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Language learning is not going as Rick planned.

It all started with Harley's seemingly innocent question of "Why don't we give ourselves a week to learn one sentence in another language?" At first glance, it was very harmless, in fact, one might even think of it as carrying... Some kind of message
Even Rick seemed interested in the idea, saying that maybe he would finally do something useful in his spare time. And so it began. Everyone was assigned a language, and they were to learn one simple sentence for a week.
One by one
Floyd got German
Harley got French
George got Polish
Diablo got Japanese
And Rick got Spanish

That in itself sounds like a disaster right? And if you add that they didn't end up learning just one sentence?
Let your mind imagine what their headquarters looked like when all five of them started learning such extremely different languages. At times it looked like they were trying to outshout each other (and in Floyd and George's case, they were.) Harley was smiling strangely every now and then while saying some words under her breath and Diablo and Rick were the only ones really studying with calm. It was chaos.


F: Stört Sie das?


H: Vous êtes des idiots.

- What are you doing, if I may ask? - They suddenly heard the voice of June, who often came to visit them. A little test of mental strength.
- We have an assignment to learn to speak other languages. - Rick answered her, as he frantically tried to ignore the argument going on behind his back.
- I don't want to undermine you, but this looks more like arguing than learning - she remarked shyly, watching as the now already mentioned two joined Harley and Diablo in their chaos and are having a very fierce conversation in different languages
- Don't worry about them! By arguing like this, they remember more! I didn't even know they could say so many words! - He thought about it, leading her out of the living room to give her a hug and a kiss on the head.
- Did you learn anything? - She asked with a small smile as she saw the answer painted on her boyfriend's face "of course, how can you ask that?"

- I got Spanish and yes! Quiero a tu madre.-
The man did not notice how his partner suddenly fell silent and looked at him in shock. He was too busy being proud of himself
- Do you know what that means?
- I love you!

Maybe it was better that this was the last lesson in different languages. The blow that Rick received on the cheek plus the repremende was not worth it all.

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