Sérgio Sette Câmara ~ MP Motorsport

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"You want me to be your what now..?" (984 words)

Requested by DominiqueKager


"Sérgio, are you busy right now?" Y/N bit her bottom lip as she spoke over the phone to her childhood friend. Knowing that he has quite a busy schedule, she didn't know whether he was able to help her out or not.

"I'm not busy for the next few days," Sérgio spoke up as he checked the personal calendar he had hung up on his kitchen wall, "why, what's up, querida?"

"My parents are hosting this family get-together and they're pestering me about when I'm going to introduce my boyfriend to them." She sighed and rested her body against the doorframe; looking at the luggage she had yet to pack.

"But, you don't have a boyfriend?" His statement came out more like a question, which Y/N knew he would ask. "I know the last time you went out on a date was... Wait, when did you go out with that guy from your calculus class?"

"That was almost a year ago, Sérgio," her tone was dry as she replied to his question, which made him regret asking. "But, no, I had a plan in mind."

"Which is..?" Sérgio impatiently asked his best friend as he tapped his foot on his kitchen stool, wanting to hear what she had come up with. "Come on, querida, tell me."

"Would you be my boyfriend?" Y/N swore she could hear Sérgio choke on something, silence filling the air between them.

"You want me to be your what now?" The Brazilian wheezed as he caught up with his breathing as he was caught off guard by her question. "Are you sure about this?"

"My parents know you pretty well," she chuckled and walked into her bedroom as she took in the messiness of the room, which was due to the amount of scattered pieces of clothing all around her bed. "Please? I'd really appreciate it if you could help out."

"Did you buy two flight tickets?" Sérgio sighed as he asked Y/N about some details of the trip. Continuing to talk for hours, Y/N and Sérgio both realized that they had a full day ahead of themselves and a few days to pretend as if they were a couple.


"Sérgio, it's so nice to see you! How are you?" Y/N's mom greeted him with a wholehearted smile as she opened the door to find her child and her friend waiting outside.

"I'm doing well, Ms. L/N, how are you?" He smiled and gave her a hug as both he and Y/N made their way into her childhood home.

"I'm doing well, thank you for asking," she laughed and led them to the backyard, where most of Y/N's relatives were. "Y/N, can I see you inside for a second, darling?"

"Sure, Mom," Y/N nodded her head as she politely excused herself from Sérgio's gentle grasp and followed her to the kitchen. "Why, what's up?"

"I didn't know you were dating Sérgio! You could've told your dad and me!" Y/N had a fake smile on her face as her mother rejoiced about the fact that she and Sérgio were 'dating'. "How long have you two been together for?"

"Oh, maybe for the past like..." Y/N chuckled to herself and thought about the last time she had visited her family. "Five months? Yeah, we've been dating for the past five months."

"I'm so happy for you, darling," M/N giggled as she saw Sérgio round the corner as he was searching for Y/N. "Oh, Sérgio! What do you need help with, honey?"

"I need to talk to Y/N, would you mind if I steal her from you for just a moment, Ms. L/N?" His cheeks heated up and turned bright red, his arm encircled around her waist as M/N nodded her head and still had a smile on her face.

"You know you can call me, M/N, Sérgio," she chuckled and patted him on the back as she left him and Y/N alone and went out to the backyard. "I'll talk to you later, you two."

Sérgio and Y/N stood silently in the kitchen for a few silent moments until he couldn't fight the urge anymore and pressed his lips against hers; kissing her with every ounce of love and passion he had. At first, Y/N was taken back by Sérgio's sudden confidence, but, she felt the urge to kiss him back.

Y/N always had a crush on Sérgio, but she thought it was a case of unrequited love, but she was glad that he proved her wrong. She felt joyful that he too loved her back and it made her feel the butterflies in her stomach.

"I love you so much, Y/N L/N," Sérgio's Brazilian accent was noticeable as he whispered the admittance of love to his love, who smiled from ear-to-ear and smiled, "will you be my girlfriend? And I mean no pretending."

Y/N laughed wholeheartedly and nodded her head as she kissed him on the cheek, "I love you too and I'd love to be your girlfriend, Sérgio, meu amor."

He cheered and fist bumped the air, celebrating like he just won a FIFA match; making Y/N laugh and shake her head playfully. She rolled her eyes playfully as she brought him in for another kiss on the lips and heard the sound of the camera clicking; knowing that her mother was taking photos of her and Sérgio together.

"I love you so much, Y/N."

"I love you too, Sérgio, I love you too..." 


Hi, I'm back with another update! I have no homework to do tonight (which is very rare for me), so I wanted to treat y'all and write some one shots tonight. Anyhoo, keep an eye out for the next one, which will be about Bruno Senna. And other than that, I hope you enjoyed this one shot; have a GREAT rest of your day/night, and I'll see you later! Bye!

- Priya 😀

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