everyone/ Rick shows the new person around their premises
- I hope you won't be scared to work with them after what you see. I'd advise you to prepare for this very strongly or you might want to escape and then I'll have to kill you. We don't want that, do we? - Asked Rick, looking at the slightly frightened new recruit he was showing around their "headquarters" (which they got from Amanda as part of their "payment")
The young boy just nodded, being too stressed to say anything. Rick, seeing his reaction, slowly opened the door in front of them, revealing a rather large living room-like room and in it...
Oh god he's about to really have to kill this boy
- I'll fucking kill you! I'll strangle you! Prepare to die the worst! - Shouted an extremely pissed off Floyd (aka Deadshot) running after George (C. Boomerang) and it looked like he was really going to kill him which indicated that he was once again the victim of one of his "funny" jokes.
Somewhere nearby, none other than Harley Quinn was practicing smashing the glass beer bottles standing on Chato's (AKA El Diablo) head with her bat, while the aforementioned "stooge" who was helping her was sleeping soundly unaware.
- Hey! Crock! Do you think i can break two at once? - she asked excitedly, preparing to strike
- You don't have the guts to do it - said the cannibal sitting at one of the tables and eating... Something you don't want to describe
- Kids, calm down! We have a new colleague who will be working with us. Can you please calm down for a moment and greet him nicely? - They were interrupted by Rick with his hands on his hips.
At these words they all stopped their activities and turned in that direction with a gleam in their eyes. The soldier immediately saw the horror in new face that was as great as if him were going to die before he could even reach his arm band with their faces on it. As a responsible guardian there was only one thing he could do in this case.
- Say hello. Just do it nicely." he said before pushing him inside and closing the door
And he'd be lying if he said the poor boy's shouted words didn't make him laugh a little.
Yes, this place was a circus and it was fucked up as hell.
this house is a circus - arctic monkeys
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