Mick Schumacher ~ Prema Powerteam

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The night of the royal ball... (1400 words)


"I cannot believe you are making me do this, mother." Y/N looked at her mom exasperatedly as she was getting fitted for the gown she was going to wear for some ball, which was going to be hosted by another royal. Her mother had received an invitation a few days earlier from the kingdom of Germany regarding the birthday ball for Prince Mick. She had immediately accepted the invitation and asked Y/N if she could represent their kingdom at the ball, thinking that Y/N would enjoy the grand party, much to Y/N's chagrin.

"Honey, it's going to be alright," Y/N's mother smiled softly as she held the invitation to the birthday ball, "who knows, you may meet someone you might fall in love with."

Y/N shook her head as she held her hair while the designer was putting the final touches on the royal blue gown she was going to wear. "Alright, if it means so much to you that I attend this ball; I'll go and represent our kingdom."

Her mother smiled from ear-to-ear and hugged her daughter before she remembered the gift she wanted to give her. She briefly left the dressing room to go to her room and get the necklace to hand down to Y/N. Carefully holding the necklace in her hands, M/N came back to the room and held the necklace out for Y/N to see.

"I wanted to give you this necklace," M/N smiled softly as she walked behind Y/N and clasped the beautiful necklace around her neck, "it's the same one I wore the night I met your father and I thought it was time to hand it down to you."

Y/N smiled at her mom as she looked at herself in the mirror. Taking a deep breath in and out, she turned around to her best ability and went to hug her mom.

"I love you so much, mom," she smiled at the kind gesture despite the shouts she was getting from the designer.

"I love you too, my beautiful girl," her mother smiled back at her as she carefully hugged her, tears of joy starting to well up in her eyes.


"Another guest has arrived, Your Highness," a royal guard told the prince, who nodded his head and stood up from his seat; making his way out of the crowd to go greet the guest.

Mick followed the guard until they stopped at the front entrance of the castle, to find a princess (Y/N in fact) get out of the car.

"Thank you for the service, kind sir," Y/N smiled at the driver and nodded her head as she exited, managing to get her dress out of the car in one piece. Once the car had left, Y/N's head shot up to see the prince and his guard stand in front of her.

"Ah, Prince Mick," she bowed down to greet him, "happy birthday and thank you for extending an invitation to my kingdom."

"Thank you for coming, Princess Y/N," Mick smiled from ear-to-ear as he greeted her, his icy blue eyes sparkling as he smiled.

"It's not a problem at all, Your Highness," Y/N giggled as she made her way up the steps leading to the front doors of the castle, "I assume we'll run into each other sometime tonight?"

"I'm sure we will, princess," he chuckled as he helped guide her to the ballroom, where everybody else was. They both smiled at each other before they headed their separate ways, but little did they know... Fate wanted to bring them closer together.


"Thank you very much," Y/N smiled as she took a flute of champagne from the tray and nodded her head. Looking at the fizzy drink in her hand, she looked up at the bright moon as she took a sip of the champagne.

"Quite a beautiful night, isn't it, Your Highness?" The silence in the air was interrupted by Mick's distinctive German accent, who stood next to her and took a sip of his champagne. Y/N coughed as the champagne went down the wrong way, but it soon subsided.

"Shouldn't you be inside, celebrating your birthday, Prince Mick?" Y/N's heartbeat was pacing due to Mick surprising her, "it is your ball, after all."

"It's the same old thing every year," Mick shrugged his shoulders as his forearms rested on the railing of the balcony, observing the stars.

"You do have a point there, Your Highness," Y/N giggled as she looked up at the beautiful midnight blue sky. Mick chuckled to himself and shook his head.

"You can call me Mick, I don't mind." Mick smiled at Y/N as he outstretched his hand for Y/N to take, "and, may I have this dance?"

Y/N chuckled to herself as she took his hand and he immediately spun her around and into his arms before they just swayed back and forth to the sounds of the orchestra inside. His arms snaked themselves around Y/N's waist while her arms found themselves wrapped around the prince's neck.

"This is quite a nice moment, isn't it, Y/N?" Mick softly spoke up as he felt Y/N lean her head against his chest. She nodded her head and looked up at him, her gorgeous E/C eyes looking into his captivating blue eyes.

"It is," Y/N smiled at Mick as they continued to dance the night away, it was just the two of them in their own world right now. "To be honest, I thought I was going to regret coming here tonight..."

Mick's smile slowly turned into a frown, but Y/N was quick to not let him down, "but, I definitely don't regret it. I certainly did enjoy the ball tonight, Mick."

"Ooh, you had me worried there for a second," he let out a breathy laugh as his worries were lifted. Mick noticed the necklace she was wearing and smirked, "isn't that your mother's necklace?"

Y/N looked down at the necklace and nodded her head, looking back up at the prince in front of her. "Yes, it is, indeed, my mother's necklace."

"Well, it looks very beautiful," Mick smiled from ear-to-ear as he twirled her around again, "and the crystals are kinda similar to the color of my eyes."

Y/N laughed at his statement and recalled what her mother had told her earlier that day, "you know, it's also the necklace she wore the night she met my father."

Mick nodded his head and smirked in a goofy way, "what if this is also the necklace you wore when you met your future husband?"

Her cheeks turned a bright red and immediately got flustered, "I didn't really think about that..."

"May I?" Mick's eyes were reflecting the light of the moon, his hands moving up to cup her face. Her hands were still behind his neck and she nodded her head; making them both lean in. Their lips touched each other in a passionate yet gentle manner, which was quite lucky for them since they had a moment to themselves.

"What do you say, you and I..." Mick smirked as he pulled away from the kiss, but he now held Y/N's hand in his. "...Go down to the room where my family has collected antique cars? It's one of my favorite rooms to check out and be in when I want some private time. The cars are pretty cool and it's always interesting to learn more about them."

"I'd love that," Y/N giggled as she held his hand firmly, but not too firm to hurt him.

"I can tell this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship, Y/N," Mick smiled as he kissed her on the lips once more.

"Me too, Mick," she nodded her head and lightly patted him on the shoulder, "I think it's going to be a great one."


Hi, I'm back again with another update! I thought I could try something different and do an one shot based on an AU prompt, which I know DannyRicc17 and sunsetboul have done (forgive me if I forgot others). Mick is also someone else who I feel like deserves more love, but that's just me. Anyhow, keep an eye out for the next update, which will be about Artem Markelov. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this one shot; have a GREAT rest of your day/night, and I'll see you later! Bye!

- Priya 😀

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