42: Epilogue Part One

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Scott and Malia had managed to pull through in the end. After facing Douglas, they were able to divert the train, saving the worlds from being merged just in time. And the Nazi? Well, he met his fate as the Ghost Riders surrounded him and turned him into one of their own before they all left, and the town was safe once again.

Everyone was able to return, including Melissa, Noah, and Chris Argent, and the McCalls had a second tearful reunion once they were all able to get back home after the long day they'd had.  

Sky, however, was pretty sure her mind malfunctioned when she saw her own mother quickly kiss Argent goodbye for the night, that being the least expected thing to happen out of everything. 

"Oh, God. My eyes! Mom!"

"Don't Mom me, Skylar Maria, I've had to endure much worse from you and your girlfriend!"

Needless to say, there would be time to give him the shovel talk later.

With the help of the Sheriff and Natalie's influence on the school, Sky and Stiles were able to have the opportunity to graduate along with the others after a little catch-up, despite the fact they missed months of school. Sky even found her abandoned car after a few hours of searching, all it needed was a little TLC.

Sky and Ariel had planned to leave at the same time Stiles did, a plan to get settled and maybe join a few classes before their courses started properly. As well as the chance for Sky and Ariel to spend time together before things got too busy at their respective colleges.

The only thing left to do was to finish their last day.

Sky hums as she presses Ariel against the wall of the closet they were in, mouths pressing together in practised movements as she hitches one of her legs around her hip, a hand comfortably nestled in her hair as it tugged her closer, the rest of the world drowned out.

She could feel Ariel exhale harshly from her nose as she trailed a hand under her t-shirt, not daring to pull apart for air as it crept higher, goosebumps rising on the skin under her touch as she skimmed upwards, until --

The door slams open, the light almost blinding them as they jump apart, scrambling to try and act casual.

The janitor stares at them, mop in hand and unimpressed.

"Erm -- Hi," Sky mutters sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck before trying to flatten her mussed hair. "We were just . . . making sure this area was safe -- Um, from the rats, you know? There've been rumours --"

The bell rings suddenly, making them flinch slightly at the unexpected noise, but Ariel, now finished patting her rumpled clothing down, uses that opportunity to grab Sky's hand, pulling her along quickly, past the annoyed man and into the corridor.

"Sorry, sir!" Ariel calls back as they rush away, trying to hold in her snickers. 

"This feels familiar," Sky says, grinning as they come to a stop outside the classroom they were supposed to be in for their last class before they had gotten distracted. But now they wait as the others come trailing out.

"Oh, God," Ariel laughs, remembering the first time they'd been caught. The night after they got stuck in the school and one of the janitors had been murdered. "I think it was the same man, too."

"Poor guy. Good job it's our last day," Sky chuckles, spotting Stiles as he follows Scott and the rest from the classroom, grumbling.

"Where have you been?" Scott asks once he sees them, heading towards their lockers.

"Making the most of our high school education," Sky replies, smirking at the thump on the arm she receives.

Scott shakes his head with a smile, "I can't believe we're not in high school anymore. It kind of feels like nothing's really changed."

"Really?" Sky says, distracted as she pulls Ariel's hand, twirling her around with a smirk before pulling the now laughing girl back into her arms. "I beg to differ."

"She's right," Stiles murmurs, watching them fondly before his eyes trail down the hall to Lydia, who was at her own locker. "Everything's changed."

Together, the four of them share a grin, making their way out of the doors and towards Stiles's Jeep in the parking lot, Liam and Mason meeting them there.

"Okay!" Stiles cheers after quickly checking the Jeep was okay, walking round to join them at the back. "So, Liam, since you're the new Alpha --"

Sky snorts, "He's the what?"

"I'm not an Alpha," Liam sighs.

"Right. But, you know, Alpha-in-training," Stiles waves off.

"Well, I'd have to kill an Alpha."

"Liam!" Stiles mutters in frustration. "Since you're taking over, the most important thing you can remember is that Mason is always gonna be the one who's there to save your ass all the time."

Scott frowns, "Well, not all the time."

Ariel pats his shoulder consolingly, "It's okay, admitting it is hard."

"Most of the time, though. Which is why," Stiles reaches into his Jeep, pulling out his baseball bat and turning to Mason. "I think you're gonna need this."

Mason smiles awkwardly, "Uh, I don't play baseball."

Sky squints, "You think Stiles does?"

Stiles sighs, pushing it into his hands, "It's not the point."

"Okay," Mason mutters, taking it anyway. "Thanks. . ."

"Love you guys!" Stiles smiles, all of them waving as the two boys walk off.

"Hey, I'm gonna get a ride home with Lydia," Ariel tells them, stepping back. "I'll see you a bunch before we leave, yeah?"

"You better," Scott nods with a smile.

"Sky, come over later?"

"Obviously," Sky says, accepting a kiss on the cheek before she watches her walk away.

"Right," Stiles says since the three of them are alone, pulling out a roll of duct tape and handing it to Scott. "I leave you with this. You know hurt her, and I'll kill you."

"I still can't believe you're giving Scott your prized possession," Sky mutters.

Scott takes it, "You sure you won't need it?" he checks.

"It's okay. Lydia's gonna drive me down to D.C. She wants to help me move into my dorm, so . . ." Stiles trails off.

Sky sighs, "We've come so far. Remember when she didn't even know who you were? That was only like two years ago."

Stiles shrugs, "You know she's starting MIT as a junior? How do you even do that?" he wonders.

"She's a genius."

Stiles holds up a finger towards Scott, "Real question is, how did you get into UC-Davis?" he then turns to Sky. "And you, what am I going to do without you?"

Sky shrugs, "Die, probably."

Scott chuckles, "How did you get into George Washington?" he asks Stiles.

Stiles shakes his head in disbelief, "I don't know. Uh, your dad. The, uh, big FBI pops made a call to the little pre-FBI program."

Scott's brows raise, "Pre-FBI? Well, I guess we're not the same kids running around the woods, looking for a body."

Stiles smiles sadly, "No, we're not," he agrees, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a set of keys.

"You know, you can keep the Jeep."

"No. I want you to have it," Stiles assures, pushing the keys into Scott's hand.

"Guys, I'm having an emotion," Sky frowns, watching the exchange sadly.

"There, there," Stiles pats her shoulder.

"Oh, Stiles?" Scott says after a moment. "These aren't the keys to the Jeep."

Stiles looks back to him, nodding, "Well, that one is to your house, another to your room. Uh, it's the master key to the school, animal clinic, a key to the Sheriff's station, Sky's room, her car --"

"Excuse me?"

Stiles ignores her, "I just figured you should have all the copies I secretly made, so -- Yeah."

"They still need us," Scott murmurs.

"They'll always need us. And, you know, I -- " Stiles hesitates. "I need you. You know that."

Scott's smile is small, "I need you, too. I'm gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss you both."

"Scott, seriously, stop it," Sky sniffs, glaring through tears. "I'll hit you."

"Okay, okay," Scott grins.

"No, really," Stiles says, gaining their attention. "I need you, though. Uh, I lost my license in the Hunt, so you have to drive."

Scott laughs, "Your dad is the Sheriff. I'm sure he'll let it slide. You drive."

"Hey, can you give me a ride, too?" Sky asks, opening the back door already as they move to get in. "I have a lot of packing to do, and Ariel will kill me if I leave it last minute."

"Get in, loser," Stiles nods, getting in the driver's seat.

"Hey, you can't insult me when we're about to leave. That's the rules, assface."


"Motherfu --"

"Let's go," Scott shakes his head when he sees them spiralling into a tennis match of insults.

Disgruntled, Stiles turns on his Jeep, and the radio comes to life.

"Unit Four, repeat-- you're telling me there's a body in the woods?" Sheriff Stilinski's voice sounds out.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. There's a body in the woods."

Stiles quickly flicks off the radio, sharing a look with Scott, and Sky leans forward in the middle of their seats. 

"You know what, I'll walk home --" Sky leans back inching towards the door. "Let me just -- No, Stiles! Stop the car -- Ugh! . . . Fine."

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