Esteban Ocon ~ Sahara Force India

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"I don't want to get up... You're comfy." (975 words)


Her eyes started to flutter open as soon as the beaming rays of sun entered the bedroom, greeting her with a beautiful and sunny morning. She smiled softly to herself as she sat up from her laying down position and rested her back against the charcoal upholstered headboard. Looking over at the alarm clock on her bedside table, she noticed it was a respectable time to get out of bed and get on with the day.

Although, her boyfriend, who was fast asleep and slowly started to stir awake; had other plans. It was now the summer break for the next four weeks and they both were excited to spend those weeks together doing cute and romantic things.

"Where are you going?" Esteban spoke up in a deep and groggy voice as he saw Y/N trying to squirm out of his strong grip. He blinked a few times to get the sleep out of his system before his dark brown eyes focused themselves on Y/N's E/C eyes.

Y/N giggled and shook her head, "I was just getting out of bed, Esteban. You do know it's well past nine, right?"

Esteban rolled his eyes and shook his head, "I want to stay in bed all day and do nothing. Is that too much to ask for?"

She laughed at his statement and tried to get out of his grasp again, only to fail. "You do realize you have to eventually get out of bed, right?"

"Meh, I don't want to get out of bed," Esteban's voice was muffled, partly due to the pillow he shoved into his face. He muttered French curses under his breath, not wanting to see the bright and natural sunlight. His childish tantrum, which resembled that of a little kid not wanting to wake up for school, made Y/N crack up.

"Alright," Y/N shrugged her shoulders as she finally and successfully was able to get out of Esteban's arms; now being able to properly start her day. "Whatever you say, honey. But, all your entertainment is downstairs if you ever get bored of scrolling through your Instagram and Twitter feeds."

Esteban mocked her back and stuck his tongue out at her as she strolled to the bathroom, "I hate you so much."

"I love you too, honey," Y/N smirked at her boyfriend and blew him a kiss before she closed the door behind her and started her morning routine.


"Hmm, I've scrolled through my feeds a ton of times," Esteban sighed as he tossed his phone to the side and looked up at the ceiling. Two hours have now passed by and he started to grow bored and was trying to keep himself entertained.

"How are you holding up, honey?" Y/N shouted from downstairs as she typed up her essay for one of her classes, "you doing alright? Are you bored yet?" She knew he was starting to get bored out of his mind and she also knew he was going to lie.

"I'm great," Esteban yelled back as he tried to mask his boredom, "I've never had more fun than I am having right now!"

Y/N chuckled to herself as she took a sip from her cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate (your preference). She knew Esteban never really liked to admit that he was wrong, which was what he was trying to avoid to admit.

Meanwhile up in the bedroom, Esteban let out another bored sigh as he turned to the side to find a picture frame, with the picture of him and Y/N at a friend's wedding. He smiled at the memory as he rolled back to his back and found Y/N standing in the doorway.

"Esteban, are you feeling bored?" She cocked her head to one side as she observed Esteban's actions. He let out a sigh of defeat and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm bored as hell," he finally admitted and was ready to get out of bed, when Y/N jumped into her side and wrapped her arms around his waist. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to cure my boyfriend's boredom," she smirked as she planted a sweet kiss onto his lips. "By cuddling him because he deserves."

He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his head in the crook of her shoulder. "I never want to get up... You're comfy."

She laughed at his compliment and kissed him on the cheek, "such a sweet compliment, Ocon. You truly are a gentleman."

"I hate you so much, L/N," Esteban playfully growled at her as he started to attack her with kisses across her face.

"I love you too, Esteban," she giggled at both his kisses and sarcasm, "I know you don't hate me."

"You're right, I could never hate you. You're my sweetheart!"


Hi, I'm back with another update! Alright, I know I didn't update this book yesterday and I apologize for that... Well, the reason why I didn't update yesterday on this book was because I was working on the first one shot for my MotoGP book, which by the way, is up now! Also, another thing and it's important: I WILL NOT be updating this book and the MotoGP book because I will be out-of-town from the 2nd until the 12th for a trip and I'll be busy; hence why I won't be updating with one shots. Although, I will try to get a birthday one shot for a special driver since I will be gone during their birthday and I don't want to miss it... Speaking of which, the birthday one shot is for Jules, since his birthday is coming up in two more days.... Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this one shot; have a GREAT rest of your day/night, and I'll see you later! Bye!

- Priya 😀

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