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Finally home. May I help you? Are you Avery Rizzoli?Yes,  please sign. Thank you  .
I open the envelope and see thru are divorce papers.  Shot she didn't waste any time.   No alimony. Only wants what we came into the marriage and her deli.  I sign the papers and call for a courier to pick them up.
I call my parents  and tell them that I just signed my divorce papers and the courier just picked them up. Quickest pickup ever dad. I am sorry kiddo. I will start packing her things and take them to her townhouse and her vehicle to make it easy for her. I stayed the divorce she just did the paperwork first.
Talk to you later dad .

Auntie Kiki can you come over now. I ordered pizza for dinner for us three. If Lisa has any boxes, please have her bring those too. We will be there soon.
Lisa do you have any empty boxes to pack things in? Of course I do why?.Avery invited us over. She ordered pizza and wants us to bring the boxes. What is going on? Don't know but will find out. I think we should take the truck. I have a nasty feeling she will need it.
We arrive at Avery's

cottage.  We park and Avery comes out to greet us.  Aunties did you bring the boxes? Yes,  sweetie what's wrong? You heard on the news and seen the tabloids. Yes.  Well one of the gals was Jenna.  I didn't believe her and told her I  wanted a divorce.  I tried to apologize but it was a few hours to late.  I signed the divorce papers she sent me earlier and the courier probably has them at her attorneys office. I figured to make it easier for her to pack her belongings and her vehicle and leave them at her townhouse.  Oh sweetie.  Our marriage hasn't been okay for awhile but this just broke it and well it's done. I want the family to still treat her with love.  Our divorce is our fault alone. I already started taking the photos down and packed some of her clothes.  Can you two help me? I need to call Michele to tell her because I know she won't answer my calls. Okay. You make the call and we will start in the bedroom closet. thanks.

My cell is ringing and I see it's Avery.

Michele please let Jenna know I signed the divorce papers. I and auntie Kiki and Lisa are packing her stuff up. I will have her vehicle and belongings at the townhouse.  I don't want this more difficult for us than it already is. I am telling my family that I don't want them to treat her any different.  This is between me and her.  I am just as much fault as she is. Michele thanks for supporting her. Talk to you later. Okay will do.
Jenna when we land we can go straight to your townhouse.  Avery is having Kiki and Lisa help her pack your belongings along with your vehicle.  She wants this less of hassle for you both.  She has told the family already that the divorce is between you two and she wants them to treat you the same. She signed the divorce papers and knows it's both of your faults.  Okay.
I held Jenna because I know it hurts.
Michele I need to call my uncle and tell him to go to the townhouse instead.
Shit it went straight to his voice mail.
I take an Uber to my nieces home. I ring the doorbell.
Good evening Avery. Hello Avery.  Is Jenna here? No, we are packing up her stuff.  If you like, you can help and drive her vehicle to her townhouse.
Avery I know you two were having your problems for awhile.  I was hoping it would work itself out. I am glad at least you two will be able to be civil with one another eventually.  Thanks Avery.  If you are hungry, there is Pizza and beer in the refrigerator.  Thanks I am hungry and do miss Lorenzo's Pizza.  Let me eat and than I will help. 
I see my voice mail has a message. I listened to it. I text my niece. Jenna at your place eating than I will be helping them with your stuff.  I am sorry I was at the airport and didn't hear my phone ring. Love Avery.
Thanks uncle.  How is she doing? Okay but she is putting a front on for us all. Okay see you. Love you too.

Babe we have been robbed.  Our photos are gone.  No silly,  read the note . Little one,  your photos we took to New York . We hope you will like what we done to your place.  BTW no more wearing clothes showing off your breasts. I am not ready for you to be grown up. Everyone  laughed at me because I still see you as a little girl close to fast chested.
Flat chested huh. Be quiet you.  I didn't realize she is having a hard time with me leaving. She I guess has been doing a fine job not showing it. Call your parents and I will text mine to let them know we are back .
Mami we are home. We are beat. We will see you tomorrow. Mija call me we need to talk.

Mom were home. I will see you tomorrow.. mija glad you made it back safely.  I am doing  better . I have for more treatments. Love you love you too.
Steph my mom says I need to call her now.  Go ahead.  Mom is okay snd half way through her treatments.  I told her I would see her tomorrow.

Mami what is wrong? Have you been paying attention to the tabloids? A little. Well your cousin Jenna was one of his victims.  She is divorcing Avery and your dad is selling her townhouse and looking for a new one. I wanted you to hear it from me before someone else.  Thanks Mami .
I hung up my cell.
Babe what's wrong. The mother fucker raped Jenna and she is getting a divorce from Avery. Steph I need to go to my cousin's alone.  Why don't you go see your mom and stay there tonight. I don't know what time I will be home.
You sure babe. Yeah.
Let me repack a bag than.

Steph takes off to her parents and I go to my cousins cottage.
I kiss my wife and we go our separate ways.
Mom oh mija you okay? No not really.  Avery and Jenna are getting a divorce.  Jenna was one of the rape victims.  Oh Dios. Mom Julianne is at her cousins and she wanted me to stay the night here.  Mija you are always welcome here. Mjja what happened to your rings? I lost mine first to the ocean than Julianne lost hers. I guess many lose their jewelry there.  Her parents did too. Oh boy.  Go see the family. 
I hug my mom and go inside.

Mija I thought we were going to see yo tomorrow.  Julianne is with her cousins and she suggested I stay here.  Ah OK. You just in time for dinner.

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