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The first day with Mrs. Stacy was awesome, she is so nice and different! She doesn't wear skirts like other women, and also she came to school with a bike. She seems so creative, and she's way better than Mr. Philips.
The only bad thing was that um.. We loved her, but our parents didn't. Not even mine.
"Welcome home, kids." mom smiled at us after we arrived home "How was your day?"

"Amazing, we have a new teacher and she's really friendly and creative!"

"She?" mom scrunched her eyebrows, glancing over at Finn.

"Yeah. Mrs. Stacy is her name, she's like Anne but older." he chuckled, I punched his arm playfully.

"Oh uh well, alright. I'll go, visit the Barry's, do you two want to come?" mom smiled.

"Of course!" I grinned, and my brother just nodded - and blushed -, then we walked outside, making our way to Diana's house.
When we arrived, Diana welcomed us, grinning at Finn and I.
"Come on in" she said, letting us in.


We walked in her room, hanging out and laughing.
"So, Finn, how do you like the school so far?" Diana asked, slightly blushing at him.
"Oh, I uh-, it's actually really good. And if someone would try to lay their hands on you, Diana and Adel, i'll make sure they won't even dare to look at you two ever again." my brother smiled proudly, making Diana bit her bottom lip, holding back her grin.

"Thank you." she spoke, turning her head to me "How's Jerry?"

"Uhh.. He's fine, I guess.. Why do you ask?"

"Don't act like it's not obvious. He's in love with you! I can see it in his eyes!" She smirked, I heard my brother mumble something under his nose, narrowing his eyebrows.

"What is it?" I asked Finn, avoiding Diana's question.

"Oh, nothing, you just can see it in Jerry's eyes that he likes you. Yeah whatever. He's included in what I said earlier. He hurts your feelings, he's-"

"Jerry is a sweet boy. He would never do such a thing."

"This is so cute, i'm kinda jealous, honestly. I want a brother."

"No you don't." I frowned at Diana, she chuckled.

"Finn seems like a good brother.." the mentioned blushed "I'd be glad to have him as my brother!" then he got upset.

"Tsk, you can have him. He can be very annoying if he's bored."

"Well, at least you have company."

"But you have Minnie May."

"Oh, you think it's easy to live with her?" Diana leaned in, whispering to me "She's worse than Finn, though Finn is definitely the best."

"I'll leave him here, try out spending a day with him." I winked, making them both blush. Hah.


Later when we left, I got up on my horse, heading to Anne's. Don't know why, I was bored. I wanted to hang out with Anne...And Jerry.
He's so sweet and good-looking, he makes me smile whenever I see him. I can't get him out of my mind, I have to tell him one day how I feel about him..

I finally arrived, Jerry opened the gate for me.
"What a nice surprise, ma belle." he said, and after I got off the horse, he kissed my hand, making me smile and my cheeks turned bright pink.
"I missed you." I hugged him tightly, making him gasp then slowly wrapped his arms around me.
I don't know why I did this, but I felt like I had to do it.
"What has gotten into you, jolie fille?"

"Nothing. I came here because..." I sighed, waiting for a few seconds before admitting the truth "I wanted to see you."

"Me?" his eyes widened as he grinned.


"I'm all ears for you!"

"Thank you, Jerry." We lead my horse to the other ones, and we walked in the barn.
"I don't want to keep you waiting, were you working when I came?"

"No. I'm actually done with working, I was just about to leave. But I guess, I can wait." he smiled softly, making my heart melt. Gosh, his smile is the best thing ever to see.

"You're so sweet, Jerry." I put my head on his shoulder, and he wrapped one arm around me, resting his head on mine.
"Thank you, Adel, and I think you're very beautiful!" he said.
I think he knows where this is going, but why is it so hard to tell him?
My heart started beating way faster, feeling my cheeks turn red as I looked up at him.

"Yes?" he asked.

"I...uh.. I- I have feelings for you, Jerry Baynard." I mumbled, looking down.

"What was that?"

"I said I have feelings for you!" I spoke out loud, then covering my mouth, feeling embarrassed.

"Hey, it's okay, I heard it the first time too. Just wanted to make sure." he giggled, I playfully punched his arm. "Do you truly have feelings for me?" he blushed.

"Absolutely!" I grinned.

"I love you too, ma belle."


A/N: Gosshhhh this came out so short, and i know, I haven't posted in a while, I'm sorryyy I promise the next chapter will be longer and I'll post it earlier, I just don't have much free time, but I didn't forget about the story, don't worry :) And thank y'all so much for the support, love you all, I hope you like the story! ^^

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