Despite wanting to stick together, Sky and Ariel eventually had no choice but to split up once they left the library and dropped Scott at home after he said he needed to clean up. Once she realized Lydia was missing, Ariel was determined to go out and find her immediately in fear of Theo getting to her in hurtful ways. Sky had been ready to go with her, but an emergent call from Stiles had changed her path when he shakily told her over the phone that his dad was hurt and in hospital, and that he needed her there with him because he felt like he was going insane. He also needed to talk about Theo.
So with assurances to Ariel that they would talk soon, Sky rushed off to the hospital.
The first thing she finds when she reaches the waiting room is Stiles sitting alone, his head down as he rubs his hands together anxiously. He must recognise the sound of her shoes smacking against the vinyl floor when she jogs towards him because his head shoots up straight away and he stands, stepping forward hastily once she stops in front of him.
"It was him," Stiles whispers rapidly, his emphasis on the last word making Sky clear on who he was talking about. There were few he had been so distrustful towards -- and it seemed he had been right to be. "Theo. He's been lying all along. He made me choose between Scott and my Dad, and I --" he cuts himself off when his voice cracks slightly, his eyes darting around the room.
"Scott's fine. A little bloody, but fine," Sky tells him quickly, grabbing his shoulder tightly to get his attention on her, knowing his anxiety was making him skittish. "I'm glad you got to your dad in time. We can talk about that treacherous pig Raeken later, okay? How's Mr Stilinski doing?"
"Of course he's fine," Stiles mutters bitterly, pulling a hand to his face, then drags it through his hair stressfully. "But I don't know -- I don't --"
"Hey," Melissa's voice interrupts calmly, coming to stand next to them. She had come straight to the hospital after the scare with Scott, after she was sure he was all right, never slowing in her stride to help. "He's okay. Dr Geyer is stitching him up right now."
There are identical sighs of relief from both of them, and Sky can almost see Stiles' cracked heart mend a little.
"Okay," Stiles nods, exhaling. "I wanna see him."
When Melissa sees Stiles ready to run off to his dad, she holds a hand out carefully, "The anaesthesia needs to wear off. It's gonna be at least two hours," she tells him.
Stiles swallows, stepping back, "Okay, yeah, but everything's gonna be okay, though? I mean, he's okay?"
"He's gonna be just fine," Melissa reassures.
Stiles' breath comes out in tearful shudders, "Oh, thank God."
"He's our Sheriff," Sky gives him a small smile. "He's too stubborn to be anything but okay."
"Exactly. So you two stay here and rest okay?" Melissa instructs them. "I'll let you know if anything changes."
A couple of hours later finds them up out of their seats to talk to Dr Geyer. Melissa had eventually come to get them, but it wasn't to take them to Stilinski as they expected. Instead, the Doctor had bad news to give Stiles, the Sheriff's condition taking an unexpected turn for the worst.
"What do you mean, 'You don't know?'" Stiles asks the man harshly. "Two hours ago, he was fine! Now it looks like somebody took a baseball bat to his neck."
Sky stayed in silence next to Stiles as he questioned the Doctor in disbelief and frustration, the hand that's holding hers squeezing so tight his knuckles were turning white.
"There could've been some minor internal--" The Doctor tries.
"Did you say "minor internal?" Stiles cuts him off, worry increasing. "Since when is anything internal minor?"
"Stiles," Melissa murmurs gently.
"I need to know what's going on with him, okay? Dr Geyer, somebody needs to tell me what's happening," Stiles almost shouts in frustration, his free hand gesturing manically. "Somebody needs to tell me what's happening to him!"
". . . We don't know."
But Stiles' attention isn't on them anymore. When Sky notices, she follows his gaze, eyebrows furrowing when she sees Scott through the doors, but then Stiles abruptly lets go of her hand and heads towards him and her eyes widen. She didn't need heightened senses to feel the rage emitting from him right now.
"Stiles, wait --"
He doesn't listen, tunnelling towards an unexpecting Scott until he's close enough to grab him by the shirt and push him to the wall harshly. Scott falls to the ground with a groan of pain from the force, and Stiles shoves him repeatedly.
"Where were you? You trusted him? You believed him? Right?" Stiles questions him rapidly, angrily pinning him to the floor, ignoring Dr Geyer and Melissa running towards them. "So, where were you?" he shouts in Scott's face.
Sky's heart beats rapidly as she hesitates, unsure what to do as she watches Melissa try and pry Stiles away. On one hand, he had a right to be angry at Scott, despite the twisted lies Theo has been spilling between them to push them all apart, but his rampant emotions were escalating the situation, making him erratic and violent. On the other hand, Scott had just come back from the brink of death, and it was clear he was still struggling with his injuries if Stiles had overpowered him so easily. Theo had been getting in his head, making him breathe in wolfsbane with his inhaler, and planned to kill him -- had killed him -- leaving Sky feeling bad for everything despite the anger at some of the things he'd said. It wasn't completely his fault though, and she knew that they'd get through it eventually. Now though, she had no idea how to get between Stiles and Scott without looking like she was choosing sides.
So she didn't. She let Melissa grab Stiles and pull him off Scott, "Hey, hey, hey --"
"Where the hell were you?" Stiles continues to yell.
"Stop it!"
Scott grunts, pulling himself to his feet, "Your dad's not the only one who got hurt--"
"Oh, you'll heal!" Stiles scoffs.
Scott shakes his head, sending Sky's timid form an understanding then sorrowful look from where she watches, "I'm not talking about me."
Sky inhales sharply, panic triggered by his words, "Where's Ariel?"
"With Lydia."
Sky frowns, her panic only mildly subdued, "Well, where the hell's Lydia?"
Scott's face turns grim.
"Everything's going to be all right, Lydia. We're going to get you the best medical care. The best doctors, the best everything."
Sky takes a deep breath at the sound of Natalie Martin's quiet words, edging her way in the doorway of Lydia's room at the hospital with Stiles. In the chair by the bed, she can see Ariel hunched over, biting her nails in worry as she watches over her sister.
Scott had told them what Theo had done. Similar to how Scott dug his way through Corey's mind by digging his claws into the back of his neck, Theo did the same to Lydia. Except it was already dangerous enough as it is. But Theo wasn't a proper werewolf, let alone an Alpha. The effects of him pushing into Lydia's mind had been too much for her and left her in a sort of catatonic state that Parrish had led Scott and Ariel to find her in, left on the ground alone in the woods. Initially, Ariel was so furious she was ready to hunt down Theo on the spot to rip his throat out, but after Scott reminded her that her sister needed her, that anger turned into heartbreak.
Natalie turns to the door at the sound of their shuffling, eyes narrowing as she moves to the door quickly, "No!" she snaps, trying to stop them from coming in. "No you don't. You're not coming in here. Get out!"
Stiles straightens in panic, "Just wait! Wait!" he tries. "I think I know who did this, okay? I just need to look at the back of her neck--"
"I know who did this! You! All of you! Get out!"
Stiles flinches back, seeing she was shouting at him mostly. Associating the fact that Lydia kept getting hurt ever since she'd become friends with his troublesome self. "Come on! Please, you just gotta listen to me. You just gotta check the back--"
"Just get out!" Natalie repeats.
"Wait, Mom," Ariel stands quickly, gaining her attention. "At least let Sky in. Please."
Natalie glances between them for a moment, then sighs, stepping back, "Fine."
"Just check the back of her neck," Stiles mutters, stepping away so Sky can slip into the room.
At the reminder he was there, Ms Martin moves to slam the door shut in his face with a glare, "Out!"
There's an awkward silence that follows the slam of the door, but it doesn't let long as Lydia's delirious whispers interrupt it.
"I told you to stay in the car," Lydia whispers. "I told you to stay in the car."
"Oh, Lydia," Sky murmurs sorrowfully, then drags her gaze from her to Ariel, whose arms are crossed, hugging herself. "Come here, you."
Ariel turns, staying in place when she sinks into an all-encompassing hug, Sky's arms wrapping around her with a comforting pressure as she leans her head on her shoulder. Sky rubs her hands up and down her back soothingly, listening to her take deep breaths.
"Did you check her neck?" Sky eventually whispers, making sure Ms Martin doesn't hear from where she'd moved back to sit with Lydia.
Ariel nods into her neck, "They're there," she confirms in a hateful whisper. "Theo really did a number on her."
"I think he's done a number on all of us, but we'll figure something out," Sky mumbles. "I keep going back and thinking about everything he's ever said, trying to pick out what could have been a lie."
"Tell me about it," Ariel mutters, thinking back to certain tidbits of information he'd 'revealed' to her. After a moment, she pulls back slightly to catch her gaze. "Can we talk soon?"
"Of course," Sky nods. Her phone buzzes in her pocket then, and she digs it out with a sigh, showing the message from Stiles to Ariel.
"But it will have to wait," Ariel finishes, reading it. Stiles was going to confront Theo and asked if Sky or Scott would come to pick out any lies.
"You stay with Lydia and update me on anything that happens?" Sky requests, kissing her forehead quickly before moving towards the door.
"Yeah," Ariel agrees, relief in her from knowing at least they were moderately okay. They'd survive, hopefully.
She just hoped Lydia would too.
Sky holds her breath from her place next to Scott as they hide behind the wall, covering them from Theo's view when he steps into the doorway of their house, Stiles waiting for him by the stairs. Something about Stiles' gaze must show something they can't see, because Theo seems to know he's not welcome inside, staying by the threshold.
"You killed my best friend?" Stiles asks him straight away.
Theo smirks, observing him, "Let's be honest, Stiles. Was he still really your best friend? He was a terrible one, and an even worse brother."
Stiles doesn't dignify him with an answer, "Are you going to let my father die?"
"If I wanted him to die, I wouldn't have told you where you can find him," Theo points out.
"Then why are they saying his body is shutting down?" Stiles questions. "That some toxin is poisoning him, and they don't know how to stop it?"
Theo shakes his head, "I'm not the bad guy, Stiles. I'm just a realist. I'm a survivor. If you knew the things that I know --"
"Yeah, but what do you know?" Stiles cuts him off.
"I know what's coming. I know what the Dread Doctors created. And, I know what Parrish is," Theo lets a smirk slip as he gloats. "Lydia figured it out. I saw it in her memories."
Stiles scoffs angrily, very much aware of what he'd done, "Right after you drove her out of her mind."
"Collateral damage," Theo brushes off with a shrug. And from her hiding spot, Sky can feel her scowl getting deeper and deeper every time he spoke. In fact, she's not sure why she wasn't jumping out and tearing his eyeballs from their sockets right now. Except she does, Scott's tight grip on her jacket is something even she might not be able to pull out of, so she resigns herself to listen. "But, if she's right about Parrish, then things around here are gonna get a lot worse."
"I don't care," Stiles replies.
"You should, because if your dad does survive, he's not gonna be Sheriff of anything much longer."
Still scowling, Sky turns to Scott and starts doing a series of rapid hand signals that do nothing but confuse him. Seeing him tilt his head to the side, Sky rolls her eyes and slows down, making an 'O' shape with her forefinger and thumb, and then using her other hand to drive her fist towards it.
Scott blinks slowly, "What?" he mouths.
"I'm going to . . ." Sky mouths back, pausing to demonstrate again. "Shove my fist up his ass!"
Scott stares at her, then sighs.
"What's happening to him?" Stiles asks Theo desperately. But he doesn't answer, moving to leave, and Stiles lashes out, lunging forward to grab him. Theo shoves him off, sending him back until he falls onto the stairs, the sound of his head hitting the wood clear.
Sky tenses, and she and Scott both listen intently until Theo is far away enough that they can move, rushing over to Stiles' semi-unconscious form.
"Stiles. Stiles --" Scott calls out as Sky squeezes beside him on the stairs, gently putting her hand between his head and the wooden edge of the step. Slowly, he starts to come to, blinking up at them.
"Are you alive?" Sky asks, peering down at him.
Stiles groans silently, letting her pull him up, "I'm fine."
"You blacked out," Scott points out awkwardly.
"I'm okay," Stiles waves off. "Didn't you get anything from him?"
Scott sends him a look he doesn't like, "Nothing. He was calm the entire time."
"What about his heart?"
"He was surprisingly truthful for an evil spawn," Sky grumbles.
Scott nods, "I heard it jump, but only once, and only for a second."
"That doesn't mean he was lying," Stiles points out.
"Not really," Scott agrees. "The rest of the time it was steady."
"When did it jump? What was I talking about?" Stiles wonders.
"It was when you said that your dad was poisoned."
"It was like he didn't know your dad was dying," Sky murmurs in thought. "Like he was surprised."
Stiles frowns, "So, why would he be surprised that my dad's still dying?"
Scott's eyes widen suddenly, "Oh, wait. He didn't say that he was the one who attacked your dad, did he?"
"No. . ."
"Well, then this means it was probably someone else," Scott realises.
Stiles lips press together, "Another Chimera."
It takes a while to persuade Stiles to let Scott come with them, still a little bitter and uncomfortable around him after everything they'd been through. Sky had been more willing, having long realised most of the bad blood between them was because of miscommunication and lies, and they just needed to talk after everything to clear things up. He was her brother, after all, the least she could do was give him the benefit of the doubt. And eventually, after Scott presses that this is for his dad, Stiles relents too.
After Stiles gets tells them about a call he's overheard about a sophomore named Noah Patrick, they decide to try and catch his scent, inclined to believe he could be the next Chimera if he had recently gone missing.
Much to Stiles' chagrin, Scott also texts Malia to help.
Malia ends up leading them to a railway depot, she and Scott eventually getting ahead whilst Sky and Stiles lag behind slightly. After a while, Sky tilts her head, curious to know what they're talking about when she notices them speaking quietly between themselves.
"We kind of broke up, I guess," Malia says lowly, glancing to Scott.
Scott nods sadly, "Yeah, we kind of broke up, too."
Tuning them out again, Sky sighs, turning to Stiles, wondering if it would ever stop being weird between them. She never thought she'd see the day where she'd feel awkward around her own brother. She had a bone to pick with Theo for this weird psychological crap he'd pulled. And she had noticed something with Ariel too, and definitely had to find out what he could have possibly said to her to make her act strangely.
"C'mon," she mutters to Stiles, tugging his sleeve when she sees Malia start to jog away towards an entrance.
They make it into a dark set of tunnels, stumbling to a stop when Malia pauses.
"I got it," she declares, "I got his scent!"
Together, they move, taking a few turns before they finally come to a stop before a pipe along the wall, the familiar sight of blood staining a part of it.
"This is Noah's," Malia tells them, running her finger along it. "He was here. I think he's close."
"Guys," Scott stops them from rushing off. "I think we've been down tunnels like this before. Like, when we were trying to find Liam and Hayden."
"Okay, so what?" Stiles asks impatiently.
"Um, we got pretty lost?" Sky points out, refraining from mentioning the arguing part of that endeavour.
"No," Scott shakes his head. "Maybe it means we're closer than we think. Maybe there's something else down here-- something that we haven't found yet."
Stiles clenches his jaw, "Yeah, nothing that helps my dad. Look, we can't just be standing around here waiting for something to--"
"Woah!" Sky exclaims in shock when a figure shoots past them, shoving Stiles to the ground and pushing her before trying to run off. Luckily, as Scott goes to help Stiles, Malia jumps after the figure that turns out to be Noah, who struggles to run away from them. After some grappling, Malia pins him to the ground, and Noah stares between them with a surprising amount of fear.
"Let me go, please!" he begs them. "Please! They're coming!"
"They're coming?" Sky repeats, the back of her neck prickling with nerves when the familiar ticking sound echoes from the other side of the tunnel. Slowly, they all turn, listening to the sound of the Dread Doctor's footsteps getting closer.
"Oh, shit."
Seeing them distracted, Noah tries to escape again, but Stiles catches him in time, grabbing him and shoving him against the wall, "You're not going anywhere."
"But could we go somewhere? Like anywhere but here?" Sky proposes, eyes darting from them to the darkness of the tunnel.
"I said I don't remember," Noah tells them.
Stiles scoffs, "You don't remember anything?"
"No. Not when it happens--" Noah stresses, panicking. "Not when I change."
"You clawed my dad half to death, okay? And now it's poisoning him. You're gonna start remembering every detail right now!" Stiles shouts.
"I hear them," Malia murmurs.
Scott sighs, "Yeah, I do, too," he quickly turns to Noah and Stiles. "Hey, Stiles-- get him out of here. Go to the hospital. Figure out a way to save your dad."
"Seriously?" Sky whisper hisses. "I have to stay?"
"We're not gonna be able to stop them," Malia agrees.
"But we can slow them down," Scott says, a pleading
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