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I wake up to Frimzy smothering my face in kisses and in response I giggle for some reason.

"Babe finally you have awoken from your deep sleep I thought you died." He started to laugh.

"Well sorry babe I've had a really long day." I said in a grumpy tone.

"Babe don't be mad theirs food." He said I jumped up as he says food. He starts to laugh.

"Its not funny so get of your lazy ass and get me food." I say and command.

"It is but ok i'll be back with food your highness." he says.

"Yayyyyyy I'm getting food." I scretched.

"Wow those mood swings tho." He mumbles under his breath thinking I couldn't hear but I did.

"Hey I heard that." I yell at him, He just stays silent and walks into the kitchen. I want food like right now or ill kill someone. Ughhh can't he hurry up I want food. I lay back down on the couch turning on the TV with the remote. I start to flip through the channels. I turn to see whats taking Frimzy so long and I see him walking out of the kitchen. But i wasn't expecting so much food.

"Babe?" I ask

"Yes" He says in response.

"How much was all of this." I ask concerned on how much money he had spent.

"Sorry but I will not tell you." He say sternly

"And why not?" I asked in return.

"Because baby now lets eat and watch a scary movie." He say handing me a huge plate of food and taking the remote out of my hand.

"Fine but do we have to watch a scary movie?" I ask kinda scared already cuz I know its gonna be hella scary and terrifing and He just nods in return with his mouth full of food."But why babe." I say while I eat.

"Yes." He says in response to my question. "I'll protect you I promise and don't worry its all fake none of its real but actually maybe not I think the movie it can be real." He says making me get scarder and scarder.

"Are you fucking serious Im never going to sleep again or even leave my house thanks alot." I say scared out of my mind with sarcastedness laced in my voice when I said thanks alot.

"Your welcome but don't worry I'll protect you." He says in response to my rhetorical question.

"If I die I'll come back as a ghost and kill you." I say scared out of my mind

"You wont die." He says with a chuckle at the end.

"Fine let's just watch the movie but which movie tho?" I say while setting down my food on the glass coffee table in front of us.

"Ummm.... It the clown movie." He says nervous that ill probably say no.

"Ok fine what ever lets just watch it all ready but first go get me a jar of pickles and also olives." I command craving pickles and olives. He laughs in response.

"Wh..wh..why do you want pickles and olives?" He asks while catching his breathe.

"Cuz I do now get me my olives and pickles before I punch you in the face." I say playing around... Not... I will actually punch him.

"Ok ok ok ok ok I get you your food." He says putting his hands up in the air surrendering. "I already hate your mood swings." He mumbles under his breathe probably thinking I cant hear him while getting off the couch walking into the kitchen.

"I heard that." I yell at him. He stays quite in response.

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