Song Inspiration: "Okay" by Jackson Wang (1565 words)
A/N: (The music video is in the media section and some of the lyrics are translated from Chinese)
["Blazing up all night
No matter how helpless I feel
I don't mind waiting
I'll be okay..."]
A heavy sigh escaped the Italian's mouth as he slammed the door behind him; his shoulders slumping as he felt the tears of sadness and anger prick in his now-dull blue-green eyes. He felt the need to sob, but he couldn't find the will to burst into tears, but once he got into the elevator, that's when he started to sob all of a sudden. He couldn't believe it; after all the 2 years he spent with her, she went behind his back and decided to cheat on him. Seeing the photos all over her friend's social media account, he knew he had to confront her about this issue.
Immediately, he went to her apartment and asked her about what the photos on social media were about. She didn't deny the rumors, which broke his heart. He felt betrayed by what she did to him. Thoughts were flying through his mind; contesting whether to forgive her and forget about it or break up with her for what she did to him and not bother anymore. Deciding to do the latter, he broke up whatever remnant of love she had for him and promptly left her apartment.
He couldn't help but still feel the little portion of love he had in his heart for her, but he knew he had to move on. This was something that he thought was the best for him and he didn't want to feel any regret for doing this. Obviously, he was going through the effects of heartbreak, but he knew what he had to do... He had to convince himself that he was physically and emotionally 'okay'. Even though that was not how he was feeling; he had to pretend that he was 'okay' in order to heal his heart. His emotions were now his to deal with; all by himself, he had to heal the heartbreak by himself.
["I told myself that I'll be okay
It doesn't matter, I wipe off my tears everyday
All night I'll face this alone
I'm on my own
Convincing myself like..."]
He could feel his body violently shaking as he dialed the number of his good friend, Pierre, to come pick him up. Wanting to get out of there as soon as possible, he explained his situation and what he wanted to do. Pierre, without a doubt, accepted to pick him up and drop him back off at his apartment. Leaning against the brick exterior of the building, he felt his bloodshot eyes stop flowing tears and his sobs were now silent.
Hearing the horn beeping from Pierre's car, he looked up to see the Frenchman smile solemnly at him. Opening the door for him, Pierre let the Italian enter his passenger seat; closing the door and went around the car to enter the driver's seat; looking at the Italian all buckled up and ready to go. He slowly nodded his head as he got the car out of park mode and drove away from what to Antonio, was a distant memory that he would soon forget.
Once Pierre dropped him off, he sluggishly walked to the elevator and distastefully pressed the button of the floor he lived on. Leaning against the wooden frame, he looked around the empty elevator vault before sighing heavily. That's what his body felt like; empty and hollow on the inside with nothing to help get rid of the sorrow. After the elevator ride and entering his spacious apartment, he immediately rushed to his bedroom, where he laid in bed and let out a loud wail of sadness.
His heart was aching, which no one could blame him for, and there was nothing that could be done by his ex-girlfriend. He thought he could trust her, but by her actions; he knew the enormous trust he had for her had disappeared and there were no emotions of love towards her anymore.
["I'm feeling good right now
I'm feeling good right now..."]
A pretend smile was plastered on the Italian's face as his friends came to his apartment to check on him and see how he was doing. He managed to fool them and pretend that he truly moved on from her, but deep inside, he was still hurting. Inside his mind, he kept repeating to himself that 'he was feeling good', but it's something that couldn't be trusted; even by him. His heart was slowly healing back, but he was still sensitive when it came to the topic of romance. His friends knew he wasn't in the state-of-mind to come back to the dating scene; to which he commended them for and promised that he would tell them when he was ready.
He was thankful that they gave him the space he needed; he was thankful that they were there for him when he needed them the most, and the most important to him, he was thankful that they were his friends and how he could always depend on them...
["Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine
I tried to get you back
To what it takes but you turned your back on me, on me
Alright, alright..."]
She felt horrible about what she did to Antonio; she couldn't bear the stress on her that she broke his heart after doing something horrible to him. She knew it was a drunken mistake, but it was a mistake that would be on the internet for the rest of eternity and there was nothing she could do to remove those traces. Believing that he would take her back after what she did to him, she went to his apartment; hoping that he would forgive her.
"What do you want?" He spat coldly as soon as he saw his ex-girlfriend in front of him; a frown etched on his face as his stone-cold blue-green eyes looked into her E/C eyes. He wanted to know why she was at his doorstep all of a sudden. "For your information, you were the one who broke my heart. It's not the other way around, so if you're here; thinking that I would happily take you back into my arms..." The Italian took a shaky breath as he looked down at the hardwood floor before looking at his ex-girlfriend in the eyes, "then, you came to the wrong man. You broke my heart and I've trusted you with my heart for the last 2 years; something which tells me that I'm not willing to recommit to being in a relationship with you again."
She solemnly nodded her head; understanding what he had to say before she politely handed him the key to his apartment that he gave and said her goodbyes to the Italian before she left his apartment. Feeling insecure about asking him to reconcile with her; she knew that he still had feelings within him that signaled that he didn't want to deal with her for the time being.
["You don't understand this feeling
This memory moves me
But you didn't leave anything to me, I'm only dreaming
You don't understand this feeling
This memory moves me
I'm was only trying to be the one for you
Baby I was real..."]
The fans noticed that he had created a new slate on his social media; he deleted every post that mentioned his ex-girlfriend, which sent them into a frenzy. It was a rite of passage for him, which signaled that he was - slowly but surely – starting to get over her and he was taking the steps he needed to take in order to move on from her. He couldn't help but feel that he was 'the one' for her, but at the same time, he knew he had to be real with himself and burn the bridges between him and her.
"I told myself that I'll be okay," he mumbled under his breath as he rested the phone on his coffee table before he walked over to the window and peered out of it to look at the cityscape of Maranello during the nighttime. He softly smiled to himself as he continued to speak, "and, I'm finally feeling good..."
Hi! I'm back after more than a month's worth of absence from writing on this account! School life and my extracurricular club took up a lot of my time the past month or so that I haven't been on here, but I'm back for now. I'll say this for a fact that updates are going to be sparse as I'll not have a ton of free time this month; however, I will update whenever I have a free day and I have the time to crank a one out. Speaking of which, you may noticed that I skip around whenever I do these song one shots, but that's my style of writing; I tend to pick out a few stanzas of the song to write the one shot, but nonetheless, the song is meant to be the inspiration for the entire one shot. Anyhoo, to stop me from rambling, keep an eye out for the next one shot, which will be with Pascal Wehrlein. I hope you enjoyed this very long one shot; have a GREAT rest of your day/night, and I'll see you later! Bye!
- Priya 😀
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