey, kid? What's your name?"

Now, being in the strange place I was, I was not about to tell some stranger my name, so I told him the first name that came to mind. "I'm Gon."

"Alright Gon, do you know where you are?" he asked.

I looked around and saw a bustling city that looked nothing like York New, so I shook my head.

He looked at me with concern before asking, "Can you stand?"

I nodded and sat up before slowly standing up. Everything hurt, but I could bear it. I've dealt with worse. He put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Alright, I'm going to take you to the police station. Can you please follow me?"

Time skip

I walked into the station and followed the homeless-looking man into a room where a man in a trench coat sat. "Ah, Aizawa. Please take a seat." he said before looking at me, "You too kid."

I did as he asked and sat down, "Alright, I'm Tsukauchi. I'm going to ask you some questions. Please answer truthfully." the detective said.

I nodded my head and he asked, "What is your full name?"

Sticking to my previous lie, I replied, "Gon Freecss."

He frowned and said, "Do you know what my quirk is?"

"Quirk? What the hell is a quirk?" I asked.

He and Aizawa both gaped at me. "A quirk is a special power around 80% of the population has. Mine basically makes me a human lie detector. Now I'm going to ask again, what is your name?"

'He can tell I'm lying? Might as well tell him the truth then...' "Killua Zoldyck." I said.

He smiled and said, "Alright Killua, how do you not know what a quirk is?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of them. Is it that hard to understand?" I asked.

"Fine, how old are you?" he asked.


"Where are you from?" he asked.

"Raised or where I last remember being?"

"Where you were last." he cleared up.

"York New City." I replied.

"That isn't a place." Aizawa snapped.

"He- he isn't lying." Tsukauchi said in shock before asking, "What is the last thing you remember before you woke up here?"

"Well, I was walking around York New before I took a step and nothing was beneath me. I started falling and actually fell for a long time before I landed and passed out here." I say, just as confused as they are.

The room was dead with silence as I watched Tsukauchi and Aizawa process the information I just told them. "We need to tell Nezu, he'll be able to figure it out." Aizawa stated.

Time skip

I hear the door open, "My my, what do we have here?" I hear someone behind me ask.

I turn around to see a bear-mouse hybrid come in. I immediately jumped out of my seat and shouted, "How the HELL is there a chimera ant still alive?"

"Woah, easy kid. What do you mean by 'chimera ant?'" Tsukauchi questioned.

"I mean the thing right in front of me!" I say, pointing to him.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I am Nezu." he said.

Thinking back to Ikalgo and the chameleon ant that I cant remember the name of  that switched sides, I calmed down and sat back down.

Time skip

"After what you just told me, I think it's safe to say that he is from another dimension." Nezu said.

"Another dimension?" they all asked.

"Well, Killua doesn't know what quirks or pro heroes are, and he mentioned Hunters and York New City, which we have no idea about, so he must be from a different dimension." Nezu explained.

"Alright, so what do we do?" Aizawa asked.

"Well, considering he is the age of the average first year high school student, we should have him go to UA where we can keep an eye on him." Nezu said.

"What! We don't even know if this kid knows the first thing about combat! How can you expect that he will be able to make it into UA?!" Aizawa shouted.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but you seem to be implying that I'm weak. I assure you, I can hold my own in a fight." I say, releasing the ever so slightest amount of bloodlust.

"Well, we could always just have him take the entrance exam." Nezu stated.

"Is it going to be like the Hunter's Exam?" I asked.

"Probably, so prepare yourself." Aizawa said.

I thought for a moment, then asked, "Where will I be staying until I can find my way back home?"

"If it's alright with Aizawa, I think you should stay with him. The entrance exam is in one week, so train hard that way you can get in, ok?" Nezu suggested.

Time skip

I woke up and got ready for the day before walking out to the living room of Aizawa's apartment. He wasn't there, probably out working, so I decided to train. I began doing some of the normal training that Bisky made Gon and I do, but adding my own twist. To help with my Ren endurance, I had it engaged while doing my workouts which consisted of 2000 pushups, 2000 sit ups, you know, the works.

I was almost done with my workouts when Aizawa came back, but I paid him no mind. All of my focus was on getting through the workout while keeping Ren engaged, which was not easy considering I've been doing this for almost 4 hours (Considering this is a year or so past where the show left off, I thought he probably would've found a way to increase his Ren endurance by one hour). I finished and stood up, disengaging my Ren. I looked to Aizawa and saw him staring at me. "What?" I asked.

"How long have you been working out? You're sweating like crazy." he said.

"About 4 hours, but I was using something the whole time which made it harder." I said.

"What were you using?" he asked.

I chuckled and said, "Well, it takes a LONG time to explain, but it's similar to a quirk. It's a power that most people attain through meditation and training. It helps in combat a lot and you can create your own special abilities based off of that, but it takes a lot of energy to keep it going for a long time."

"Hang on, I want to try something." Aizawa said, "Engage this power. My quirk can cancel out other quirks so I want to see if I can stop it."

I engaged Ren and I could tell he noticed that there was something different about the air surrounding me, so he engaged his quirk. His eyes went red and his hair began floating, but nothing happened to me. Ren was still working. He blinked and said, "Nothing happened."

"So your quirk can't close my aura nodes, ok."

Since we were experimenting, I engaged Gyou and saw that he didn't have an aura, but something else entirely. I can't describe it, it's so weird, yet powerful. 'Maybe that's what a quirk looks like.'

I then thought of something, "Can I zap you?"

"What?" he asked.

"Can I zap you? I told you that we can create our own special abilities. Mine is electricity. So I want to zap you with it." I explained.

"Why?" he asked.

"People's aura nodes can be opened by receiving an attack from Nen, the special power my people use, so I want to see if that happens here and whether or not I should use it against people." I explained.

"Is that a bad thing? If people's aura nodes are opened?" he asked.

"Well, if you don't know how to control your aura, then you could actually end up using too much and doing some serious damage. Which is why I will only use it on you until I know it will do nothing because I can guide you through the process of training so you don't overuse your Nen or use it irresponsibly and end up... hurt." I said, thinking back to Gon.

"Okay," he said.

I zapped him a little bit with my lightning and I saw that it hurt him a little. I engaged Gyou and saw no aura flowing out, so I sighed in relief. "That settles it, you guys don't have aura." I said.

"So you can use your... what did you call it... Nen? On people." he said, thinking out loud, "If you couldn't, what would you do?"

"I'd probably just fight, I'm pretty strong and fast without it anyway." I said.

Time skip

It was the day of the exam and I was skateboarding (yes, I had my skateboard on me when I fell into this dimension) to UA. Once in the front gates, I hopped off and began to walk inside. Well, that was until I heard, "Move it, extra!"

I turned around and saw a boy with spiky blonde hair and a scowl on his face walking toward me. I 'tsked' and kept going, paying him no mind.  I felt someone grab my shoulder and turn me around. Surprise surprise, it was mister angry pomeranian. "Do you think you're better than me?!" he shouted.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Not at all, after all I just met you. I don't want to seem like I'm overcompensating."

"Why you little-" I cut him off by releasing a little bloodlust. Not enough to do any damage, but enough to shut him up.

I smirked and walked inside. I found a seat toward the back and sat in it. The presentation started and a man with long, blonde hair that was slicked back and almost looked like a banana came out and began speaking. I tuned him out for a bit until he said, "Everybody say Hey!"

'Gon would've said hey.' I thought sadly to myself.

Time skip

I walked out to the arena I was supposed to be in. 'Just destroy the robots, huh? This'll be a piece of cake.' I thought to myself.

I was in battle section A, and I saw the angry pomeranian from earlier stretching over by the entrance. "Start!" echoed throughout the arena, and I activated Godspeed and was gone. I began attacking robot after robot with ease. "Damn, I thought this would be harder." I said to myself.

After I had accumulated around 100 points, I decided to stop. I walked around, observing the other candidates. I saw many people struggling just to kill one robot, 'Weaklings,' I thought.

Suddenly, I felt the ground begin to shake. I looked up and saw a massive robot, "One of the zero pointers? Finally, something challenging." I said out loud, getting some weird looks from the people around me, one of them being the angry guy from earlier.

I activated Godspeed once again and ran up the nearest building so I could get some height. Once at the top, which only took a few seconds, I hopped onto the robot's arm and ran up its side. I reached the head and punched it with all my might. It was knocked back several kilometers and even reached the edge of the fake city, hitting the wall. I fell onto the roof of that building and said, "Dang, that was so easy."

Third Person POV

The people in the arena stood in shock as they watched this pale white-haired boy take down a zero pointer. Bakugou stood there, intimidated. His inferiority complex grew wild, and his resentment toward the boy only grew.

The room full of pro heroes was wrecked with shock. Aizawa and Nezu were more than surprised at what this otherworldly boy could do, without a quirk. The others were just shocked that this kid could take out such a large robot without any help.

Needless to say, Killua made one hell of a reputation for himself without even trying.

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