"You counted it yet?"
"Is it as much as I think it is?"
Sky frowns, hovering outside Scott's bedroom as she hears those words. She had been on her way to get snacks for her and Ariel to watch a movie with when she picked up on the boy's suspicious words. They were talking in low tones so it was clear they were trying to be discreet, but that isn't something that comes easily when you share a home with your werewolf sister.
Carefully, Sky rises onto her tiptoes and quietly turns to the door, creeping towards it before throwing it open, almost bursting in.
"What are you doing?" Sky asks bluntly, making the boys jump in fright, Stiles almost falling back as twists to look at where she stands in the doorway.
"Dude!" Stiles exclaims, bringing a hand to his chest whilst he unsuccessfully tries to hide the black duffle bag behind his body, "Are you trying to kill us?"
Sky tilts her head, "Are you trying to avoid the question?" she wonders, unimpressed. "Don't make me get Ariel on you . . ."
"Okay! Okay," Scott says quickly, gesturing for her to come in. "Close the door."
Sky grins triumphantly, pushing the door closed behind her as she steps further into the room. She looks over to the bag Scott had tried to hide from her and leans forward, jaw-dropping at the contents -- more money than she's ever seen in her life.
"Oh, my God."
"Yeah," Scott agrees, Stiles nodding along. "I know."
"Where did you find that?"
"Garrett's locker."
"Okay, play the tape," Stiles encourages as Sky sits next to them and Scott leans over, pressing play on the tape player they have sitting in between them.
"After entering the IP address, you will be connected through a Darknet portal to an untraceable bank. Once logged in, enter your account number to receive wire transfers. The IP address will deactivate with each transfer. You will be assigned a new IP address if you choose to continue down the list. Remember, visual confirmation is always required for payment."
After a brief pause after listening, Sky frowns, "I don't get it."
"You ever made a wire transfer?" Stiles asks them.
"Never had enough money," Scott replies.
Stiles nods, "So none of us understood a word of that."
"I don't understand any of this. Why would someone use all this money just to kill us?"
"Someone wants you dead, dude. Badly," Stiles points out, frowning when Scott starts to put everything away. "Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?"
Scott gives him a look, "It's late. We've got the PSATs in the morning."
Sky groans, "Don't remind me."
Stiles shakes his head, "No, I meant the money," he says. "$500,000. You know how much money that is?"
"It's 500,000 . . ."
"It's half a million dollars," Stiles repeats as if they were missing the point. "What are you going to do, just slide it under your mattress?"
"We could get takeout with it," Sky suggests. "I'm hungry."
"No," Scott denies her, "I have to talk to Derek. The money's his."
Stiles blinks at him, "You mean his and Peter's."
"Okay," Sky holds up a hand, making them stop. "Let's not start arguing the rights or wrongs of keeping the money just because we hate Peter. That seems wrong in itself."
Stiles scoffs, "Homicidal killer? Remember?" he tries to talk sense into them. "You want to give $500,000 to him."
"Back to him. It's his money, whether we like it or not," Sky points out.
Scott shakes his head at Stiles, "So we should give Derek his money back. But not Peter?"
Stiles sighs in frustration, "I didn't say that."
"Stiles, what are you saying?"
Before he can answer, the door swings open and their eyes widen, expecting it to be Ariel, but Malia appears, looking serious and oblivious to what they're doing as she steps into the room whilst they scramble to a stand, Scott shoving the money under his bed quickly than almost stumbling as Sky shoves him sideways so he blocks Malia's view of the bed.
"We found Satomi's pack. Derek and I," Malia tells them. "But they're dead."
Scott frowns, "All of them?"
"All the ones we found," Malia nods.
"Then where's Derek?" Stiles asks.
"Why can't we just skip this test again?"
Ariel sighs, "Because unfortunately, it's important to our education, for which we need good grades for college, to then lead you to a job so you can afford to live a comfortable life."
"Oh, man," Sky grumbles with a sigh. "Maybe I'll just kill Scott and move to Hawaii then. You coming?"
Ariel smirks, "Definitely. You take Scott, I'll take Lydia. We'll be sipping mocktails on the beach by sunset."
"Best girlfriend ever."
"I'm right here, you know," Scott mutters, rolling his eyes when Sky and Ariel share a smirk at his expense.
"Where is Lydia?" Kira suddenly wonders, looking around them as if expecting to see her further up the line they were standing in to get to the classroom.
"She's took it her freshman year," Stiles tells her.
"What a nerd," Sky mutters, though there's no bite in it. It was almost a relief Lydia didn't have to be there when the girl was struggling with the guilt of Meredith's death. After they had visited her, trying to get help with the keys to crack the code, Lydia had pushed the girl for answers, and she had felt it was partially her fault that once they'd left, the girl hung herself that very night.
Malia turns to Stiles, "Does that mean I could have taken it some other time?" she asks.
"Malia," Scott speaks up, looking at her earnestly. "You studied harder for this than any of us."
Malia shakes her head, "Doesn't mean I'm gonna do good."
"Well. . ."
Malia glances at Stiles, confused, "Well, what?"
"It's do well, not good," Stiles corrects awkwardly.
"Oh, God," Malia groans. "Okay, okay."
"You're doing this because while we're trying not to die, we still need to live," Scott tells her, but also all of them. "If I survive high school, I'd like to go to college. A good college."
Kira nods, determined, "It's only three hours," she says optimistically. "We can survive three hours."
Sky sends her a deadpan look at her jinxing words, "Kira, I'm gonna be perfectly honest. I've never wanted to punch you so much in my life."
After the long process of everyone getting their individual fingerprint taken and then allowed into their assigned seats, the test eventually starts after the man in charge of the test goes through the rules with them. Once he announces that they can begin, the classroom descends into a silence mixed with nerves and concentration.
In her seat, Sky fidgets for a moment before opening the test, bracing herself for the questions she sees, only to be pleasantly surprised when it's things she's studied hard for with Ariel. She glances to her right to the girl in question, seeing her unsurprisingly ticking through the paper confidently, before turning back to start to work on hers.
It's not until a few minutes in that Sky finds herself biting into the end of her pencil when she gets caught on a particular question, then winces, feeling her toothache where she had bitten. Confused, she brings her fingers to her mouth, only to flinch away as the sharp edge of her fangs prick the skin of her finger unexpectedly. Sky stills, trying not to panic as she hunches over the table, then drags a hand across her face, trying to feel if any other wolf-like features had exposed themselves. She lets out a breath when the rest of her seems to be normal, though it didn't quell the worry of why she couldn't get her teeth to go back.
A clatter suddenly disturbs the silence, gaining the attention of the whole class and Sky looks to the side, momentarily distracted as she sees one of their classmates, Sydney, had fainted and fallen off her chair. Ariel's mom quickly runs over to her when she sees and starts to help the girl up.
"Sydney, are you all right?" Ms Martin asks, checking the girl over for injuries.
"I'm okay," Sydney assures, though still looks a little unsteady on her feet. "I just got kind of dizzy."
Ms Martin nods, but pauses when she notices a rash-like mark on the girl's arm, "Sydney, how long have you had this?"
"I don't know."
"Ms Martin," calls out the man from the desk, his creepy voice making Sky scrunch up her nose. "Do I need to stop the test?"
"It -- um, no," Ms Martin finally answers, helping Syndey back to her seat. Once she's moved back to the front of the classroom, she turns to them as she grabs her phone. "Everyone stay in their seats. I'll be back in a minute," she tells them before swiftly leaving the classroom.
Nothing happens for the next few minutes, some of the students go back to their tests while others look around curiously, waiting for Ms Martin's return. After a while, the woman's voice is heard from outside the classroom, making everyone stop what they're doing.
There's a strange awkward silence in the room, and a few students move to the door to eavesdrop on what Ms Martin has to say, something that Sky doesn't need to move out of her seat to hear.
Though her eyes widen when the woman suddenly starts yelling, presumably at people trying to get into the school, "Do not come in here! Get back outside!" Ms Martin shouts, then spins around when she realises she's being watched. "Back to your seats. Now. Please," the woman says, bringing her phone to her ear quickly.
"I need the number of the CDC. Yes, the Center for Disease Control."
Sky leans back in her seat at her words, almost jumping when a hand settles on her shoulder, looking back to find that Ariel had gotten up and wandered closer, "Does this mean we don't have to do the test?" she murmurs, careful to not let her teeth show.
Ariel rolls her eyes good-naturedly, "She's probably just being dramatic --" she starts, though her eyes widen when she glances down at Sky. "You're eyes!" she whispers harshly, confused and alert, making Sky slam them shut immediately before anyone might see.
Ariel quickly looks around she angles herself close to Sky to keep her out of view as she tries to quietly grab Scott's attention, the boy's gaze luckily already on them from when he had heard the urgency in her tone.
Sky groans, slumping in her seat, "This is all Kira's fault."
Due to the nature of whatever virus or infection Sydney seemed to have, it turned out to be pretty serious in the eyes of Ariel's mother, who had called the CDC, and in no time, areas of the school were cordoned off and beds were set up for the sick. While students with symptoms were separated, all with no current symptoms were lined up to get blood taken for inspection so they could try and find out what was spreading amongst them. Scott had to escort Sky into an emptier part of the school when they had noticed she was starting to lose control over her own transformation, though he wasn't much better himself, starting shortly after more people picked up symptoms, leaving Ariel, Kira and Malia in line to get their samples taken.
"Hey," Malia suddenly speaks up, gaining Ariel and Kira's attention. "So, you ever get the feeling that Scott and Stiles aren't telling you everything? Even Sky?"
Kira stills, eyes wide, not wanting to be the one to spill the secret of Peter being Malia's father, "What do you mean?" she asks, pretending to be clueless.
"Like they hide stuff."
"I think if they did, they'd probably have a pretty good reason," Kira tries to answer awkwardly.
"Sky doesn't really hide things from me," Ariel offers with a shrug, keeping her voice casual. "But when she does, it's usually for good reason. So have a little faith."
"Do you know what they're hiding in the bag under Scott's bed?" Malia asks bluntly.
Ariel furrows her brows. No, she had no idea what they were hiding under his bed, but it couldn't be that important compared to the murders they were trying to put a stop to if they hadn't said anything about it.
"What?" Kira breathes out, looking between them in an almost panicked manner. "No, I've never been under Scott's bed. Or in it," she blurts out. "Just on it -- Wearing clothes."
"We're well aware," Ariel says, sending her an amused look before yawning loudly, covering her mouth.
Kira squirms, "How?" she almost squeaks.
Ariel smirks, tapping her ear, "I spend a lot of time in Sky's bed myself."
Kira blinks and stays silent, flustered and unsure of what to say.
The girl is shaken out of it when she realises she's next in line and the Doctor starts to address her in a friendly manner, "Kira Yukimura. You feeling all right, Kira?" the woman asks, seeing the uneasy look on her face. "I don't like needles either. I promise, it'll be fast."
After some prepping, a clean needle is moved towards Kira's arm, ready to quickly puncture her skin, but an unexpected electric shock occurs. Unknown to the CDC, it had come straight from Kira's skin to the needle, shocking the woman through her suit and leaving a hole behind.
Malia and Ariel share a wide-eyed look while they move forward and pull Kira back gently as the Doctor's step back, urgent to patch the hole in the woman's suit to keep her from being exposed to whatever disease lurked in the school.
Maybe staying away was a better idea.
"It's still happening," Mr Yukimura says grimly as he watches Scott's eyes flicker from red to brown and back again, Sky next to him as she leans against the wall, seeming out of breath whilst Ariel stands between them, hands on their arms to make sure they don't fall.
Malia stares in frustration as she flexes her fingers, which are sharp with her claws, "I can't make them go back."
"Obviously the virus is affecting you in a way it won't hit any human being."
"I wouldn't have guessed," Sky grumbles, her bright blue eyes flickering around the room in irritation.
"You guys have to stay out of sight," Stiles tells them. "We have to quarantine you from the quarantine."
"Yeah, but where?" Kira asks. "I mean, what if they get violent? Like on a full moon."
Sky straightens, almost offended, "I'll have you know I have nearly perfect control."
"Not right now, you don't," Stiles points out, raising his brows.
"We shouldn't stay in here," Scott says, looking around them. "Not in the locker room."
"A classroom is not going to hold us," Malia says.
"What about the basement?" Kira asks.
Scott shakes his head, "Too many ways out," he disagrees. "We need something secure. Somewhere nobody can find us."
"The vault," Stiles suggests.
"The Hale vault," Scott nods. "The Hales always have an escape route. Like their house. There has to be another way in."
Mr Yukimura moves over to a desk and pulls out a roll, unravelling it to reveal the blueprints of the school. Stiles quickly points to a section of it, "This is where the school sign is, so the vault's got to be right about here."
"I suppose if there's a second entrance, it would probably be accessible from the basement," Mr Yukimura muses.
Stiles nods, pointing to an area on the map, "It's probably somewhere in this hallway. West corridor," he says, then leans back and suddenly tips to the side, almost falling as a wave of dizziness hits him. "Whoa."
"It's happening to you too," Mr Yukimura says gravely. "You're getting sick. You all are."
Leaning against the wall, Ariel yawns, "I'm not feeling anything."
Kira shakes her head, "I don't feel sick either."
Mr Yukimura sends Ariel a confused look before facing his daughter again, "I think it's affecting you differently, neurologically. I found your test answers here in a pile with the others."
He puts Kira's test on the table, letting them see the fact that where Kira had thought she'd been filling in the answers, she hadn't even been touching them, lines of drawn circles outside the boxes going down the paper.
Sky pants as they reach the bottom of the stairs in the basement, watching as the all look around in search of the entrance to the Vault, "God," she breathes out, pulling at the collar of her shirt. "Is it me or is it hot in here?"
Ariel turns and eyes her worriedly. Like Scott, there are dark bags under her eyes, and her usual tan skin is pale, the hair along her forehead damp with sweat, "It's you," she murmurs in reply.
"Hey, guys," Stiles calls out when he finds what looks like the entrance behind a set of shelves. "Over here. Look at the cracks in the wall. It's like the entrance outside, it only opens with claws. Anyone's claws, right?"
As they all gather, Stiles turns, looking between them all until his gaze settles on Ariel, "Ariel?" he asks. "You seem in control."
Blinking from where her head had unconsciously moved to rest on Sky's shoulder, Ariel looks up, nodding, "Sure," she mumbles. Sluggishly, she steps forward, "No problem . . ." she trails off, then without warning, her eyelids suddenly droop closed as her legs collapse under her, her body dropping.
Sky's eyes widen in horror, "Ariel!" she calls out urgently, worried as she quickly rushes forward to catch her before her body hits the ground, kneeling down as she shakes her gently. "Ariel?"
Scott darts forward, forgetting his own struggle for a moment as he kneels next to them and listens closely, "She's breathing," he finally says, much to everyone's relief.
"Did she just . . . pass out?" Malia asks, staring down at them in confusion.
"Yeah," Stiles mumbles, watching with a frown. She was obviously more affected than she let on. "Let's just hope she wakes up again."
"Don't touch her!" Sky suddenly snaps, making their eyes dart to where her bright blue eyes were glaring at Scott now, who had moved forward to try and help Sky lift the unconscious girl up.
Scott lifts his hands in surrender, "Okay. Okay, I won't," he says gently, backing up and standing, allowing his sister the space to lift Ariel up bridal style. He looks to Malia, "Um -- Malia, can you try?" he asks, motioning to the door.
"Why me?" Malia asks.
Scott gestures to himself, "I don't have control."
Malia sighs, "Okay. I'll do it. But first tell me what you've been hiding from me," she says, crossing her arms when Stiles and Scott both straighten in alarm, Sky too busy watching over the girl in her arms to care. "I know you think you're trying to protect me, but I can handle it. I know I'm on the list."
Stiles barely refrains from sagging in relief, "Yes."
"So how much?"
"How much what?" Stiles asks, confused.
Malia rolls her eyes, "How much am I worth?"
"Four million," Scott tells her.
Stiles watches as she goes quiet, absorbing the information, "Are you okay?" he asks.
"Yeah," Malia replies after a moment, nodding. "Scott's worth twenty-five, Sky's fifteen, Ariel's at eighteen and Kira, six. They'll take you guys out way before me."
They all stare at her, "That's progress," Stiles mutters after a moment. "That's progress."
Once they all move into the vault, they make
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