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seoul, south korea

may 23.

dear huang renjun,

have you seen the picture i sent to you? the one with the stars and skies? the five of us went to stargazed. i miss doing this with you, i miss doing things that we once do. i really miss you, and i am still trying to cope up with this. it's so funny that jisung cried again, and what's more funny is that we cried too. he even said, "if renjun hyung is here, i am sure he'll love the view." that's why i took a photo of it, so you'll never feel that you're alone. i wanted to say that, you should just go back here. but i also thought that, we're living in the same world, we're living in the same skies, we always see the sun at the morning, and we always see the moon in the night, so there shouldn't be any problem. i love you so much, i bet you cried reading this, ugh you're such a baby. if your parents will tell me that you cry while reading my letters, then i'll not hesitate to go to china. joking, now i cried:/ i love you. happy monthsary, my love.

jisung's fake dad,

na jaemin.

after reading the letter, he surely cried about it. plus the fact that jisung broke down, he really misses him then, "hang in there everyone, i'll be back. i love you and happy monthsary to us, love."

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