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The next day when I was all dressed up, my mom checked if I had a fever or was I coughing, but I was totally fine.
My brother decided to walk me to school, Tillie, Jane and Ruby were all admiring Finn. Anne didn't care, Diana was glancing at him, while my brother was staring at her beauty. I smirked, then went inside, saying bye to my brother.

"Your brother is handsome!" Tillie grinned

"I agree, he is so.. Unique!" Jane's eyes were sparkling, then I decided to tell them the news.

"He's gonna come to school in september."

"Really?!" they all started giggling from excitement, honestly, I felt the same way. Just then, looks like someone was listening to our converstation.

"Your brother is going to come to this school?" Billy walked up behind me.

"Go away, Billy." Jane rolled her eyes.
I spun around to see Billy looking down at me, I frowned.
"You got a problem with that?"

"Uh, no, nothing. Do you know what he did to me a few months ago?"

"Shut up!" Jane stepped in front of me. I don't know why she protected me and never told me, but I guess only because she likes my brother. I walked away, not noticing I tripped into Cole from behind.
"Oh godness, i'm sorry Cole!"

"No worries." he weakly smiled as he looked in my eyes.

"Can I sit with you at lunch?"

"Sure." he shrugged, picked up his notebook and sat down. He was drawing, he is just so talented! I glanced at the drawing from behind his shoulder, asking him what is he drawing.

"It's just a landscape."

"I like it, you're so good at drawing! I don't know what I'm good at, Anne is good at everything especially writing, Diana is perfect, Ruby is good at helping, but I don't know what I'm good at." I sighed, and saw Cole leave some space and told me to sit down. He closed his book and looked at me, smiling "You can be good at anything. You stand up for your friends, you also like to help, you're unique, friendly and you protect those people you love. You don't have to be perfect, I'm pretty sure the boys like you because of the things you do, and not only because you're beautiful."

"Thank you so much, Cole!" I smiled and pulled him in a hug, and he hugged me back with one hand, he probably didn't expect that. But wait.. "You said.. Boys like me? Who?"

"Ahh um.." his eyes widened, like he wasn't supposed to say that "Class is gonna start soon." he cleared his throat, opening his book again to continue his landscape.
I sighed, and went to my seat, as soon as I sat down, our teacher came in.
He was writing on the board, and I felt a pencil on my shoulder, I turned to see Anne.
"Gilbert's letter came." she whispered, and I looked at her total confused.
"What letter?" I asked
"I wrote him a few weeks ago about the gold which.. doesnt exist, and he wrote back!" she whispered
"Wow, that's so--"
"Mrs. Müller probably knows the answer to this problem, that is why she is not paying any attention to me." the teacher looked at me with a salty face, and I looked at the board.
"Uhm.. The answer is 49, sir."

He sighed, "No talking in class." and continued teaching us.


At lunch, I asked Anne about the letter, she said she would show me in the afternoon.

I went outside to get my milk, and some boys pulled up my skirt, I laughed but still, I shouted at them. It was Billy and one of his fool friend, I just rolled my eyes and went inside, looking for Cole.
"Hi! You're drawing again?" I wanted to peek, but he pulled his book away this time.

"Are you hiding something from me?" I scrunched my eyebrows, and he just shook his head. I drank a little of my milk, and started eating my sandwich, then a pie.
Later I heard someone call my name from outside, and I told Cole that i'll be right back. The girls were looking at me, though Diana and Anne were just eating, somethig was off.
I went outside, Charlie called me.

"Yeah? Were you the one who yelled my name?"

"Yes! Uhmm.. umm.. So I was.. I just wanted to ask how are you?"

"Good.. Thank you? I guess?" I scrunched my eyebrows again.
He awkwardly smiled then sighed and looked down.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I.." Moody punched his arm, they mumbled something to eachother.
"He just wants to say.. He wants to walk you home." Moody grinned at me.
"Oh wow, well um.. Sure, why not?"
Charlie was grinning and blushing, but I had the feeling this wasnt the thing he wanted to say. I brushed it off, and just walked back inside. I saw Cole smiling at someone, then I noticed it was Anne. I smirked, does he like her?
"Did something happen while I was away?"

"Nothing much. Josie wanted to kiss me."

I gasped, I didn't expect that.. "And did you.."

"No. We didn't kiss, I don't kiss the person I don't like."

"Well, do you like anyone?"

"Not really. No." He shrugged, not looking up from his book.


After school, I was hanging out with Ruby, then Charlie walked up to us.
"Adelina." he smiled, raising his arm up "May I walk you home?"

"Oh um.. Sure. Bye Ruby!" I waved to her and I walked outside, Charlie after me.
We were walking, and I saw someone standing near a tree. Was that..

"Jerry?" I ran up to him.

"Jolie fille!" he grinned "Who's he?" he looked at Charlie who was running behind me.
"Oh, he's Charlie. Charlie, he's Jerry." Charlie got a bit upset, I didn't understand what is going on. They greeted eachother, Jerry was looking at him with a cold face, like they were enemies, he mumbled "Tu ne me la voleras pas." (you won't steal her from me).
I didn't understand a thing, neither Charlie did.
"I'll go home, I guess.." Charlie spoke up and walked to the opposite way, Jerry raising his arm, smiling at me, and asked me the same question that Charlie did. Just a little change with it.
"May I walk you home, ma belle?"

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