"Stop being so cute..." (800 words)
"Shh, don't cry, princess," Antonio tried to calm down the crying baby, "daddy's here, don't worry. What's wrong, baby girl?"
His blue-green eyes signaled worry as he held D/N in his arms, gently rocking her to get to cry less. Tears were slipping down her pink cheeks
"Bambina, per favore non piangere. Papà non ti piace vederti come questo." (Baby girl, please don't cry. Daddy doesn't like to see you like this.) Antonio mumbled in his native Italian as he rubbed her belly, "do you need your diaper changed?"
His hand patted the diaper, only to find that D/N didn't need a diaper change. Antonio didn't notice Y/N standing in the doorway until he heard her voice speak up.
"Why didn't you wake me up, tesoro?" She muffled her yawn as she leaned her body against the doorway, looking at her husband and her daughter.
Antonio turned around to see Y/N softly smile at the sight of him and D/N together, "you seemed so peaceful while you were sleeping, so I didn't want to wake you up..."
Giggling quietly as possible, Y/N walked up to where Antonio stood and took D/N into her arms. D/N slightly calmed down, but she still cried nonetheless.
"Aww, sweetie, are you hungry?" She asked the little baby as she bounced her, "I'll bring her a bottle, can you hold her while I go get it?" She asked Antonio, who nodded his head and took D/N back in his arms. Y/N kissed D/N on the forehead and kissed Antonio on the cheek before she left the room.
"Alright, I'm back," Y/N walked into the room to find Antonio asleep on the rocking chair, holding D/N in his arms, "and, you're asleep. Okay, I'm not going to mind that..."
She quietly tiptoed to where Antonio was (once again) and helped D/N handle the milk bottle. The little baby felt content as she was not hungry anymore and stopped crying.
"Aww, you were just hungry, weren't you?" Y/N softly laughed as she saw her daughter drink the milk quickly. D/N looked back at her mom with the same blue-green eyes she had inherited from her father and let go of the bottle as soon as she felt full. Y/N took the bottle back in her hands and set it down on the dresser near her.
D/N let out a soft yawn and her adorable face scrunched up as she did, causing Y/N to take the little baby into her arms. "Are you sleepy, principessa?"
She smiled as she walked over to the crib and gently set D/N down inside; carefully and gently wrapping the blanket around her.
"Sleep tight, baby girl," she cooed to her daughter as she pressed a kiss on her forehead before walking over to where Antonio was asleep. "Wake up, you sleepyhead."
The motion of Y/N shaking his shoulders caused him to wake up, immediately worrying where D/N had gone. Y/N held her finger up to her mouth to signal to him to keep quiet.
"Oh, is she asleep?" Antonio whispered as soon as he saw the baby sound asleep in the crib and holding the blanket in her tiny fingers.
Y/N nodded her head as she took his hand in hers and led them both out of the nursery and back to their shared bedroom.
"You sure were asleep when I came back," Y/N giggled to her husband as she snuggled up to his broad chest. She felt his chest rumble as he chuckled and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"It's midnight and I was tired," he defended himself as he stifled a yawn, but it came out of his mouth nonetheless. "I should've woke you up, I'm so sorry..."
"Stop being so cute, will you, Antonio?" She shook her head as he looked at her with puppy-dog eyes as to see if he would forgive her. "You're a grown man, who acts like he's five years old sometimes."
"Hey!" Antonio's hand flew up to his chest and pretended as if he was offended, "you know what, that's actually true."
Y/N laughed quietly as she kissed her husband on the lips once more before she went to sleep, "I love you, mio caro."
"I love you too, il mio amore," Antonio chuckled as he kissed her on the cheek before he fell asleep once more.
Heyyo, I'm back again with another update! It's a little short, I'll admit it, but I think it's good. Keep an eye out for the next one shot, which will be about Charles Leclerc, yep he definitely deserves more love ❤️. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this one shot; have a GREAT rest of your day/night, and I'll see you later! Bye!
- Priya 😀
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