Marcus Armstrong ~ Prema Powerteam

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"I think my nose is broken..." (1075 words)


"Hm, and if the slope is two and I have to find the y-intercept," Y/N mumbled to herself as she tried to work out the math problem, "oh! This would be the answer."

She arrived at the correct solution and wrote it down in her notebook before moving onto the next problem. It was an ordinary day for Y/N, she went to school and that was basically what her day consisted of. And of course, Y/N was miles away from her hometown since she decided to move to Italy with her boyfriend, Marcus.

"Alright, I'm done with the math assignment," she smiled to herself as she closed her math notebook and leaned back against the backrest of the chair. "I don't have anything else to do for school..."

What she didn't know was that Marcus had returned home from his training earlier than expected, so that was going to be quite the surprise. He left his bag by the closet door and strolled to the dining room, where Y/N was currently contemplating about what she should do until Marcus came home.

A smirk tugged at his lips as he walked up to Y/N's chair and placed his cold fingers on her cheeks.

"Oh my god!" Y/N shrieked and her first instinct was to elbow the mysterious stranger in the face. "Who are you?"

"Ow! Babe, it was just me!" Marcus winced as he held his nose, which started to spew out some blood. "I came home early to surprise you and let's say I learned my lesson to never surprise you again."

Y/N turned around to face the 'stranger', who just turned out to be her injured boyfriend. Her eyes widened when she saw the blood gushing out of his nostrils and also saw that his nose was slightly misshapen. Marcus was breathing through his mouth since he felt that his nose was most likely broken.

"Oh, dear," Y/N mumbled under breath as she saw her boyfriend wince in pain. He was also leaning forward to alleviate the pain. "I'll be right back."

And just like that, she dashed to the kitchen to grab an ice-pack, a glass of water, and one pill of pain relieving medicine. Returning to the dining room where Marcus was, she immediately handed him the glass of water and the pain reliever; which he took instantly and then took the ice-pack and held it close to his nose.

"I think my nose is broken," Marcus spoke up as he held the ice-pack near his injured nose and Y/N frowned at how much pain he was dealing with. "But, this is helping out a little."

"I am so sorry that I hurt you, honey," Y/N kissed Marcus on the cheek as she grabbed her car keys and looked into his sparkling blue eyes. "We're going to the hospital to get this checked out; I don't want this to worsen and I don't want to see you suffer."


"I can confirm that Mr. Armstrong has a broken nose," the doctor nodded their head as they examined the nasal passages of Marcus' nose. "But, the good news is that it doesn't require any surgery."

Marcus and Y/N both let out a sigh of relief at the news, but they both knew the doctor had more things to say.

"However, there is a few broken bones and cartilage from the impact of the elbow, so it does require manual realignment." The doctor continued to speak about the extent of the injury, "you will have packing inside your nose and some dressing on the outside and you will also have a prescription for antibiotics. Which is to prevent any bacteria that are in your nose to create some infection."

They wrote the prescription for the antibiotics and Y/N looked at the doctor, "should I wait outside while you're realigning his nose or is it okay if I stay in here?"

"If you're fine with medical procedures, you are more than welcome to stay in here," the doctor replied back to her and she politely shook her head.

"I'll wait outside," Y/N smiled and left the room, so the doctor could perform the manual realignment.


"I'm really sorry for accidentally hurting you, Marcus, I truly am." Y/N frowned as she drove herself and her boyfriend back to their apartment.

"Y/N, like you and the doctor said, it was just an accident." Marcus shook his head as he tried to comfort his girlfriend. "Babe, I'm going to be alright at the end. Yes, I have some stuff that's going to be on my nose for a week and yes, I probably can't race for the next four to six weeks; I will heal and be stronger than ever."

"But, I just feel-" Y/N was interrupted by Marcus shushing her. He shook his head and frowned as his sparkling blue eyes looked into her radiant E/C eyes.

"But, nothing. Sweetheart, it was just an accident. Can we just move on from this and talk about something else? Remember, I'm going to be fine in a few more weeks." He smiled as he reached across the gear shift and took her hand in his and started to soothingly rub circles on her knuckles. His comforting smile caused her to smile and she nodded her head.

"What would you like for dinner?" Y/N spoke up as she saw a few restaurants in her peripheral view.

"I'm down for some carry-out pizza," Marcus' New Zealander accent was strong as his mouth was watering at the mention of the delicious and cheesy dish.

"Then, we shall have some pizza for dinner," she laughed as she drove to one of the local pizzerias that she and Marcus loved to go to. "I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart," Marcus chuckled as he felt Y/N kiss him on the cheek again, "but right now, I really want some pizza..."


Hi, I'm back with another update! Yes, I know I did say this was going to be an one shot about the Hulk, but I've been having feels for Marcus lately, so I wanted to write one about him... But, don't worry! The next one shot is definitely going to be the Nico Hülkenberg one shot, so keep an eye out for that one. And other than that, I hope yo enjoyed this one shot; have a GREAT rest of your day/night, and I'll see you later! Bye!

- Priya 😀

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