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Avu-: Siddharth... M... my A... Angel is missing... She says to sid while crying while Sid looks at her shockingly.

Sid get's up and searches ruhi everywhere in the room but doesn't found her. They both goes outside and checks whole mansion but doesn't found ruhi. Everyone else too comes out and panicks except Sid's grandmother and Avu's dad listening that Ruhi is missing. Avu was crying badly while ishika and her sisters were trying to console her. Jahnvi's eye's were too teary and jan too was crying.

Jan-: Siddharth do something... Where she could go...?? Siddharth find her anyhow please... She says to him while crying. Sid ignores her and goes towards his room. Avu too goes behind Sid.

In Sidneet's room, Sid picks up his mobile from side table and was calling someone while Avu was standing beside him worriedly when her eyes fell upon the stairs which were connected from balcony. She goes towards the stairs which lead to terrace and get's shocked seeing Ruhi sleeping on the stairs. She picks her up quickly in her arms and hugs her tightly but gently kissing her whole face.

Avu-: S... Sidd... Siddharth... A.. ang.. angel... She calls Sid while listening her voice Sid comes to the balcony taking big steps.

Sid-: princess... The only word came out from his mouth and he quickly goes towards Avu and taking Ruhi is his arm's he hugs her and breaths in relief while one tear drop fell from his eye.

Avu holds Ruhi's hand and kisses her palm when Ruhi wakes up and rubs her eyes cutely and looks at her parents. She frowns and wipes the tear which just flow from his eyes with her small tiny palms and also wipes Avu's tears.

Ruhi-: Dot cly... Baby cly... ou ale big big... (Don't cry... Baby cries... You are big...) She says to both them while they both left wet chuckles and Sid kisses her forehead while Avu wipes her tears and smiles at Ruhi.

Avu-: baby what were you doing here at stairs...?? How you came here...?? She asks to Ruhi while Sid too looks at Ruhi.

Ruhi-: ruhi... Tellace... Ruhi ghumi ghumi... She says in babyish voice while pointing towards terrace while they both understands that she wanted to go on terrace.

Sid-: I'll tell everyone downstairs about Ruhi... You get ready and make Ruhi too ready... He says to Avu while Avu nods taking Ruhi from him and goes inside the room while talking with Ruhi. Sid too goes down and inform everyone while they all breath in relief.


At dinning table, everyone was present there and having breakfast while Ruhi was showing tantrums in eating because Aditya and Ishika has forcefully taken her from Avu to feed her breakfast but she wants to eat from her mumma's hand.

Adi-: doll stop throwing tantrums and eat it... He says to ruhi while holding her both hands and indicating towards Ishika who was trying to feed her while Ruhi was sitting on Aditya's lap. She glares Ishika making Sid and other chuckles while ishika makes a fake crying face. Ruhi turns her face towards Aditya and looks at him with teary eyes making his eyes widen and before her tears could slip from her eyes, he handover ruhi to Avu making Ruhi grins. Dramaqueen... He says while pinching her nose while ruhi giggles and Avu kisses her cheek and starts feeding her breakfast which she eats happily.

Ruhi-: dadu... Same... Same... She says while pointing towards her and Avu's clothes which were of same colour.

Daksh-:  ohho kya baat hai mother and daughter twinning... Waah..!! He exclaims giving Ruhi a amusing look while everyone else too sees and smiles while Ruhi grins.

Adi-: btw bhai... What's the plan for doll's birthday...?? It's just after few day's... Had you thought something about it...?? He asks to Sid while everyone's attention too moves towards them. Ruhi squeals in excitement on listening about her birthday.

Sid-: yeah... I and dad were thinking of throwing a grand birthday party...

Ruhi-: Daddyy... Ruhi birday sow... (Ruhi birthday snow...) She says while everyone frowns looking at her except ishika.

Sid-: What princess...?? Birthday snow...?? He asks her while Ruhi facepalms cutely.

Ruhi-: bee... Tell daddy... she says to Ishika while Sid and everyone turns towards Ishika who was trying to keep herself fully focused on her food.

Sid-: Ishu... What she's saying...?? He asks her while ishika was still looking at her plate.

Ishika-: I don't know bhai... I don't have any idea what muffin is saying... She says while shuttering in between making both Sid and Aditya suspicious.

Adi-: o really... Then why she's taking your name...??

Ishika(stammering)-: I don't know... I have some work... I'm going... Bye... She says and getting up quickly she was about to leave when Sid and Aditya stands up in a moment and blocks her way.

Adi-: you know someone only stammers when they are scared of something and now I'm sure that you had filled doll's mind with your not so good ideas and with your wishes so now she wants that only and you're scared that bhai will scold you... Tell or else I'll not leave your hairs... He says while holding her hairs and pulling it while Ishika whines making Sid, daksh and Jahnvi shakes their head in disbelief.

Ishika-: ugghh... Fine I'm telling but first leave my hairs... She says to him while Adi leaves her hairs and Ishika was about to run but at the correct time Sid holds her and makes her stand infront of him and raises his eyes. Woh... B... Av... Bhai actually she wants to celebrate her birthday in switzerland, when you both had gone for your honeymoon that time she was crying to go with you both so I bribed her saying that on her birthday we all will go to switzerland on a family trip and celebrate her birthday there only and she agreed and I said this to her after thinking only bhai, I too want to go outside somewhere on a trip and enjoy and we had holidays in college so I want to go somewhere... Bhai seriously I'm not bored going home to college... My life ends between this only... I need vacations badly, bhai please please please let's go somewhere na please... She requests her brother who was looking at her with blank face.

Aditya-: ab... Bhai I think this idiot is right... Actually I was also getting bored at home so let's go somewhere na... Please, please, please... And they both starts requesting him unstoppably while Sid looks at his dad who nod's.

Sid-: okay, okay... Fine, relax both of you... We'll go to switzerland on trip on Rooh's birthday... He says to them while they both squeals in excitement and jumps on him and takes him in a bone crushing hug. Sid's family chuckles seeing their excitement while Ruhi looks at Aditya and ishika grumpily with jealous face and hugs her mom tightly. Avu giggles seeing Ruhi's jello face while they three comes back and sits on their respective places.


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