Chapter 5

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Okokokokok let's all take a minute to appreciate the lovely new cover of Freed from the Demon!!! It was created by the magnificent starnoxslayer please please go follow them!

The photo above is Oliver Queen (aka the Green Arrow) and Felicity Smoak/Queen (aka Overwatch)

Do you want a kiss scene in this book between Dami and the reader?

Y/n stood out on her room terrace. The soft afternoon breeze filled her lungs. She closed her eyes in thought of what to do with everything. She didn’t want to think for too long though. Over a year of her being free, she realized the mind can be a dangerous place. It’s filled with memories and thoughts. Situations, real and fantasized, played out. The ‘what if’s of life. It almost made her uneasy. 

Right now in her mind, Y/n reflected on her personal life. About the offer Oliver Queen gave her. A chance to start over, to be an actual kid. To go to school, have a brother, a mother and father. A home to go to. A bed she can call her own and not her ex husband's father’s guest bed. Ex husband. Thirteen years old and she’s already divorced. Her life would make one hell of a reality show.

“How depressing,” she murmured to herself. 

The thought of her ex husband made her grind her teeth. It has been three days since Damian ran away. Bruce spent his time tracking him, Alfred spent his time tending to his boss’s needs, and Richard, her best friend, spent his days talking to her and talking to his girlfriend over the phone. Y/n didn’t ask what they conversed about. She can put two and two together. 

What did Y/n spend her time with?

She busied herself with the paperwork with Mr. Queen. New documents were delivered yesterday. Bruce, her current guardian, was supposed to sign them and then officially she would become under the care of Oliver and Felicity Queen. The thought of an actual family made her smile. It reminded her of when the couple gave her the offer. 

It was after her surgery. The chip had been implanted at the base of her spinal cord. She was sore and tired from being under but other than that, only a small incision scar was left. Y/n used her upper body strength to sit up. It would take months of physical therapy for her to walk again, assuming the chip would do its given job. There was no guarantees. But since her spinal cord wasn’t shredded or torn or anything, it should work. 

Y/n knew she had to be patient but the thought of being in the chair made her itch. She glared at the black wheelchair to her left and made a face at it. She looked to her right and saw Richard playing with his phone. He was there to keep her company. Alfred left not too long ago after delivering a beautiful bouquet, Bruce visited in the morning to sign some paperwork and make sure she was alright. He had to leave shortly though, time was something he has finite of. Damian, by request, never visited. After being forced by his side for so long, she enjoyed being away from him. Subconsciously she ran her hand over the linen wrap around her wrist, covering the scars. She did it whenever she was deep in thought. Right now she was thinking about her feelings for the boy. 

Her thoughts were cut short when someone knocked at the door. 

“Come in,” she answered.

The door opened and in entered Star City citizens, Oliver and Felicity Queen. The people who made the surgery possible. Y/n had met the two many times and they had gotten along swimmingly. They even brought over their son William who was a year or two older than Y/n. Even they got along. The h/c girl sat up, Richard clicked his phone off and stood up. He walked over and shook hands with both of the blondes. They greeted each other with kind smiles. Oliver and Dick had met before on several occasions, in and out of costume. Dick only spoke with Felicity during gallas or dinners. The blue eyed man excused himself and Y/n waved her best friend off to return whatever time passing game he was playing.

“Hi Y/n,” Felicity smiled warmly. Y/n greeted her with a kind hello as the two sat down to her right in the guest chairs. “How are you feeling.”

“As well as I expect to be, the surgery was fine.”

“We heard,” Oliver spoke. “Felicity’s physical therapist should be over as soon as you’re ready to begin. Well after you heal, of course.” Y/n smiled at the thought of her future success. 

“I really can’t thank you enough. I never thought I would walk again.”

“Well,” Felicity started, “When Bruce told us we knew we had to do something.” Her blue eyes widen, “Not that this is out of pity or anything because it’s not. We do not pity you. I mean what you have gone through is amazing, not amazing, but,” she rambled. 

“What Felicity means to say,” Oliver saved her. “Is that when Bruce told us about everything that happened, we knew you’d be the perfect candidate. You are smart and strong and despite what you went through, you’re still this amazing person who values morals and has a spirit. And we are so glad we got to know you - William loves your company too.” 

Y/n smiled, “I’m glad to know you guys too. It’s not everyday you meet the best archer and the smartest woman ever.” Felicity turned bashful at the complement.

“Which brings us to why we’re here. We wanted to know if -”

“Do you want to live with us?” Felicity asked excitedly. Y/n burrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

“Again, what Felicity means,” he looked over at his wife and she smiled in embarrassment. “We heard Bruce doesn’t plan on revealing you and Damian to the world until a few years. So we were wondering if you would want to move to Star City?” Now it was Y/n’s turn to have wide eyes. She looked at her lap. “We spoke to Bruce and he thought it would be a wonderful idea for us to foster you. That way you can start living your own life.” Y/n looked at him. “Of course, it’s up to you.”

Now more thoughts raced through Y/n’s mind. A new life, a family, a home, a school, friends. It was everything she never had. And to top it off, she wouldn’t live down the hall from Damian anymore. “You want to foster me?” she whispered. Oliver nodded. This wasn’t a joke. This was a clean slate. Y/n nodded with tears brimming her eyes, “I’d love to.”

Felicity practically squealed and jumped up to give her a hug. It baffled Y/n how she was able to move that fast while in heels. Y/n tensed, not ever receiving a hug from a motherly figure. The only mother she ever knew was Talia and well…

Y/n chuckled at the memory. It never ceased to make her happy. She looked back into her room and on top of her dresser at the thick yellow folder. The unsigned documents. The foster process was in its final stages. All that needed to be done was have Bruce sign them and send them to the agency. Lastly, she would move away, to Star City. And as much as she wanted to run them over to Bruce down in the Cave, he was determined to find his son. Damian must have found out about the tracker since it went offline about five hours after he disappeared. She searched for a while after that but Damian didn’t want to be found. 

There wasn’t much else to do while it was daytime. She could hang out in the Batcave and train or hang out with Alfred and do whatever he did in his spare time. Dick was out in the city doing, well she didn’t know what he was doing. His girlfriend was all the way in Jump City, the neighboring city of Gotham. The exact opposite direction of Blüdhaven, where Dick lives. 

Sighing Y/n left her room and ran down the stairs in hopes of finding Alfred in the kitchen making his usual evening tea. She silently zoomed through the empty halls until she was at her destination. She inspected the checker floored room but there was no sign of the old man. Y/n frowned. 

Now what?

If Alfred wasn’t in the kitchen then he must be doing his job. That left her other option, the Batcave. 

Maybe Bruce made progress.

Y/n walked out of the kitchen, her (favorite animal) socks hit the floor softly as she hummed her favorite song. 

Down in the Cave, Bruce was in the Batman suit with his cowl on his back. Y/n made a face when she saw the man hunched over traces and clues as to where his son may be. She almost felt guilty she wasn't doing her best in finding him as well. 

Bruce didn't bother with greeting her, over time she noticed how he wasn't one to start conversations, and she didn't feel close enough to him to start one either. But Y/n didn't want to seem rude. As her internal dilemma grew the h/c girl shook her head slightly, to rid herself of the thoughts. 

"Suit up," Batman stood up and walked away from the computer. He moved to the arranged weaponry on a far off table.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. "You found him?"

"Had to pinpoint their next location, but from what I gathered about Talon, is was easy after that."

Y/n nodded in acknowledgement and ran up the stairs. She opened the glass door and began to put on her armor over her clothes. The tank top and leggings made it easy to slip the costume on. She quickly pulled the dark pants up. She reached the long russet tunic style top and clasped her buckle. She pulled up the long protective gloves on her arms and scrunched her fingers so they would get comfortable. She wrapped the retractable bow's holder around her waist, along with the quiver slung tightly on her back. Y/n tied up her dark boots and finally covered her shoulders with her small cloak. Sparrow covered herself with the hood, pressed her mask to her eyes, and raced towards Batman who sat patiently in the Batmobile. 

"I could always take the R-Cycle," Sparrow suggested as they drove into the night of Gotham.

"I don't think Damian would be happy with you driving it," Batman mentioned as he made a sharp turn left. Sparrows body slide against the door but she was unbothered by it.

"Good point but," Sparrow out the window. "When is he ever happy?"

Batman chuckled at the truth. He nodded his head in silent agreement.

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