Ch.11 Star Festival

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~Y/n pov~

We were at the Star Festival.

I decided to hang out with Noelle for a while.

"Well, if you insist." Noelle responded when I asked her, "It's not like I'll enjoy it or anything."

Her small smile said otherwise.

Noelle's stomach suddenly rumbled.

"Are you hungry?" I laughed when her stomach rumbled.

Heat rushed to her cheeks, "If you're hungry then I guess it's okay to get some food."

We hung out for a while before she found Kahano.

Asta brought them something to heal them so she finally had her voice back.


I stumbled when someone ran into me and wrapped their eyes around me tightly.

When I tilted my head, I was able to see who it was.

"What are you doing, Luck?" I asked.

He grinned, "Let's play some games!"

He violently shot, hitting anywhere but the target.

Luck almost hit the man running the stall.


"My Food Goddess." Charmy motioned for me to pick her up.

I laughed and lifted her into my arms.

She would point in directions and I would take her there.

"Here, try this." She shoved some food into my mouth.

It was amazing but not as good as her cooking.


Gauche grabbed my hand, "I'll get you a prize."

I laughed and watched as he got annoyed.

The nets kept breaking just as he was about to get the fish.

He jumped up and smiled when he finally got one.

Gauche chose the biggest prize and gave it to me.

He ruffled my hair before leaving.


"Yuno!" I ran towards him when I spotted him, "You're here too?"

"Yeah, I guess." He responded.

"I'm so tired." I whined.

Yuno stopped walking.

I stopped and looked at him, "What are you doing?"

He didn't respond and instead scooped me up into his arms.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands around his neck.

"Thanks." I rested my head against his chest.

I lifted my head when he stopped walking.

Then he placed me down.

There was a crowd of people stood around.

The Wizard King walked out, "Hello everyone! This year, I'll be announcing the Magic Knights Squads' achievements myself."

Everyone in the crowd cheered when they saw him.

"After the results are announced, the King will appear, so please look forward to that." Julius continued.

All of the squad captains walked out.

Yami and Charlotte were both missing.

I understand Yami but where is Charlotte?

The replacement for Fuegoleon was his sister.

I guess she's standing in as captain for now.

"Now let's announce the ranking. In first place.." Julius started, "The Golden Dawn."

That was expected.

"Golden Dawn did a lot of good work this year. Now let's have the member who made the biggest contribution of stars take the stage. The promising newcomer attended by Sylph, the Wind Spirit, Yuno."

Yuno walked onto the stage.

"Next, in second place... The Black Bulls."

What? Was there something wrong with my hearing?

Judging my everyone else's shocked expressions, I had heard him right.

If we didn't have all those minus stars we would've won.

"One of the most impressive members is a newcomer and their captain's not even present." Julius continued to smile but I knew he was crying on the inside.

All the captains didn't even show up.

Asta came flying over the crowd and towards the stage.

He used his sword to stop himself from falling.

Yuno smiled, "I see you showed up, Asta."

"Heck yeah I did, Yuno!"

I watched as Yuno threw a huge gust of wind at Asta.

Luckily, Asta managed to cut it.

They then started arguing about who would get more stars.


I was walking with Asta and Yuno.

We all froze when we heard loud yelling.

I peaked around the corner and saw the Crimson Lion Kings and Fuegoleon's sister.

"Do you want me to kill you all right here, right now, before you ever have a chance to die on a mission?!" She yelled angrily, flames surrounding her.

Asta looked like he wanted to scream in fear.

"The Crimson Lion Kings have only ever place first or second and you had the nerve to ruin that by coming in fifth!" The woman scolded them, "And just because my vacuous younger brother ended up bedridden? What are you, a bunch of infants?! The nerve of that fool Fuegoleon! How dare he raise a bunch of spineless cowards?! That fool isn't fit to be captain."

Leopold stood up, "That's not true! Fuegoleon's a better captain than anyone!"

"He's right!" Someone else yelled, "Captain Fuegoleon taught us exactly what a true knight should be!"

"Not only is he strict, but he's more passionate about us and this kingdom than anyone else! He's the ultimate Magic Knight."

"You may be my sister, but I will not allow you to ridicule our bro-"

Leopold was interrupted when his sister's fist collided with his face.

"Then quit talking and show me your true strength!" She yelled, "Show me that you're the ultimate squad that's been led by the ultimate captain! That giant fool would never die and abandon you or this kingdom! Until he returns, you need to show me just how strong the proud Crimson Lion Kings are!"

I noticed there eyes were all watering.

"While mg vacuous younger brother is gone, I'll whip you all into shape myself. Where's your answer?!"

"Yes m'am!"

"She's so cool! What kind of intense training is waiting for them?" Asta had stars in his eyes and tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"What the hell?" I stated blankly as Yuno and I both gave him blank looks.

"All right. Let's go to our hot springs training camp." She stated.

Everyone was silent.

Asta thought for a few seconds before turning to us with sparkling eyes, "A training camp like that sounds super fun!"

"Sounds easy.." Yuno mumbled.

I heard that.

A fiery paw grabbed onto Asta's head and pulled him off the ground.

"You should come too."

Asta let out a yell, "I mean, I belong to a different squad, and I shouldn't really be following strangers..."

"Asta! You must want to join in because you're my rival." Leopold grinned at him.

"Bye, Asta. I'll see you at the exams." Yuno tried to walk off but a paw grabbed his head too.

"Oh no you don't. You too."

Another paw appeared and grabbed my head to stop me from leaving.

"There's no escaping once my sister has her paws on you." Leopold stated, watching as Asta tried to escape, "If she were to fight she'd probably be stronger than Fuegoleon. She's the uncrowned, undefeated lioness, Mereoleona Vermillion."


Mereoleona opened the doors to a bar and we saw Yami laughing to himself.

"You seem quite please with yourself for climbing up the ranks just once."


Flames surrounded her, "Who are you calling Sisgoleon?"

"Well, you're Fuegoleon's sister, so that's make you Sisgoleon." Yami stated.

"We siblings are not referred to by such ridiculous nicknames."

Yami furrowed his brows, "What? I thought you just kept adding goleon to your names like some sort of verb conjugation."

Mereoleona walked further into the room so now Yami could see us.

"Uh.. Hi Captain Yami." Asta greeted him.

Yami burst into laughter, "Looks like she caught you, kid. How'd that happen?"

"I'm not.. exactly sure myself."

"You're coming, too." Mereoleona decided as a paw grabbed Yami'a head, "You weren't even late to the announcement. You just didn't bother showing up."

"Good, that's what you get, Yami." I heard Charlotte mumbling quietly to herself.

"You're coming, too." Mereoleona grabbed Charlotte's head as Sol tried to stop her.


We were at a strong magic region.

I stared at the volcano.

Are we meant to go through here?

"All right! Let's go, you bloody imbeciles!" Mereoleona yelled, "This is a strong magic region known as the Yultim Volcano. There's a volcanic belt laced with powerful mana deep underground, and it spews lava constantly."

There was steam building up near my feet.

It was so hot.

I used a bit of lightning on my feet so I could float.

"At the summit, there's a splendid and revitalising hot spring." Mereoleona stated.

"Let us race to see who came here to the summit first, Asta." Leopold yelled.

I sighed and waited for someone to set off.

I'll just copy whatever they're doing and hope I don't die.

Yami and Charlotte were the first to set off.

There was this weird glow surrounding their body.

Was that mana? I see.

The layer of mana will protect you from the harsh environment.

I tried to cover myself in a layer of mana.

It took me a few minutes to get the hang of it.

A few other people had already set off.

I jumped higher into the air and went to the summit as quick as I could.

Since I was flying, I could avoid all the monsters the others were battling against.

Asta suddenly flew past me and then he flew past Yuno, who was slightly in front of me.

I saw Yuno speed up to catch up with Asta.


1554 words

A/n I'm so exhausted from school so I don't have the energy to write much and my hands are so cold they're moving really slowly.

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