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I wake up from my nightmare and my hands were sweaty, heart was racing, eyes were blood shot, and skin tingling with fear. I look at the clock and see that it's 7:15.

"Oh My Gosh I'm going to be late!" I yell. I look over at Hailey and see that she is still asleep. I decide not to wake her she'd probably be mad anyway. I hop in the shower. I get out and put a plain green half long sleeve t-shirt, black pants, and Colorful checkered suspenders on. I grab my make up bag and put Mascara and Eyeliner on. I'm not the type for eyeshadow, lip stick, and blush. I put my hair in a side braid. I walk out of the bathroom and see Hailey starring at me. I grab my black and white backpack and go down stairs. Hailey's mom pushes me and runs up stairs. I hear her cussing at Hailey. She walks back down stairs and I walk over to my shoes and put on my black Convers. Hailey finally comes down and we get on the bus Hailey sits one row in front of me. someone on the bus yells "look there matching!" Hailey's face turns red and I just grab my bag and move and sit next to Jacob. "Sup?" He asks "Really sup?" I laugh. We stop and Ally gets on the bus "Oh just look at the cute couple" she says as she sits in the row in front of us next to Max "look who talking" Jacob says "what?" Ally asks "Nothing!" Max says she glares at him "Max your so quit what's wrong?" I ask "Nothing!" He Snaps "Okay..." I say ally kisses his cheek "Yes I knew it!" Me and Jacob both shout "What?" Ally asks "They shipped us" Max says quietly "Oh..." Ally says she turns around and grabs Max's hand and try to not let us see I giggle and point at the hands "I see that!" Jacob says "Fine, I like Max there you happy?" Ally asks "What?" Max asks "Nothing..." Ally says we all sit in silence, but Max and ally still hold hands "Hey, I never got your number" I tell ally "Oh here give me your phone she puts in her number and takes a picture oh herself then hands it back to me "I'll text you after school" I say Max give me your phone!" Ally says "okay..." Max hands her his phone she does something on it then hands it back Max smiles give me yours "Kay" she says with a smile and hands it to Max I lean over and ask Jacob what there doing "I don't know..." he says I see what Max did on Ally's phone as he hands it back to him it said "Your Boyfriend" for his contact I grab my phone and text Max

Me: So your Dating...

Max: Maybe...

Me: you added "Your Boyfriend" as her contact for you

Max: you saw that

Me: Yup

Max: Don't tell Jacob I want to

Me: no promises

Max: *rolls eyes*

We arrive at school and I get off the bus. Max, Jacob, Ally and I walk to our first class History. "okay class pick a partner!" I get up and walk over to ally "Wanna be partners?" I ask "yeah I can never work with Jacob or Max" I laugh. We all sit back down and the teacher starts talking

*bell ringing*

We all get up and walk to our next class. Which I have with Hailey. We get there and the teachers phone ring he answers it and then he walks out of the room. A few minutes later he comes back. then grabs something out of his deck. wait what is that? I look closer and see its a gun.

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