10: The Benefactor

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With Sky's comforting arm around her shoulder, Ariel sends the Sheriff a small smile as they enter his office, needing to tell him the latest lead they had, this one being about her and Lydia's grandmother.

"It's not just that she could still be alive," Stiles says as they move into the office.

"It's that she would've had to fake her death," Lydia finishes.

The Sheriff's face is a picture of disbelief, "Your grandmother, Lorraine Martin, faked her death?" he asks, needing to repeat the idea as it sinks in. 

Stiles nods, "Definitely."

"Maybe," Lydia amends.

"More than likely, yes."

Ariel shoots him a look, "It's possible."

"Crazy right?" Sky says with a chuckle. "Turns out it really does run in the family."

"Not the time," Ariel mutters.

"Oh, I'm guessing you got a story to back this up?" Stilinksi asks knowingly.

Lydia nods, "She might be helping The Benefactor."

"Or is The Benefactor," adds Stiles.

"That sounds like a story worth hearing."


After they inform Stilinski of everything they'd found so far, the Sheriff gets up and walks to the door, opening it as he leans out, "Anybody seen Parrish?" he calls out, knowing the man was on the deadpool. He looks to one of his deputies. "Haigh?"

"Haven't seen him," Haigh shrugs, though the way his heart is pounding makes Sky stare at him through the window, a little suspicious.

Though that thought gets cut short as Parrish himself comes strolling into the station, only he definitely didn't seem normal. Instead, he's entirely naked, his entire body and head covered in what looked like black dirt as he headed straight towards Haigh.

"Holy --" Haigh starts to splutter, shocked as he stumbles back. He pulls his gun out, but it's too late as Parrish barrels into him, shoving him against the wall. Haigh fires blindly, none of his shots hitting, but it sends the whole station into alert. 

"You're dead," Haigh manages to get out as Parrish yells, shoving him to the ground as he starts punching him.

Sheriff Stilinksi runs from the office, the rest of them watching in shock and confusion, "Hey!" he shouts. "Hey!"

"But you're dead!" Haigh just breathes out again, his gun firing aimlessly, hitting the Sheriff right in the shoulder.

The shot knocks Sky out of her shock and she runs forward, kneeling down next to Stiles's father as she puts pressure on his wound, the sounds of Parrish beating his apparent attacker to unconsciousness the only thing they can listen helplessly to, nothing able to stop Parrish. It's not until Haigh is thoroughly beaten that he seems to be satisfied as he stops, sitting back and breathing heavily, letting the other officers move in to take over, their first move to secure the gun that Haigh had fired carelessly and recklessly enough to injure one of their own.

After a moment, Ariel leans to the side and grabs a blanket when she sees the situation under control, stepping forward until she can throw the material at Parrish. She smiles awkwardly as if they hadn't just watched him storm in and beat a man that had seemed to have tried to kill him. Apparently, no one could be trusted with the deadpool around.

"Here," She eventually mutters as the blanket settles over his still nude body. "Nobody needs to see that."


After the chaos had settled and the other officers had stepped in to deal with Haigh, Stiles wasted no time in taking his father to the hospital to get his wound treated whilst the others helped escort Parrish out so he could clean up and put on some clothes before taking him to Derek's loft. It was the best place for them to privately discuss what happened to him. Parrish knew he was on this deadpool, being worth five million, but he had no idea that he could be something supernatural, at least not until now.

"He covered you in gasoline?" Derek asks as he surveys the man, holding his hands out so he could inspect for any damage.

"It's the hair and nails, isn't it?" Lydia asks, knowing what had caught his eye. "The parts of the body that are essentially dead."

Derek nods, "Well, they should be gone." 

"I was set on fire," Parrish states in disbelief.

"You're not, like, secretly Johnny Storm are you?" Sky asks, looking troubled at the idea. "'Cause I draw the line at superheroes."

Parrish just sighs, shaking his head, "All of me should be gone."

"Not if you're like us," Scott tells him, edging him towards the truth.

"Are we ripping the proverbial band-aid off right now?" Ariel whispers, eyes wide.

"Like you?" Parrish just asks in confusion.

Derek shakes his head, "I don't think he's like us."

Sky scoffs, "Well, obviously. We can't survive being set on fire. Which I know because we watched Peter get burned to a crisp," she points out. "But humans can't either, so . . ."

"Then what is he?" Lydia asks.

"Sorry, but I have no idea," Derek says honestly.

Scott frowns, "But you knew about Jackson and Kira."

"This is a little out of my experience,"  Derek admits. "There might be something in the bestiary. Did you try Argent?"

"I don't know where he is."

Parrish still seems lost, "Okay, hold on," he stops them. "What's a bestiary? Actually, that's not even my first question. Just -- Just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia? Are you all psychic?"

Sky snorts, sending Lydia an amused look for letting him think that, which the girl pointedly ignores.

"Psychic?" Derek repeats, amused.

"Yeah," Scott pauses, shaking his head. "Not exactly."

Parrish takes a deep breath, preparing himself. "Okay. Then what are you?"

"A headache," Sky mutters, though stays quiet after as Scott shares a look with Derek, then turns to Parrish, letting his eyes shine red.

After letting him absorb what he was seeing for a moment, Sky and Ariel glance at each other before letting their eyes shine too, showcasing their slightly different statuses.

The Deputy is understandably shocked at first, struggling to take it in. But after all the unexplainable things that have happened in Beacon Hills from his perspective, things start to slide into place once they start explaining everything they know about the supernatural, filling in those confusing gaps in the crimes that had been happening over the years.

"Wait, what's a Kanima?"  Parrish backtracks after a while, getting a little mixed up with the overwhelming amount of information he had just heard.

"We'll get back to that," Scott assures. "Just know that everyone like us, everyone with some kind of supernatural ability is on the dead pool."

"But I don't even know what I am," Parrish points out in confusion.

Derek shrugs, "I'm pretty sure they don't care."

"All they care about is the five million dollars on your head," Ariel agrees.

"How many professional assassins are we talking about?"

"We're starting to lose count," Lydia admits.

Scott frowns, "But is it still just professionals?" he asks.

"I don't think Haigh's ever tried anything like this," Parrish tells them. "I think he was taking a chance."

"That means anyone with the dead pool could take a chance." Derek says gravely.

"But if Haigh had it, then who else does? How easy is it to get this thing now?" Parrish questions.

"Meredith was only at our grandmother's lakehouse once," Lydia shares. "But I think once was enough."

"How did your grandmother know her?" Derek questions.

"She didn't," Ariel murmurs. "She found her."

Lydia nods, "Because of another woman named Maddy. The woman she loved." 

"Cute," Sky mumbles.

"We never met her," Ariel sighs.

"How did she die?" Parrish wonders.

"How's not the story," Lydia tells him. "It's what happened right before. Our grandmother, Lorraine, used to work in San Francisco for IBM. She was there on a weekend, catching up on work. She started hearing this sound, like rain.  But when she looked out the windows, all she saw was blue sky."

"But she kept hearing the rain?" Scott asks.

Lydia nods, "And it just kept getting louder. Rain and thunder cracking like gunshots in her head. So loud. She finally just screamed."

"Like a Banshee," Derek realises.

"She called Maddy who was planning on taking one of the boats out on the lake. But Maddy said that the sun was shining there too. So Lorraine didn't say anything."

"There was an accident?" 

"It took them four days to find Maddy's body --"

"Not so cute," Sky whispers.

Lydia shoots her a look and she shuts up. "And then it took decades to figure out how Lorraine knew," Lydia continues. "She started with parapsychologists. They built the study in the lake house according to every pseudoscientific theory they could find. None of it worked. So then she started going to things like mediums and psychics. All of them were failures. Until she found Meredith. They found her in Eichen House. This fragile girl who didn't understand the things she heard. They brought her to the study and they almost killed her. She was hospitalized for over a year. My grandmother drove her insane, I drove her to suicide. And all she ever wanted to do was help. My grandmother created the code for the dead pool. They think she's the Banshee who put the names out in the first place. She left me this message in the same code."

Carefully, she places the paper filled with Lorraine's code down on the table near them, letting them all take a look.

Scott glances at her after he peers at the code, "But she didn't leave a cipher key, did she?"


Once their explanations were out of the way and Parrish was caught up, they let the man go home to recuperate after everything that had happened to him and to let the new information he'd learned sink in. Stiles had taken Ariel and Lydia home, leaving Scott and Sky to linger at Derek's loft.

Strolling over to where it looked like Derek slept, Sky's eyes widen when she sees a handgun sitting on the sheets, "Wow," She murmurs, reaching out to pick it up. "Cool."

"Don't touch that," Scott mutters from next to her, swatting her hands lightly, pulling the gun from her and placing it back down. "You'll probably end up shooting yourself. Or me."

Sky scoffs, "Would not."

"Careful with that," Derek calls out from behind them, making them jump and spin around sheepishly.

"I thought you didn't like guns," Scott comments. "Does this have something to do with your eyes?"

Sky nods, squinting at him, "Yeah, I noticed that too, they aren't blue anymore."

Derek sighs, "My eyes, my strength, the healing. All of it," he admits. 

"Gone?" Scott asks in surprise.

"Whatever Kate did to me, it's still happening," Derek says grimly.

Sky's jaw drops in horror, "You're becoming normal?" she asks. "How will you tear people's throats out with your teeth?"

"I still have teeth," Derek deadpans.

"If the dead pool really was made by a Banshee, then there's something else that you should know about," Scott begins to tell him. "Your name broke the third list. It was a cipher key."

Derek pauses, thinking about what that meant, "And the two other keys were Isaac and Aiden," he utters.

Scott hesitates before continuing, "I don't want to make you nervous, but it kind of feels like there might be a pattern there, doesn't it? Isaac, Aiden, you."

"Dead people," Sky supplies unhelpfully.

Derek nods slowly, "Names picked by a Banshee."

"It could mean that you're in danger."

Sky winces, "I know you're trying to be optimistic Scott, but I don't think there's any could about it. He is in danger."

"Banshees don't predict danger," Derek disagrees slightly. "They predict death."


The next day, Ariel jumps slightly when her head falls forward from almost falling asleep where she sits on Stiles's bed as Lydia and Stiles try to guess the cipher key to the code, which they weren't having much success with so far. Stiles had picked them up before classes had started, knowing the three of them could afford to skip them whilst the other wolves stayed at school.

"We aren't getting anywhere with wild guesses," Ariel mumbles, leaning forward.

Stiles sighs in frustration, looking pretty tired himself. "The ashes were left for you. The code was left for you," he rattles off. "You're supposed to be able to figure this out."

"But no one else is," Lydia points out. "Which is why she made it hard."

"You . . ." Stiles muses. "No one else. No one else but you."


"Our guesses," Stiles elaborates, gesturing to the laptop. "They're all about Lorraine. Right? We keep trying to guess a word that has something to do with her. So, maybe we should be trying to guess one that's about you."

"Me?" Lydia blinks. "What about me?"

"Either of you, both of you." Stiles waves off. "What do you remember doing with your grandmother? You know, what was you guys', like, special thing? Did you guys go to the beach? You know, did you like ice cream or . . ." he trails off, hoping to spark an idea.

Lydia glances at Ariel, lips twitching up in memory, "We read," she finally says.

"Okay. What did you read? 

Ariel sits straighter as she realises her train of thought, "The Little Mermaid," she murmurs fondly. 

Stiles blinks, "You read that movie?"

Both the sisters roll their eyes at him, "It was a book first," Lydia tells him. "Hans Christian Andersen."

"Type it in. Little Mermaid," Stiles suggests, watching as she does, though they aren't that lucky for it to be correct first try.

"We read it every night. I got so obsessed with it," Lydia recalls, sharing a chuckle with Ariel. "For three months I was convinced my baby sister was a mermaid that our parents stole from the ocean and I wouldn't stop shouting about Ariel. It drove my parents crazy, but grandma thought it was adorable."

"She even had me convinced I was a mermaid," Ariel jokes, though her smile fades in shock when Lydia types in 'Ariel' and it actually works, the code changing before their eyes into a list of names. She squints in confusion. "You didn't try my name when you tried yours?" she asks incredulously.

Neither of them answer her, too busy staring at the screen, "You recognize any of these?" Stiles finally asks them.

"Only one."

"Our grandmother," Lydia nods.


After their class together, Scott and Sky leave the room side by side, taking the stairs to get to their next period, only to come to a slow stop when they see Liam sitting at the bottom, anxiously picking at his lacrosse stick.

"Skipping class," Sky muses, eyeing the boy's face as he doesn't look at them. "Sounds like a plan."

"Don't be a bad influence," Scott admonishes in exasperation.

"I'll have you know I'm a great influence."

Scott rolls his eyes, then settles his gentle gaze on Liam, "You okay?" he asks.

After a moment, Liam spares them a glance, "Last night, my printer went off by itself --"

"What the hell is this?!"

Coach's sudden shouting cuts Liam's explanation off as they all jump up and rush over to his office to peer in, seeing piles of paper scattering the floor as the printer works endlessly to print copies of the deadpool, allowing anyone and everyone to see it.

 Liam bends down and carefully picks up one of the lists from the ground, holding it in front of him, "You see the difference?" he speaks up again.

Scott and Sky look from both sides of him, "Derek's not on the list anymore," Scott realises.

Liam nods, "And I'm not worth three million. It's 18 now. 18 million."

"Wait, what the hell is this?" Sky says, snatching the paper from Liam.

"What?" asks Scott.

"Ariel is worth 22 million now. Second highest to you." Sky answers, swallowing. "And I'm at 20. Great."

"Where is she now?" 

The beep of her phone makes Sky pause and look down to check the message from the girl herself.

"They're at Eichen," Sky tells them as she reads the message, worry increasing with every word. Nothing good ever happens at Eichen House. "They figured out the key and the list of names lead them there, they're just headed in."

Seeing her fidgeting, Scott nods down the corridor, "Go," he tells her, making her look at him. 

"You sure?" Sky checks, already knowing he's telling her that she can go after them, being uneasy about letting them be in Eichen without her there.

Scott nods in reassurance, "Better safe than sorry."

Without a second thought, Sky spins and strides towards the exit.


With the speed that she drives at, Sky is constantly thankful for her close connections to the Sheriff's department as she comes to a squealing halt, parking hazardously before jumping out of her car and running towards the gates of Eichen house.

To her surprise when she makes it into the lobby, she isn't the only one to go after them as she stares at who stands in front of her.

"Parrish?" she questions, startled.

The tense man spins around from where he was urgently talking to the people at the front desk, seeming like he was demanding they let him through as he keeps a spare hand on the gun on his hip, "Skylar?" he says, equally surprised.

"Why are you here? Is something wrong?" Sky asks rapidly, assuming the worst.

"I don't know," Parrish says, ushering her down the next corridor once he gets the quiet okay from the staff member. "But I found some evidence about all those suicides on Lorraine's list. They were all signed off by the same orderly. Guess who."

Sky's heart drops, instantly knowing the answer as her mind skips to a particular man that stalks this building confidently and cruelly, exploiting young people, "Brunski."

With renewed urgency, the two speed through the building, Parrish tense and ready to draw his gun as Sky follows him closely until they make it to the file room the others were supposed to be in.

"What the fuck has he done?" Sky breathes, chest rising and falling rapidly as she tries not to panic. There was nobody there. No sign of Stiles, Ariel or Lydia, or even Brunski.

"Where's somewhere in the building that's out of the way for both staff and patients?" Parrish asks, but it seems to be rhetorical as he's already striding out of the room.

"The basement." 

They try and stay as quiet as they can as they rush down the stairs, the light fading into darkness as they get to the bottom. Sky stills, eyes shining as she holds a hand out in front of Parrish to make him stop. He sends her a questioning look.

"I can hear him," Sky whispers, pointing towards a door. Parrish nods, drawing his gun as they start a slow approach.

"Here it is," Brunski's low voice sounds out, and they try not to let the sounds of their friend's struggles affect them, Lydia's crying clear. "This is the part I never understood. Listen."

"Please don't hurt them." It's a recording he's playing them, seeming to need them to hear it. The woman's voice sounded like she was begging.

"Don't hurt who?" Brunski's

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