Chapter three

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"Abby if you're right, then Luna's the miracle we need." I heard Kane say over the radio that is in Abby's hand. "I wish I were with you"

"Me too, but you have to be there. Once we create this night blood serum, we're gonna have to distribute it very quickly. And we need peace for that." Abby responded. 

I tune out the rest of their conversation.


We just arrived at the Island where the lab is. It was Me, Luna, and a bunch of other people. I left Izzy at home with some of the sky kids. 

"Where are the boats?" Murphy asked a girl whose name I learned was Emori. 

"Without Alie, there's no reason to be here." She responded. 

"According to Thelonius" map, the lab is in the middle of the Island, 5 miles straight ahead." Abby said looking at the screen in her hand,

Luna and Nyko were the last ones out of the boat. I walked towards them. 

"You're doing the right thing." Nyko said to Luna. 

"They didn't give me a choice" She responded. 

"These are good people Luna." He turned to face her. 

"Are you sure?" I asked, from what I've seen they have done nothing but cause chaos since they got here. 

"I trust them, And you both trust me.

"Luna, Nyko, Rocky, time to move." Miller shouted towards us. 

"They think my blood can save them Nyko, What do you think would happen if I said they couldn't have it?" Luna asked. 

"What do you think they'll do to Izzy if they can't get blood from Luna?" I asked.

"I said lets go." Miller said passive aggressively as he walked over to us. 

We started following the group until Emori, who was leading everyone, stopped. "What's wrong?" Abby asked. 

"Alie's rules, no frikdreina past this line, I've never crossed it." She explained. 

"Frikdreina?"Jackson asked. 


"I've never met a line I wouldn't cross." Murphy said crossing first. The rest of us followed. 

"Alright everyone let's go, we have a long walk ahead of us."

We heard buzzing as we got up the small hill. 

"What is that?" Miller asked. 

We looked and saw a drone. "We should run." Emori said. 

"Why?" Raven asked. Why is she asking questions instead of running? "What's the penalty for crossing the line?" 

The drone shot a bullet at one of the sky people's head. "RUN!" We all started running. 

"I thought you said Alie was down" Murphy screamed. 

"She is, it's probably automated." Raven yelled back. "I can't keep up." She was falling behind. 

"I got you, cover Luna, cover Luna!" He yelled as he help Raven run. We all split up by accident. I was with Luna and Nyko. 

There was a drone in front of us. "Bouda watch out." Nyko screamed as he protected me with his body. Luna was behind me out of the shooting range. Miller shot his gun at the drone. 

"No, Nyko" I whisper. First I lost Lincoln, then his best friend. Luna keeled down next to me.

"Luna, Rocky! Take cover." 

"Nyko! No, No!"

Luna and I both looked at each other and hid from the sky people. "Luna, we need to get the hell out of here. Too many of our people died because of them." She nodded. 

When mostly everyone was gone, we came out of hiding. There was a drone still in the air but I knew that once we crossed that line, we'd be safe. 

"Girls! No you'll get killed!" Raven screamed but we didn't react. 

Luna was first to cross the line, I was 2 seconds behind her. 2 seconds. 2 seconds were all that it took for me to get shot. 2 seconds was all that it took for my world to become black. 

(Narrators POV)

Luna watched as Rocky's body hit the floor. She stared at her friend for a second before continuing her walk to the boat. Luna thought Rocky had died. She had no idea that the girl only passed out from the shock. She had no Idea that bullet didn't hit anything important. 

Raven ran as fast as she could to cross the line. She couldn't let Luna leave. Not when the girl was so important. Raven took a second to look at Rocky's body. Raven and Rocky were not close but Raven knew how much Rocky meant to Clarke, how much Rocky meant to everyone. After taking a second to look at Rocky, Raven remembered she had a mission to fulfill.

"I can't let you leave. We need you." Raven yelled while pointing her gun at Luna. 

"I've heard that before." Luna said to herself. Raven saw how Luna wasn't stopping, she aimed her gun at Luna's feet and shot a few inches behind it. 

Luna stopped and turned around. "So I am a prisoner."

"Your blood can save us, everyone." Raven said walking closer to Luna. 

"Do you really think you deserved to be saved?" Luna asked taking a quick glance to Rocky's body. 

"I know how you feel, okay? I get it, but it won't always be like this. You just have to keep fighting." Raven explained. 

"What if the fight is all we are?" Luna asked. When Luna created Floukru, she took and oath to quit fighting, to live in peace. Look at where she is now. "We torture, kill, betray. We pretend we're more  than that just to make ourselves feel better, but it's a lie." Luna walked closer to Raven with every word. 

"What about the child?" Raven asked. "Adria? Was she more than that?"

"Adria's gone. They're all gone." 

"But she was good, wasn't she? There are others like her out there. Don't you want to give them a chance? Don't you want Izzy to get a chance to grow up around peers? Raven asked. She looked at the gun in her hand and set it down. "You're not a prisoner, Luna. You have a choice." 

The two heard gunshots in the distance. Miller came on the radio explaining that he couldn't get to the beach. He told them that Jackson got shot.  

Hearing all the chaos on the radio, and hearing raven beg her. Luna decides to help. 

(Rocky's POV)

My shoulder hurt like hell. I couldn't hear anything but the ringing in my ear. I felt someone put more pressure on my shoulder and my eyes shot open. I looked around at my surroundings. I was currently on the floor and Abby was right next to me tying something around my shoulder. I quickly sit up. 

"Take it easy, you were just shot in the shoulder." Abby said alarmed at how fast I sat up. 

I quickly stood to my feet. "I have been through hell, and back. This" I motion to my shoulder. "Is nothing, let's go we're losing daylight" The group seemed to nod at my words. Abby kept a close eye on me the whole time we were walking. 

I'm not gonna lie and say my shoulder doesn't hurt, it does. But I am used to the pain. I am used to pain 10 times worse than this. 

As we looked at the building in front of us, Murphy asked a smart question. "Uh, small question. Alie had a security system to protect this thing right? Any idea what she was protecting it from?" 

"Let's hope we don't find out." Abby responded. "Just in case, Raven, get the drones back into the sky."

We walked into the building and it looked very advanced. Even more advanced than Mount weather. Everyone looked around in aw. 

"Not bad, becca" I heard raven whisper. 


A/n: I love seamechanic together so much. I enjoyed re-watching their interaction. 

On a different note. I am still upset by this, HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT OCTAVIA GOT STABBED IN THE STOMACH, PUSHED OFF A CLIFF/MOUNTAIN, INTO WATER, AND SURVIVED, YET LEXA CAN'T SURVIVE A BULLET IN THE STOMACH. Don't get me wrong, I love Octavia. I'm glad she's alive, but they did Lexa wrong. I know Alycia Debnam-Carey had to go to Fear The Walking Dead, but still #Lexadeservesbetter

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