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Hehe..I'm back

After I leave the room, i stumbled back since a person suddenly pops up in my face..

"Ah.." I said while rubbing my head..
Then I heard the person gasp and they help me stand up..

"Oh, I'm so sorry!, I didn't see you there!" The person said, as I now up again I looked at the person, and then I saw a blonde haired girl..

It took me a good ol 1 minute to figure who it was..

"Aren't you Alice?" I asked her..
"Oh!yes!, Wait have me met before?, I don't recall meeting you or telling my name.."
She said.

I looked at her figure she was wearing her natural style..

Blue and white dress with black shoes and a a black bowtie..

Her blonde hair reminds me of Cindrella, but with Alice she has a darker yellow to it..

"Um, I just met your friends!,yeah like snow white and Cindrella! They told me your name!"
"Oh?, It's that's so- wait you met snow white?,where is she!?" She said smiling widely..

"Come, let me show you, the others are downstairs too.."
We both made to the living room with some new people there..

"Yo,why is there so much people appearing in a day!?" I said..
"There u are y/n!, Let us introduce our friends!, Oh hello Alice!" Cinderella said..

Alice waved ,then Cindy started to introduce the new comers..

"Why hello!, I'm Elsa" the white headed girl siad

"And this is my sister anna." "Hi!" I looked over to the brown headed girl.

'Oh my frozen!, Frickin let it go Queen is here!, In my house!!! '

"Snow white's said, that u were familiar with our villians?" Anna said
"Uh.. yes!, though I Didn't meet the queen of hearts tho" I said..

Alice takes a seat in the couch..
"This is so soft!" She said..

"I'm guessing were have to stay here with u?, Until we find out an a solution to get us back home?" Jasmine replied..

"Do you mind having us to stay in your place, Ms Y/n?" Belle said..

"Yes, you may stay here until we figured out a solution." I replied

"Are we going to stay in the villians used to sleep?"

Well I guess they could stay in the villians rooms,...but if they can't I'll just find a way..

"Um, sure if you want to, if don't just pick any room"

They smiled at me..

"How generous!, no wonder the villains fight over you!" She gigles

I lightly blush "thank you for your kind words"

"Well we must eat first before you rest, I doubt you all are hungry and tired, I must prepare dinner first so chat for now."

I bowed to them and walks to the kitchen

Then I prepared the stuff that I needed...


After y/n left to cook, the girls were left to chat...

"Isn't she so nice?,she is going to cook us food!" Show white said the to the girls..

All the girls have to agreed she is nice

"Yes, not only is she nice,she is also kind, polite,and of course a beautiful girl" Said belle

As then go on an long chat between the girls about Y/n and the villains .



An red hades was shouting, walking everywhere

While his companions were hiding in the corner scared of their master...

"I wish y/n was here" "me too pain,me too"

Then suddenly hades thrown a huge fire ball in their hiding spot..

Back in y/n's place

Y/n and the girls were eating dinner having little chat with one another..

"So y/n, can I ask, do you have any magic powers?" Elsa question while eating her food

Y/n looks at her, "Yes actually"
Everyone looks at her..
"Really?, What is it?" Replied Elsa

"Well I don't know what is it , but in my mind it's telekinetic, I can read minds"

"Can u read anyone minds here?"
Y/n Nodded

She looks at Anna and reads her mind..

"Anna do you miss Christoph?(sorry I don't know to spell the name!)
"Oh yes,how d-, oh you read my mind!"

"That's amazing!,how did get them?" Anna question
"W-well, it's a complicated story, hehe, with the maleficent and Jafar involving.." y/n said..

Aurora was interested..
"Do not fret, we have still many food.." said Aurora

Then y/n tells the story on how she got them...

In a random castle..

In the castle can be seen a queen looking a book , and mixing potions..

Trying really hard to find a correct potion to see her favorite person again..

"Darn it!, Not one potion worked!"

The queen grimhilde walk to her throne and sat..

"That Show white better not steal her!, She is mine alone!"

Hello guys!I'm back from the dead!
Finally have a break from school!
I deeply apologize if I haven't updated this..

Anyway can u follow me in Instagram?

The username is

Thank u very much!

-Author Ywz

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