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Day 3. 

Everything is going pretty well. With Cora being the part of The Mantis, they're trying to keep y/n's identity a secret. 

"It's fine Aizawa. i can manage" y/n said. "Are you sure? or should we get her arrested" Ash asked. "I'm very sure, thank you ash" y/n replied. 

"So, what do we do?" Daima asked. "Wait till this Hirikata trip, you can't risk the students again. once it is over, look after Cora, and get information about the group. and we'll finish off the group" y/n suggested. 

"that's not bad either." Ash said. 

"I guess we wait" y/n said grabbing a bottle of orange juice, which bakugo got her addicted to.

A few minutes later, Cora walks in, and the tension in the air is getting very tight. "Hey, Daima and Ash, could you please help me out with the students, it's hard to handle them alone." she asked. They look at each other and hesitated, but to not get suspicious, they nodded and went along with her. 


The teachers along with y/n are in the teachers' lounge now waiting for something to call them. 

Y/n is on the phone texting someone. someone being bakugo, which has got toshinori to look at her closely. Her face looks to interested while she's chatting  on the phone. what is she doing?

Y/N: that's weird

BAKUGO: dunce face said that 

Y/N: you all are playing quiz in the bonfire? that's also weird

BAKUGO: they dragged me into it don't blame me!

Y/N: whats the question

BAKUGO: idk theyre deciding

Y/N: lol 

BAKUGO: you did not just lol me 

Y/N: i did 

BAKUGO: what the fuck happened in [some 100 years ago]

Y/N: is that the question

BAKUGO: are you dumb

Y/N: dont speak like that to me

BAKUGO: yeah yeah. whatever. what happened in hero

history fucking tell me

Y/N: hundred years ago, the villain camps were organized.
villain camps were for people to gather together
to promote social disturbtion and destruction...
she wrote more info to it]

BAKUGO: tf. i cant say that on my own
whats this shit 

Y/N: hold on i'll send you 

BAKUGO: tf u mean

Y/N: im teleporting it.

after writing it down, having her costume till her hands, touching the paper which teleports to bakugo, y/n puts her phone down waiting for his response. 

Bakugo looked at the paper with the explanation on it. he feels so lucky having this girl. 

"yes bakubro! say it!" kirishima said and bakugo opened the folded the paper. 

he made it his best to seem he wasnt cheating. "it was a....villain camp-" and he continued to do that

"bro, that was cheating." kaminari said. "doesn't matter, i fucking answered, so i win!" bakugo yelled. 

"What is that kacchan?" midoriya asked looking at the half crumbled paper. "oh it's the answer." midoriya said. 

"Wait. kacchan can i have that?!" midoriya asked. bakugo gives midoriya a weird look and handed him the paper. 

"oh my god kacchan!" midoriya exclaims in disbelief catching everyone's attention. 

"What is it deku?!" bakugo yelled. 

"Who gave you this?" midoriya asked. "The...hell do you mean?!" he yelled. 

"If i am not wrong, a few months ago, H/n signed her first, one and only autograph. It matches her handwriting completely. and...the ink is fresh. how'd you get it!!" midoriya was obviously freaking out.

"Kacchan! tell me!!" midoriya didn't stop bugging him. Bakugo didn't knew an excuse to make. "what the hell deku! i can't possibly know...h/n." bakugo tries. 

"You're lying kacchan!" midoriya said. "is it true bakugo?" mina asked. "What the fuck! hell no! get away from me nerd. it's not true!!" everyone managed to believe bakugo, and he slid through hard this time...but something was not convincing midoriya. 


"i won" bakugo said to y/n. "see. with my help, you can win" y/n said. 

"L/n! have you seen Ash and Daima?" Vlad king asked, which startled both bakugo and y/n, since they were standing close. Their cheeks turned red.

"uh...they were with...um cora." y/n replied. 'oh please, nothing should happen to them.'

"Where is Cora?" Vlad asked. "I'll find them, if i need your help, i'll ask" Vlad said. "yes. please do" y/n replied and vlad left. 

Y/n sighed. "oh god." she is just hoping this group doesn't start anything right now. a good stratergy was already made in the morning.

"What's wrong, you're stressing out?" bakugo asked. "Oh nothing." y/n showed a little smile. "Are you sure?" he asked and y/n nodded. "Don't worry about me." she replied. "You're hiding something from me." he said. "oh god, katsuki, it's nothing. calm down' y/n said. 

"whatever" he said.

Then they were met with a loud noise, behind them. It was shattered glass. there were so many shattered glass. 

The aura was so different from any other. It was a feeling of being watched, which sent chills up their spines. they didn't dare to move. 

And then y/n swore she saw a pair of red glowing eyes at her. "bakugo" she called out. "yeah" he replied. "go inside." she said. "What? bu-" "go inside!" she whispered-yelled. "Whatever is happening, you can't handle yourself!" he said. 

As y/n is going to utter a word, a feeling builds up, and she taps on the watch. her suit it up, and a barrier of force field. 

that second, a huge mass of glass shatters above them. 

"I'm telling you! go." y/n said. "I can't you leave you alone here!" he said. "am i the pro hero here or you?!" she said teleporting him against his wills. 

Whatever it is, it is waiting for y/n, not anyone else. 

 Y/n teleports inside the teacher's lounge. "Aizawa. there is an attack." she said. "What?!" Aizawa's eyes widened. "Cora?" he asked. "find her, i'll deal with what's outside" y/n said and teleported back outside ready to fight with whatever its.. 

She looked around to find what it was. No sign of the red pair eyes. Y/n looked out for a while. at least 10 to 20 minutes. her gut was telling her it wasn't safe yet. 

That's when y/n heard screams. She went there to find out the students gathered in the warehouse. She got her suit off and slowly approached them, tapping bakugo's arm. He was first ready for attack, but calmed down when he saw y/n. 

"What the hell is happening?!" he asked. "i really don't know. but you all need to go somewhere safe." y/n argued. "What do you mean?!" he asked. "Guys, the door isn't opening!" Mineta was freaking out. "The windows are very tight too!" Jirou said. 

"What do we do now?" half of them were panicking. "I can try to melt it with acid!" mina said. So mina tried, no success. 

Y/n was also half trapped, but you see, she can teleport and now she can't transform in front of all, so she decides to teleport. but wait. why isn't it happening...

"suit teleport" y/n said. 'teleportation unsuccessful.' 

"i can't teleport!" y/n said to bakugo. "oh now we're fucked." bakugo mumbled. 

There was silence. a very weird silence. No one liked this silence, it was a sign of something bad. 

there was someone trying to unlock the door, but midoriya locked it. "g-guys. we can't trust whoever is outside right now..." he explained. but then the banging started getting worse. 

"Oh we know you're in there" a voice spoke up. it was so creepy. goosebumps ran into everyone's skin. 

"It's such a shame, trying to protect them, you've fallen into our trap" that whisper was enough to make mineta wet his pants. 

"open up...l/n" 

"shit shit shit" y/n mentally groaned. now everyone is in danger because of her. "Who is l/n?" todoroki asked. "i don't know..." uraraka replied. "You can't protect them forever." the whisper grew into a ferocious growl which made everyone almost scream. 

The bangs stopped at the door. 

and it grew worse, within a moment. The bangs were like it would break the door any minute now.

Y/n had to do something. either go there and expose yourself, or let them come in and do worse. 

option 1. 

y/n tapped on her watch and her costume comes up to a glove and she goes to the door trying to stop it. 

"suit, apply pressure" she said. 'not enough to hold a wooden door, requires full costume.' 

the glove did somehow help, but not entirely. 

"who is she?" 
"i've never seen her actually..."

"What do you want?!" y/n asked through the door. "You know what we want! come out!" the thing growled. 

"Is she L/n?" 
"none other than her, can confirm it"
"why is she wearing UA uniform?"
"is she a student?" 
"her ID says...2-A, i think..."

the class is really confused right now, but they conclude that she was a part of the class, but they never noticed her. 

Some tried to help her. "Don't be fu- crazy! go and...leave!" y/n managed to say trying to hold the door. "b-but the doors are locked!" kirishima said. "it's...not anymore! Leave i won't be able to hold this for long!" y/n yelled. The class opened the windows, and looked like it was open. Since the door was captured by villain, they were escaping through the windows. 

Midoriya and bakugo hesitated. "A-are you not going to come?!" midoriya asked. "If i do, who is going to save your ass?! go!" she yelled. 

Bakugo looked at her with a desperate face to help her. "Go...please. i can handle this alone" y/n requested.

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