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As I stepped in the house, I put my basket down, and went to the kitchen where my mother was.

"Yes dear?" - she smiles.

"Erm.. Did I get any letters today?"

"No, sorry dear. You know it's a very long time to send a letter from Germany to here." - I nodded. She was right, it would take over a month, probably.

"When is dad gonna come home?" - I asked.

"He should be here soon, oh and, could you go and find Finn?"

"Yeah sure but.. Where is he?"

"Hmm.. He works at the Gillis family since the house burned down."
I nod and go out, I'm not sure about the way there, it was at night and i didnt see clearly. Succesfully, I found the house, and Finn was there.

"Finn!" - I call his name.

"Ja?" - he yells back.

"Mom called you to come home."

"Oh, okay. I'll tell Mrs. Gillis though." - and he ran inside.
A few minutes later, we start walking home, talking.

"So, do you like anyone?" - he asked me.

"No. I mean.. There's a guy who tries to impress me, he says im pretty and stuff, but it just makes me uncomfortable."

"That doesn't sound good. If he touches you, just tell me."

"Okay.. I dont think he would go that far though." 

"If you say so" - my brother replies as we walk inside our home. Mom and an unknown older woman were talking. They saw us, the woman introduced herself as Rachel Lynde.

"You're Gilbert's classmate, am I right?" - she looks at me. I nod, - "Well, welcome in this small town. I know about everything that happens in here, so if you don't want to read the newspaper, I'm here to tell everything. Oh also, are you friends with that orphan girl?"

"Orphan girl?" - I ask.

"Anne. That's her name."

"Oh, right. Yes I am."

"I'm a close friends with Marilla, she adopted her. If you wanna go and visit her, I can take you there."
I look at my mother, and she nods.
"Your father isn't home yet, I don't mind" - she smiles.

I get excited, then Mrs. Lynde and I get going. On the way, she gets tired.

"Wow, you live far away from their house. Don't you have horses?"

"Not yet. My parents want to get at least one, with a field, if not my brother, then another boy is gonna work there."

"Ah, I see I see. It's gonna be easier to travel with a horse. Where does your father work?"

"In Germany he worked as a train driver, so I suppose.. He's still working as a train driver somewhere near here"

"That's a great job. And your mother?"

"A lawyer."

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Uhh.. I don't know yet.."

"Be a writer!" - she suggests. I already thought about that, but i'm not sure. I just nod, I don't wanna be disrespectful.
Soon we finally arrived at Anne's house, Anne saw me from the window and started running towards me. I ran up to her too, and we hugged.

"Hallo Adel!" - she says.

"You speak german?" - I gasp.

"No, I just found a dictionary." - she smiles.

"Oh, Bonjour! Jolie fille is here again!" - I hear a similar voice from behind us.

"Ughhh Jerry, aren't you gonna go home?" - Anne rolls her eyes.

"As long as your pretty friend is here, I'm not going anywhere" - he smiles, and what he said made me blush.

"Leave Adelina alone"

"Pretty name for a pretty girl" - he giggles.

Anne grabs my wrist - thankfully not the one with the bruise on it - and tells me to let's just go inside. I say hi to Marilla, and  we run upstairs. Anne closes the door behind her, and tells me about the Snow Queen, and all of her interesting thoughts.

"I think you're a wunderbar person Anne!" - I smile.

"Wunderbar?" - she repeats.

"Oh right, it means wonderful. And unique is einzigartig." - I smile at her.
She tries to repeat with an accent and nods. We talk for 30 minutes, then I saw that the sun is gonna go down soon, so I get up and leave.

"Bye Anne, see you tomorrow" - I hug her at the door - "Bye Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert!"

"Bye Adel!" - they all say.

I was walking outside and closed the fence when I hear Jerry again.
"Hi there" - he smiles - "Can I walk you home?"

"Why aren't you home?" - I ask and I try not to look at him.

"I waited for you so I can walk you home!" - I couldn't. That excitement in his voice was really adorable. I sighed and I accepted his offer. He raised his arm, I refused to walk with him arm in arm, I kept a 2 step distance between us.

"Why are you being Impoli?" - he asks.

"Please speak english!" - I raise my voice at him and stop walking.

"I'm sorry-, impoli means rude" - he explains.

"Why am I being rude? I.." - I try to think of a lie quickly - "I don't know you."

"Ahh I get it, we coul-"

"No, Jerry." - I stop and look at him. - "I don't.." - sigh - "Just.. please.. After you walk me home, will you leave me alone?" - I ask, trying not to be rude. He looks so sad, and his adorable smile is gone, so I try my best to ask him nicely.

"Yeah.. Sure" - he looks down and stays quiet for the rest of the walk. Oh god it bothers me that he wasnt talking.

"Au revoir, ma belle. Good night" (Goodbye, beautiful) - he smiles weakly and walks home.

"Jerry, wait!" - I yell after him, and he immediately stops and turns back.


I hesitate for a little, and he smiles, but why? - "Good night to you too.. And thank you, compliments are nice" - I smile softly.

He gets exctied again, but calms down quickly, then he nods and walks off.
I went inside the house, my brother welcoming me at the door.

"Who was that?" - he raises an eyebrow. - "Wait. Was that the french boy?"

"Yes.." - I sigh - "Please don't tell our parents"

"I got your back" - he smiles and hugs me.
We both go walk in the kitchen, dinner was ready. Everything is quiet while eating, until I speak up.

"Mother and Father" - they look up at me and stop chewing. - "Why are the french.. why are they bad people?"

"It's a long story, dear" - my mother says.

"Please, I want to know."

"No. We'll tell you when you will be older." - my dad spoke. I roll my eyes and continue dinner.

Before going to bed, I hear my mom call me. She was always caring and kind to me, I loved her a lot. I go back to the kitchen where she was.
"Yes mom?"

"My grandmother.. She was french, along with my grandfather. I don't hate them. Only your father does. Dear, I dont care if you hate them or not, it's your choice, I don't have any rights to force you to hate them, even as your mother. I care about you, and what you say also matters, nowadays women are mistreated... I dont want you to experience that, I don't want to spoil you, but i'll be always here for you if you need me" - she smiled. I teared up and hugged her, and told her that I love her a lot. She said it back, then I went to sleep. Finn waited for me, even if I was only 3 months older, I always liked to cuddle him or kiss his cheek, and he got used to it. We love this weird habit, but everyone is different, and there is no problem in that.

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