Daniel Ricciardo is BACK🦡

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Lion King: Welcome back, Danny<3

Pro Footballer: Yeah, welcome back!!! You deserve it

Honey Badger: Thanks<3

Honey Badger: Debris I am so sorry...

Debris: It's okay. It was clear anyway.

Gridmum: You deserved more time!! But I am also happy that Daniel is back. Still, Alpha Tauri/Red Bull did this wrong

Debris: It's okay, honestly

Iconic closet: But he can stay in this chat right?

Gridmum: Absolutely!!!

Iconic closet: Yayyyyyyyy

Debris: Thank you!

Pets lover: I am sorry for you Nyck!

Shirtless: Me too

Üüülkenberg: Agree

Mexican Minister of Defence: Same...I'll be the next one to get dropped

Americas only hope: Nah, probably gonna be me

El Plan: Don't say that, Logan!

Gridmum: Stop saying that!!! That's not true. Both of you

Mexican Minister of Defence: It is

Americas only hope: What he says

Pets lover: But you're doing better atm

Americas only hope: Yeah, but still not good enough.

Pets lover: I certainly don't think so

Americas only hope: Rest of Williams doesn't lmao

Tripod: Nyck, I am sorry. You deserved more



Master Chef: You we're a great teammate, Nyck! And even though I am looking forward to working with Daniel, I am going to miss you! You have a great personality and I really hope that you can find a place in a different series. I wish you nothing but the best<3

Debris: Thank you, Yuki! It's been a pleasure working with you!

Gridmum: I wouldn't have summed it up better, Yuki!!

Master Chef: ☺️

Debris: Now I can watch all of the races and gossip better about it. I kinda like it

Iconic closet: True, I am still going to miss you

Traditions: Cute

Iconic closet: Valtteri!!!

Traditions: Hehe

Gridmum: Jesus

Sir Lewis: You called me?


Sir Lewis: Whoops

Milk lover: But Honey Badger...?

Honey Badger: Yes?

Milk lover: Are you still going to check up on Oscar and me every once in a while?

Pastry from down under: You're our big bro...

Honey Badger: Kiddos...

Honey Badger: OBVIOUSLY I will!!!

Milk lover: YAYYYY

Pastry from down under: Wuhuuuu, thanks Danny<3

Honey Badger: <3

Sooo this is probably shit because I literally wrote this on the train while we were cruising through New York💀
But I also could not not write something after Nyck got sacked

I am so sorry for him! I mean, I am happy that Daniel is back but Nyck deserved more time tbh

I still hope you liked this (pretty short) chapter?:)

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