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I arrived home and placed the box of donuts on the living room coffee table, and left a short note reading 'To Katakuri, I hope you enjoy. From y/n'.

I smiled at the note as I taped it to the box, I yawned and walked up the stairs to my room.

I got changed, went to sleep...


The noise was... something... I snapped out of my slumber and got up, walking down the hall and down the stairs I entered the kitchen to see Katakuri...

"What is it?" He asked, he didn't even turn around. He just knew I was there, like he could sense my presance.

"What are you doing?" I inquired as I walked over to him and peaked from the side of him, he looked at me and watched me.

"Trying to fix the coffee machine, it's broken... sorry if I woke you im still getting used to having someone else in my house" he replied still watching me.

I hummed and got a closer look. "It looks pretty beaten up, not to be rude katakuri, but... I believe you've made the problem worse" I replied.

Katakuri huffed and looked back at the coffee machine.

"Dont patronize me, unless you can fix it keep your words to yourself" he spoke coldly.

I hummed and leaned onto him, "Don't be so mean katakuri, I was only being honest." I chatted.

Katakuri sighed and nudged me off of him, "Don't get all comfortable just because were... married" he said once again cold as stone.

I just hummed and walked away, "katakuri... I understand that all this is sudden.. believe me I'm just as uncomfortable about it as you. And yet your cooperation to this marriage even if only to please your mother as it is your duty, My confidence springs from that freedom you have given me. The way you speak It's almost like you're asking me to hate you," I replied entering the living room.

"I can't see why you'd like me, you're just acting because you have no choice" he responded.

I stood by the doorway and turned around glaring at him.

"I'm too honest to act as if I like you. I like you because you're genuine" I playfully replied.

Katakuri sighed, genuine? He's been keeping his face secret from the beginning. There's nothing genuine. He turned to face me, "how did you know?" He questioned.


"Know what?" I asked him as I walked back into the kitchen..

"Know that... I love..  donuts.. " he continued, a hint of embarrassment escaping his big ego.

"Ahhh~ brûlée helped me out alittle" I replied with a soft smile, kakturi raised a brow at me.

"She did? I thought she hated you" He said watching for my reaction. I dumbfounded, and walked up to him, "she changed her mind, she told me she judged me too hard. And that she finds me quite charming." I spoke with a grin.

Katakuris eyes drooped and he huffed, " She must be out of her mind" he responded.

I pouted, "don't be ridiculous she's the sweetest woman I know and don't act like im some stuck up awful woman trying to steal your life away, im not going to force you to give me your attention. Although... did you like them, the donuts that is?" I asked nervously.

Katakuri nodded "Yes...".

I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek over the scarf, I rubbed his cheek alittle and moved away, walking back to the stairs.

"Im glad, maybe I'll sleep sweetly now, Goodnight katakuri" ...

He froze for a moment and blushed "good...night.." he spoke still as cold as usual.

Once I had left for my room, katakuri sighed and sat on the seat in the kitchen, he face palmed and removed his scarf to reveal his face getting alittle fresh air, his fingers gliding over his mouth with a hint of disappointment.

"What a nuisance"


It was a new day, obviously I was home alone... as usual... I've noticed these past few weeks katakuri isn't one to stick around long. Hes always off doing something for Big Mom. I've started understanding why he is supposedly the 'perfect' son, he never tires from his duties.

I sighed and spread myself across the cold marble counter in the kitchen, looking up to see the old broken coffee machine... I gritted my teeth and tried not to think about it but... I just couldn't...

I quickly snatched the coffee machine and threw it away, got dressed and headed to the town with some money katakuri had left me. Searching around for an appliance store. It was taking longer than I'd hoped, I face palmed as I walked with a moan.

The worst part about being in a new kingdom is the lack of knowledge of it, even if I hardly ever left the castle in my home kingdom, I still knew where everything was.

This is gonna take some getting used to...

Eventually I finally came across the store I was looking for though it was alittle smaller than I had hoped for, being from a race of... bigger people.. being tall had its cons. I managed to squeeze inside though, A smile of relief crossed my features as I begun looking around for a good coffee machine. Thats when I saw one, a pretty one, like... a glazed donut...

I smiled at the sight and bought one, taking it home, since katakuri is always working he probably doesn't have time to purchase a new coffee machine..  though... hed probably get someone to do it for him.... I hope not this time...

I sighed as I opened the front door to my new home i was still getting used to and took the large coffee machine to the kitchen.

Did I mention I had to wait hours for one to be built? Yeah they dont really make them in katakuri size so it took a while but i finally got it. There are many races in toto land, but even so most were smaller. So

I took it out the box and plugged it into the socket, I smiled and sighed in relief. No more broken distraction.

For the rest of the day I just spent it watching the TV, brûlée did stop by for a short moment but not long enough to matter to this fan fiction.

Eventually katakuri came home, I peeked over the couch as I saw him walk in, he looked exhausted. Yet I've never seen him relax... ever...

"Welcome home" I spoke as I watched him move from the door to the living room table placing his things on it.

"Mhm" he said as he sat down with a straight posture not allowing his back to relax into the comfort of the sofa.

"Why don't you ever relax?" I asked him genuinely, he just sighed and stayed silent.

"Just... lean back" I spoke as I poked him to try push him back, he just glared at me and huffed.

"Dont poke me, " he replied with irritation. I smiled and just looked away.

He paused for a moment...

"I do relax... just not often, and not on my back" he said coldly.

"What about when you sleep?" I asked curiously, he sighed and looked at me.

"On my side or on my front" he replied...


This guy was something else.

I huffed and inched closer to him, I placed my hands on his shoulders and gently pushed, but he didn't budge... he just glared at me with disgust.

So... I did what any one would, I walked over to the window and closed the blinds and curtains, I locked the door and walked back over to him taking a seat beside him.

He just looked at me strangely, as if he was shocked... as if he was surprised I could read him...

"Just relax... okay? Youre always working too hard, I don't care if I don't know you well enough to determine that. You look exhausted, it bothers me" I spoke softly and I once again gently pushed at his shoulders, I could see him hesitate. But I smiled gently at him to reassure him that... its okay... "you have my word I won't tell a soul, I've noticed how everyone looks up to you, I've heard some rumours how you never lay on your back. But you don't need to uphold that image with me. I know you don't like me very much but I only have good intentions for you, I guess thats my job now" I spoke soothingly.

He sighed but never peeled his eyes from mine as I softly pushed him onto his back, I could feel his tense body relax as he sat there comfortably. I sighed and removed my arms from him, also removing my gaze.

I gently snuggled up beside him nervously, expecting him to shove me away... but nothing... he allowed me to lay there beside him. I guess he was too exhausted to care.

Eventually he drifted off into a soft slumber, and so did I.

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