theo had stepped into liams room only to find hayden and liam making out. it hurt him to see that, he had ran out of Liams room and into the woods.
He didn't pay attention to his surroundings due to the fact he was trying to stop his fangs and claws from making an appearance If he was he would have heard the two heartbeats close by.
Sam and dean had spotted a teenager running to the woods and they decided to follow him because he was running faster than any human should be able to.
When they cough up to him they saw him holding his fingers to the palms of his hands and blood wass dripping down from his hands. Sam and dean watched as the teen punched the tree with enough force to break his head, when it didn't dean pulled out his gun and shot a him.
Theo had been shot he didn't know where to go he didn't have a home he had Liam but he was mad at Liam so he ran to the next best place.
I had already spent 2 weeks at the hale house and since my uncles are visiting, I had to go to my dad's so after Jackson dropped me off, I went to my room to start the process of finding out who Sam and dean were. When I heard a knock on his window "it's open" I called as the smell of blood and the sound of a rapid heartbeat became clear it was Theo "hey Theo what happened" I said while grabbing the first aid kit from the bathroom "well mom I was in the woods and the I was being shot at" Theo looked at me as I removed the bullet and patched him wound up "you can stay here tonight okay pup" I said all I got in return was a nod.
while he walked over to my bed and layed down after thirty minutes I closed my laptop to check on Theo, When i heard an engine pulling up, i looked out the window to find a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala.
I walked down the stairs to see my dad open the door and shake hands with men who smelled of blood and gunpowder "stiles these are your uncles Sam and dean" my dad looked at me then back to Sam and dean "nice to me you im stiles" I said looking at the old men "why did you decide to stop by" I looked at my dad for a second "stiles try to not be rude" "im not being rude im asking a question" I said rolling my eyes " we were just in the area and decided to visit" dean said looking at me. I waited for my fox to say something 'that's a lie' stiles'fox said.
"Okay well do you guys want to watch a movie with us" my dad asked looking at my uncles "there's no harm in that right Sammy" dean said looking at Sam "not at all dean" I turned from the door to pick a movie
"Stiles is a smart kid so if he doesn't already know what you two are he will find out soon" Noah said looking at brothers in law "Now come on before he make us watch star wars"
It had been an hour of some action movie stiles had never seen before when he heard the rapid heartbeat of the chimera in his room and that's when he heard it but not just him everyone heard it. It was Theo screaming and it sounded like he was scared. "I better go check that" stiles said looking around the room "stiles who's up there" dean asked "uh.. a friend" stiles answered looking at his dad "what's wrong with him" Sam asked"he gets these really bad nightmares" stiles said running up the stairs.
"Mom" Theo said looking at the door as stiles walked in "hey theo, what happened" the fox asked "it was Tara again" theo told stiles with sad eyes. "Do you want to talk about it"
"No" Theo never wanted to talk about Tara and stiles never pushed, "do you want to come down stairs with me" stiles asked and Theo nodded
~When they got down stairs~
"Theo, Sam and dean. Sam and dean Theo" stiles said "nice to meet you Theo" dean said looking the teen up and down 'that's a lie' stiles' fox told him. Theo had recognized their sents which made him cling tighter and move closer to the fox "mom" theo whispered to stiles, dean looked at the chimera then at stiles "I think we should head to bed, it was a long drive" Sam said "good idea let's go theo" stiles said turning towards the stairs.
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