17 | nyx

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YOO THE READS AT 666 angel number 😏
thankyou for so many reads, votes and reading lists! hope y'all can shift soon and hug ur comfort character<3

lorenzo berkshire

I woke up in a place other then my dorm. It was awfully messy. I turn my head to see my friends passed out.

My head turned to the girl next to me.


We nearly kissed. The memory was faint but it was there. I remember it, I just don't know if she did.

My stomach fluttered at the thought of our interaction last night.

What the fuck is happening?

Holy shit. Was I, Lorenzo Berkshire falling in love with Y/N?

Was it a crush?

Will it go away soon?—I hope so. Maybe?

I panicked. My heart raced. What the fuck is going on? I hate this feeling—It was like I was riding on a roller coaster.

I slap myself and hurried to my dorm, getting ready for class and waking my friends up along with it.

— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —

My last class was with Onyx—transfiguration with Minnie.

Nyx gives me a side eye and a smirk. I raise a brow at her.

She sits down next to me and turns her full body towards me—not gonna lie I'm a bit nervous..and scared

"So?" She squeals.


She groans and rolls her eye, "So we're going to ignore the elephant in the room?" I give her a confused look.

"Oh my fucking god Enzo! I literally saw your little looks and interaction with Y/N."

You mean the one you ruined?

"I was drunk and high. It was nothing, I don't like her." I tried to play it cool but I knew I was trying to convince myself more than I am to Onyx. 

She gives me a little smirk, "I never said you liked her."

Wow. Great fucking job Enzo. I drop my head in my hands and sighed, "Look it's confusing okay?"

"How so?"

I took a breath and look Onyx face to face, "Well, first off I don't even know if I like like her. And I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my stomach—you might think I'm crazy but I feel butterflies." I whispered fast.

I wanted to change the topic ASAP. I felt my cheeks go pink and my stomach going crazy, "It's happening right now." I panicked.

Onyx laughed at me, snickering, "My baby is growing up," she leans to give me a hug but I shove her off.

"Nyx I'm serious! I think I need to go to the hospital wing,"

She placed her hand on my shoulder, "Enz calm the fuck down! It's normal, it mean you've got feelings for her! We're all human—I get that by looking at The-"

Well, now it was my turn to smirk at her.

"I promise I won't tell Y/N if you promise not to tell Theo I like him," she begged. She place her hand out and I shook it.


"You just admitted you like her!" She points to me and did a happy dance. I groan and sink in my chair.

She knows.

My anxiety was going a little crazy. I was scared if Nyx would spill it out on accident.

It's okay Enzo. It's okay.

All you gotta do is trust her.




filler chapter

sorry for the slow and short chapter

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