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requested by @msgreentea27

27. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry!"

Y/N's p.o.v

Life in Germany had been great, though it hadn't been the same without my best friend Lando. After growing up together and becoming best friends, I even developed feelings for the guy and at 15 having to move for my father's job absolutely killed us.

Lando and I were joined at the hip whenever we were together, whether it be after school at each other's houses, or me supporting him at a karting weekend, we were always with each other.

So, when I had to move, I struggled hard.

5 years later and I was old enough to travel and be independent. A factor of which I loved. 

Ever since my family and I moved, I had made sure I kept close tabs on Lando's career, from him getting seats in F3 and F2, to now having a seat at the famous team of McLaren.

I followed and watched every single race of the 2019 season, and he did so incredibly well it brought so much joy to me. I just wished that I could see him and follow him like the good old days.

It would be a lie if I said my crush on the boy was gone, even after 5 years. I had noticed all the fan girls on Twitter and Instagram who had fallen in love with Lando 'the racer', though I had always loved that dorky kid from around the block.

It was the start of a new day, the weekend at that, thank the lord and it was a beautiful day in Berlin. The sun was shining as it rose, myself rising with it. I rolled over in my bed, my arm extending to grab my phone form my nightstand.

It was early, around 7:00 am, as I unlocked my phone and clicked on instagram, noticing a new dm. I clicked on it and seen a familiar name '@ LandoNorris'.

A smile spread across my face as I opened the dm and read his message:
'Y/N!! It's been too long; we have to catch up soon (as in the next couple of days). Are you free?'

I shook my head, the smile remaining on my face as I replied :
'Omg, is that the Lando Norris in my dms?'

I giggled before quickly replying again:
'It has been too long Lando, yes I am free in the next couple of days. I'm on holidays from uni atm, I could look for flights out tonight if you're alright picking me up from the airport?'

I locked my phone as I got ready for the day as I waited for his response. Jumping in the shower quickly I washed my hair and body as well as brushing my teeth before I got out and did my morning skin care routine.

As I was moisturising, I heard a notification come through on my phone, causing me to quickly rub in the cream and excess before I grabbed my phone. It had been an Instagram notification and my heart beat rapidly as I unlocked my phone and clicked on the notification, taking me straight to mine and Lando's conversation to see his response.

'I honestly thought you had forgotten me for a second there... But yeah I'm happy to pick you up and pay for your flight.'

At that, my jaw dropped, and I immediately wrote back:
'I am not letting you pay for my ticket Norris. After I finish getting ready for the day, I'm booking my flight. I will message you what time to pick me up ;).'

I locked my phone again as butterflies erupted in my stomach at his words before I slipped into a pair of black jeans and a loose vintage tee as I grabbed my laptop and sat back down onto my bed, opening up flights too England.

I booked my flight for 5pm tonight as I grabbed my phone and sent Lando my flight details before I began packing a suitcase for a little under a week. I put in a few casual outfits, as well as outfits nice enough to wear out to dinner (you can never be sure!).

I packed my toiletries away as I grabbed my suitcase and rolled it towards the front door and then lulled out my phone, messaging my mum, letting her know of my travels.

I checked Instagram to see Lando had responded again:
'In all seriousness Y/N, I have missed you. Not a day goes by where I don't think of you.'

I smiled sadly at the message before I liked it and continued on with my day before my flight later.


After a reasonably short flight from Germany, I had finally arrived at the airport. I walked through customs and the baggage area, collecting my suitcase before I made my way to the main area of the airport.

I looked out for the tanned, curly brown-haired head over the large crowds of people.

"Y/N!" I heard someone yell, which surprised me as it had been so loud. I looked around for the voice and seen Lando near the entrance, waving like a mad man.

I smiled and jogged over to him, my heart beating heavily at the sight of him for the first time in 5 years.

We reached one another and I wrapped my arms around him tightly, with him doing the same and I inhaled deeply before exhaling "God I have missed you Lando." I mumbled into his neck and I felt his body rocked as he chuckled.

"I missed you too Y/N." We pulled away and he took hold of my suitcase as he walked us too his expensive looking McLaren. My eyes widened at the car "Uhh Lando, will my luggage even fit?" I asked him and he froze slightly.

"That is actually a good question..." He trailed off as he popped the boot that was in the front of the car and tried putting my suitcase in, managing to squeeze it in just.

I laughed as he shut it forcibly "That had me worried for a second there." He chuckled before popping open my door for me and I gushed "What a gentleman." Thanking him as I slid into the seat before he shut the door and got in on his side and began the drive to his house.

As we drove, he boldly placed his spare hand on my knee and I had to refrain the blush making its way up to my cheeks as I swallowed.

"You know, there was not a day where I didn't follow your career." I told him as my eyes moved across the side of his face and a smile rested on my lips.

He grinned "Really?" he asked, and I nodded "Of course I did, you were only my best friend for years before." I sarcastically responded.

A little bit after he parked outside a reasonably sized house and my eyes widened, Formula One really had him covered. "This place is... wow." I breathed in disbelief and he smiled adorably.

"Welcome to house Norris, you shall be staying in the guest bedroom with an accompanying bathroom." He spoke robotically as we entered his home, my suitcase in tow and we walked towards my room.

The room, even for a guest bedroom, was huge. I placed my suitcase at the edge of the bed and looked around "Lando this place is nice; I'm surprised it's still so clean." I teased him and he rolled his eyes.

"Alright, well I'll let you settle in while I cook us dinner, it should be ready in about 40 minutes." He looked over at me and we made eye contact. It was the first time we had done so since arriving and my breath hitched in my throat.

He cleared his throat before sending me a smile, then turned around and walked out of the room to leave me to my duties.


After a warm shower and changing into comfortable clothes, I made my way down the stairs and towards the nice smelling food in the kitchen to see Lando cooking away and I smiled.

"That smells delicious Lando." I exclaimed as I sat down at the kitchen counter and he spun around with wide eyes "You scared the living daylights out of me!" I laughed before settling down again.

I knew that the time spent here I would enjoy it.


"Due to COVID-19 England has enforced a travel ban between countries." My heart broke as Lando and I sat down in front of the TV, watching the news in shock.

It was my second last day with him, and now I couldn't go back home because of Coronavirus. I looked at the man beside me in shock "Holy shit Lando, I didn't bring any other clothes with me."

He cracked up laughing "We are going into lockdown, and all you can think of is not having enough clothes?" He asked in shock and I nodded.

"I mean, I could just wear your hoodies and tee shirts, but I need underwear and jeans and stuff!" I exclaimed as I stood up, wearing only just a pair of pyjama shorts and one of Lando's hoodies (it was warm leave me alone).

He smiled as his eyes remained on my face, not saying anything "Lando? Earth to Lando?" I asked and waved my hand in-front of his face before he came back to reality.

"You know, you look really pretty without makeup and with your hair messy like that." I blushed and covered my face as I heard him speak up again "Is that my hoodie?" He asked again and I heard him stand up off the couch, and his presence stood in front of me.

He rested his hands softly on mine, peeling them away from my bright red face "Maybe?" I replied and bit my lip as he looked down at me, our eyes meeting and again, the butterflies rose into my stomach.

"Can I kiss you Y/N?" He mumbled, slowly leaning in, and I nodded in response. He leaned down resting his hands gently on my waist and our lips met. I fluttered my eyes closed and kissed him back softly.

He pulled away a few inches, neither of us saying a word before we kissed again, though this time more aggressive and needy. Before we knew it, we had managed to have made our way into the bedroom before it got too heated.


Lando and I layed panting on our backs from our recent activities, I rolled over though hissed at the pain on my hip, I rolled over and hissed again, the same pain on my other hip.

"Are you alright?" Lando asked sweetly, his eyes looking alarmed and I nodded as I noticed bruises replicating his fingers beginning to show up on my hips and he noticed.

His jaw slacked slightly "Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" He apologised, his fingers ghosting above the bruises and I giggled "Lando, it's ok. If it's anyone apologising is should be me after the scratching."

I blushed and he pulled me against his cheeks, pulling the sheets up and over us.

It had been five years too long without him, and I was glad we were together now.

Ok, a much longer imagine!

Sorry if it seems rushed, I struggled to compact your request but I hope you enjoyed it and like it!
Please don't forget guys to like and comment your thoughts <33

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