The Lawyer

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AN: I now have 302 followers, you are all amazing and I can't thank you enough. I know I'm not a bubbly author but I hope my writing makes it up to you. If ever you need anything please drop by my inbox or tag me in the comment section.

BTW, this book is not serious as you've read so far and I already highlighted that fact in the last book. It is a light book about good friends.

One last thing, there was a time I thought of discontinuing this book because I thought people didn't like it. A special thanks to the 12 people who've left comments so far and those who voted and are still voting. You give me the strength to go on. Comments and votes means the world to every author. I appreciate you. 💝 Happy reading💝

Fivesome Group

Gulf: 😔😔He won't let me sign up.

Mild: I knew this would happen.

Tan: 🤷🏼‍♂️

Gulf: 😔😔😔He can't service me regularly he says.

Bright: Don't worry. He'll change his mind.

Gulf: he hurt my feelings too😞

Jin: he'll pay for that somehow.

Mild: so you don't love him anymore?

Gulf: I love him even more. I'm now at 75%😊

Tan: Why though?

Gulf: people who play hard to get are the most attractive.

Jin: sadist bitch.

Gulf: HEY!

Tan: 🤭he knows what sadist means.

Mild: I stopped trusting him when he outline the rules and regulations of a sex club.

Jin: I'm a Doctor bitches and I work in the ER too FYI.

That Night: Group call of 4 excluding Gulf.

Jin: "Who is taking care of this situation?"

Mild: "I think we need Bright for this."

Jin: "We can start with Tan then Bright."

Tan: "Let's be clean and go with Bright. If we play dirty then he'll only hate him."

Bright: "Should I go tomorrow?"

Tan: "Yeah the sooner the better."

The following Day

Bright: (walks in the building in a suit. He brings out his business card and hands it over to the server) "Let me see the CEO." (Removes his classy and expensive sun glasses face serious and intimidating) "right now."

Server: (shaking) "This way please." (Hands the business card to Mew as soon as they come in.)

Mew: (signaling Bright to take a seat)  "To what do I owe this visit?"

Bright: "I'm a legal representative for Gulf. He has alerted me of your refusal to offer him your services."

Mew: "It's not like that."

Bright: "what is it like?"

Mew: "No one here can provide the services he requires."

Bright: "Yet you did."

Mew: (taken aback) "He told you that?"

Bright: "How you used your hand the first time and held him after a whole awesome sex the second time?" (Smirk on his face, shaking his head) "No he didn't."

Mew: (sees Bright is playing him) "I thought it was only one time he needed it."

Bright: "Well you thought wrong."

Mew: "Excuse me?"

Bright: "Yes. I read your terms and conditions and you're discriminating a client right now. Please continue to provide services he needs if not I'll be visiting you again with a lawsuit. Pick your choice wisely Mr CEO, you don't want to mess with me." (Getting up) "It was a very good conversation and I'm glad it went well." (Opening the door) "I hope I won't be seeing you again. (Closes the door.)

Mew: (looking at door with an open jaw. It opens again)

Bright: (with his glasses on) "keep this visit from my client please. He always pays extra for little things. You wouldn't want him to waste his money on this right? When he should be spending it on better satisfying things."

Mew: (opens his mouth.)

Bright: ( before Mew talks) "I'll take that as a yes. It was so nice talking to you MR Sex CEO." (Closes the door and leave right away)

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