Part 38: No Man Left Behind

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"Kill the feed for a minute," Jerome said her, wiping blood off his face as Commissioner Essen lay dying on the desk. Danica pushed a button on the camera and lowered it.

"What's up?" Danica asked curiously. "I thought that you said you wanted everything to be live."

"I do. I do," he assured her. "But this next part, you're probably not going to like."

Danica waited.

"You have to stay behind-"
"*What*?" Danica exclaimed loudly, stepping back. "What, wait for the cops? No. No, you can't-!

Jerome held his hands up, "Danica, baby, you babe have to let them arrest you. Galavan's orders."

"Not shocked," Danica remarked derisively. "He's hanging me out to dry. You have to see that."

"I'm not asking you to stay behind," Jerome said calmly. "By all means, come with me. But how well do you think Galavan is going to act when he finds you and me coming back together. He'll most likely kill you. I'm not afraid to die; but you are," he said, setting a hand on her shoulder.

"And if the cops shoot me on sight?" Danica said sadly.

"They won't." Jerome said with certainty. "They'll want you alive. And they'll want you to talk. We're kind of the 'Bad Romance' in this bit, so they're going to try to get you to roll on me."

"Never. I wouldn't," Danica shook her head.

Jerome kissed her on the cheek. "I know that. But they don't. So play the Devil's Advocate, baby." He placed his gun inside of his holster. "We finished the last bit of love for the camera. Pity that Greenwood died. I was getting to like him a bit."

The sirens drew closer in the background. Danica grabbed Jerome's collar as he started to leave, pulled him back to her and locked him in a passionate kiss.

"We don't say goodbye," Danica said sweetly.

"I don't think we ever have. Why start now?" Jerome winked. "I'll see you later."

Danica released his collar. He took off through the service door in the back. She watched him leave, then strode into the Captain's quarters, seated herself in the chair, propped her feet up, and lit a cigarette.

The sirens were echoing. Then footsteps. Lumbering. Then cries of the Commissioner's name. The door burst open.

Harvey Bullock and Jim Gordon stared at her.

"Jeez," Danica drawled, "you boys look really, really sad." She beamed. "Who died?"

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